⑴ 求音樂劇《貓》中魔術貓出場時的唱段
⑵ 音樂劇貓,中在最後搖滾貓唱魔術貓的歌叫什麼名字
Magical Mr. Mistoffelees
⑶ 音樂劇《貓》的主要內容是什麼
⑷ 在《貓》音樂劇中,魔術貓出場時的那首歌叫什麼名字
20. 迷斯特弗里斯先生
Rum Tum Tugger:
You ought to ask Mr. Mistoffelees!
The original Conjuring Cat
The greatest magicians have something to learn
From Mr. Mistoffelees conjuring turn
And you'll all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
He is quiet, he is small, he is black
From the ears to the tip of his tail
He can creep through the tiniest crack
He can walk on the narrowest rail
He can pick any card from a pack
He is equally cunning with dice
He is always decieving you into believing
That he's only hunting for mice
He can play any trick with a cork
Or a spoon and a bit of fish paste
If you look for a knife or a fork
And you think it was merely misplaced
You have seen it one moment and then it is gone!
But you find it next week laying out on the lawn
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger:
Well! My manner is vague and aloof
You would think there was nobody shyer
But my voice has been heard on the roof
When I was curled up by the fire
And I've sometimes been heard by the fire
When I was about on the roof
At least they all heard that somebody purred
Which is uncontestable proof of my singular magical powers
And I've known the family to call me in from the garden for hours
When I was asleep in the hall
Rum Tum Tugger:
And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Proced seven kittens right out of a hat
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Proced seven kittens right out of a hat
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the magical Mr. Mistoffelees!
⑸ 歌舞劇《貓》里,魔術貓出場時,搖滾貓為魔術貓唱的那首歌叫什麼名字
⑹ 求 音樂劇《貓》中,搖滾貓為魔術貓唱的那首Mr.mistoffelees的下載!
⑺ 音樂劇《貓》中,每隻貓的特點與性格是什麼急用!!!
領袖貓 Old Deuteronomy老杜特洛內米:代表著智慧、經驗和知書達理。他在貓族中最受尊敬和愛戴,是貓族的首領;
英雄貓 Munkustrap蒙克斯崔普:代表著勇敢、機智和責任心。他性格很嚴肅,看待每件事都非常認真。是貓族的保護者;
搖滾貓 Rum tum tugger若騰塔格:代表著特立獨行、瀟灑和與眾不同。他在貓族中傲視一切,自命不凡,對異性魅力十足。幾乎所有年輕的母貓都對他瘋狂的迷戀。是貓族中最帥的公貓;
魔術貓 Mistoffelees米斯托弗里:代表著能力、敏銳。他擁有無可比擬的魔力。是貓族中本領最高超的貓;
迷人貓 Bombalurina波芭露麗娜:代表著美麗、性感,她在貓族中是成熟女性的代表,她的紅色皮毛顯得份外艷麗,和其他貓相處非常融洽;
純白貓 Victoria維克多利亞:代表著天真、單純和善良。她的純朴本能促使她在貓族中非常樂於幫助弱者,也非常活潑貪玩。
【應 用】:貓,一向被西方人認為是非常有靈氣的動物。每隻貓的形貌不同,它所賦予的特性也不同。每一種特性的貓均可與擁有它的主人休戚相關,因此,每隻傑里柯貓都有其唯一的編號。百老匯音樂劇《貓》是根據英國諾貝爾獎獲得者、著名詩人T.S.艾略特的作品《Old Possum』s Book of Practical Cats》改編的。該劇形象描述了傑里柯貓族中各種各樣的貓,風靡西方世界。
⑻ 音樂劇<貓>中魔術貓那首歌叫什麼
You ought to ask Mr. Mistoffelees! The original conjuring cat
The greatest magicians have something to learn
From Mister Mistoffelees' conjuring turn
And we all say
Oh! Well, I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
He is quiet, he is small, he is black
From his ears to the tip of his tail
He can creep through the tiniest crack
He can walk on the narrowest rail
He can pick any card from a pack
He is equally cunning with dice
He is always deceiving you into believing
That he's only hunting for mice
He can play any trick with a cork
Or a spoon and a bit of fish paste
If you look for a knife or a fork
And you think it is merely misplaced
You have seen it one moment and then it's gone!
But you find it next week lying on the lawn
And we all say
Oh! Well, I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
His manner is vague and aloof
You would think there was nobody shyer
But his voice has been heard on the roof
When he was curled up by the fire
And sometimes he's been heard by the fire
When Ihe was about on the roof
At least they all heard that somebody purred
Which is uncontestable proof of his singular magical powers
And I've known the family to call him in from the garden for hours
While he was asleep in the hall
And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Proced seven kittens right out of a hat
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Proced seven kittens right out of a hat
And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the magical Mr. Mistoffelees!
⑼ 急急急,關於音樂劇貓的簡介。
第一幕 子夜的舞會使貓瘋狂
第二幕 夏天為何遲到,時光怎樣流逝
⑽ 音樂劇貓中文版 中那個被魔術貓變走的那隻貓 叫什麼啊 誰演的 我覺得她演的好棒哦,那個妖勁兒十足