① 走紅地毯的背景輕音樂有哪些 多多益善 急需
寂靜之音 夢花園 幻想交響曲 愛爾蘭畫眉 柔如彩虹 風姿花傳 玫瑰色的人生 慶典進行曲 瓦妮莎的微笑 一分鍾圓舞曲 響宴 抬頭看煙花燦爛 你查查聽試試。。
② 年會有個走紅毯環節,現在求適合的音樂
③ 求適合走紅地毯時播放的背景音樂。
最近喜歡上的,夢中的婚禮 ;還有一首幸福時光
④ 有哪些音樂比較適合小學畢業會上作為背景音樂用的
但是要你會講~~ 這是關鍵..
好像 布希 在西點軍校畢業典禮上所講的話.. 這都可以當歌詞..
A few of you have followed in the path of the perfect West Point graate, Robert E. Lee, who never received a single demerit in four years. Some of you followed in the path of the imperfect graate, Ulysses S. Grant, who had his fair share of demerits, and said the happiest day of his life was "the day I left West Point." (Laughter.) During my college years I guess you could say I was -- (laughter.) During my college years I guess you could say I was a Grant man. (Laughter.)
West Point is guided by tradition, and in honor of the "Golden Children of the Corps," -- -- I will observe one of the traditions you cherish most. As the Commander-in-Chief, I hereby grant amnesty to all cadets who are on restriction for minor conct offenses.Those of you in the end zone might have cheered a little early. (Laughter.) Because, you see, I'm going to let General Lennox define exactly what "minor" means. (Laughter)
We will send diplomats where they are needed, and we will send you, our soldiers, where you're needed. (Applause.)
Today, your last day at West Point, you begin a life of service in a career unlike any other.
From this day forward, it is your challenge, as well, and we will meet this challenge together. (Applause.)
Even in China, leaders are discovering that economic freedom is the only lasting source of national wealth. In time, they will find that social and political freedom is the only true source of national greatness. (Applause.)
⑤ 求適合走紅毯的音樂,謝謝各位了
⑥ 什麼背景音樂適合兒童走秀
January Lemoine - Alison January Lemoine - Dur Dur D'Etre Bebe 這兩首很有感覺。適合大型活動發布會什麼的。一般商演 路演的話可以用 七公主 - Sweet Heart 甜蜜的愛 七公主 - 牛奶歌 東方神起 - 氣球 少女時代 - Show! Show! Show!德語歌曲 - 可愛的鱷魚(童聲版) S Club 7 - Bring It All Back 這些都是我精選出來的。希望你可以採用。
⑦ 適合校園走秀的背景音樂
05.平井堅_one love wonderful world日本(好聽) 人帥歌也好,好象是混血吧? 06.91-backstreet boys - no diggity(featuring dr. dre) 好久沒聽後街唱這么in的歌了 07.kylie minogue--can't get you out of my head 典型的慢搖 08.baby.bash.feat.frankie.j.-.suga.suga.[verycd.com] 節奏比較舒緩的,旋律好棒! 09.dr. dre feat. tupac, dmx, nas - the next episode(prizefighter remix) club必放的一首曲子 10.頭文字d 電影原聲大碟 - 01.ae86 酷酷的rap,強勁的節奏,同專輯中的05.童話破滅也超棒! 11.black eyed peas - my humps 黑眼豆豆的歌好聽不用多說吧!女生rap,歌詞好挑逗的,呵呵 12.gorillaz - feel good inc 好象是蘋果的廣告曲來吧?好不好聽聽了就知道! 13.街頭舞霸-05-bring it on 非常適合做街舞的背景音樂哦,尤其後半部分,酷拉拉的gg們! 14.06.黑鬼饒舌雷鬼慢搖 聽了好想跳舞!好聽好聽!聽~聽~聽~(回聲) 15.hip pop -- missy elliot -- for my people 狂躁性感的音樂,high到極致!u r my fire!的嘶喊! 16.nelly feat jaheim - my place r&b風格,節奏稍慢,flexing! 17.阿姆eminem-03-business好戲上場 送給喜歡rap的酷型ggmm,個人認為是阿姆最好聽的一首! 18.anyclub 就是李孝利和eric,權相佑拍的那個街舞廣告,有2集我知道,走秀除了節奏以外,最重要是配合步點。這裡面幾首都不錯的,你聽聽看,選擇你喜歡的,也很活潑~不要15那首搖滾,其他的都可以!~
⑧ 小學生環保時裝秀的背景音樂有什麼好聽的,節奏感強一點的啊!!!
The magic key.我們這次環保時裝秀就用這個的~~
⑨ 小學生做活動是最適合以什麼音樂做背景
要是純音樂的話 我可以推薦幾首歌!
《卡農》《悲傷還是快樂》《he is a pirate》這是加勒比海盜的插曲很好聽
還有愛麗絲漫遊仙境的插曲《the technicolor phase》還有owl city的《fireflies》
還有咱們中國出名的 笑傲江湖 琴簫合奏!
很多歌呢!主要是看你搞什麼活動啦!你要是多提點要求 我就知道你要什麼歌了!
希望上的能有所幫助!具體什麼活動說一下 我可以再幫你想想!
⑩ 婚禮走紅毯的背景音樂大家幫我推薦幾個
01Brian Culbertson - Our Love
02Kevin Kern - Through The Arbor
03雅尼 - In The Morning Light
04Leandro Aconcha - The Entertainer
05Eddie Higgins - Autumn Leaves
06Bob Acri - Sleep Away
07Bill Evans Trio - B Minor Waltz
08Dj Okawari - Flower Dance
09Dj Okawari - Luv Letter
10July - My Soul
11July - Happiness
12Valentine - A Little Story
13July - 離別的香抄氣
14S.E.N.S. - Refrain
15July - In Love
16李閏珉 - Journey
17李閏珉 - 雨的印記
18磯村由紀子 - 風居住的街道
19Kevin Kern - Sundial Dreams