導航:首頁 > 音樂教學 > 小學畢業感言演講背景音樂


發布時間:2021-03-13 09:09:15

A. 求音樂:小學畢業詩朗誦背景音樂

《放心去飛》、《小小》等 但最主要的是朗誦的內容是什麼。應著內容而定

B. 急求!各位有沒有適合小學生演講時的背景音樂,最好是純音樂鋼琴

你可以去聽一下July的音樂,尤為推薦my soul,他們的其他音樂也很不錯。

C. 畢業感言配樂

士兵突擊的音樂 征途

D. 適合做演講的背景音樂,要7分鍾左右

1、《The Ludlows》:

《The Ludlows》是影片《燃情歲月》的配樂, Horner譜曲,於1994年發行。曲子前段精緻唯美、恬靜淡雅,而後段則充滿悲壯磅礴,動人的旋律將聽者帶入充滿宿命和悲情的境界,牽著你各種感觀,調動你的每一個聽感的細胞。


背景音樂(Background music,簡稱BGM),也稱伴樂、配樂,通常是指在電視劇、電影、動畫、電子游戲、網站中用於調節氣氛的一種音樂,插入於對話之中,能夠增強情感的表達,達到一種讓觀眾身臨其境的感受。另外,在一些公共場合(如酒吧、咖啡廳、商場)播放的音樂也稱背景音樂。

E. 適合演講的背景音樂

適合演講的背景音樂:《雨的印記》、《YOU & ME》、《天空之城》、《月光邊境》、《遠方的寂靜》


雨的印記原名Kiss The Rain,這首曲子出自韓國最擅長描繪愛情的音樂家李閏珉(YIRUMA)之手,寫這首歌的時候,是在一個星星滿天的夜晚,忽然間一場雨,讓YIRUMA有感而發寫下Kiss The Rain這首曲子。


F. 小學生畢業朗誦背景音樂有哪些

《春天在那裡》 《娃哈哈》等

G. 有哪些音樂比較適合小學畢業會上作為背景音樂用的

但是要你會講~~ 這是關鍵..
好像 布希 在西點軍校畢業典禮上所講的話.. 這都可以當歌詞..
A few of you have followed in the path of the perfect West Point graate, Robert E. Lee, who never received a single demerit in four years. Some of you followed in the path of the imperfect graate, Ulysses S. Grant, who had his fair share of demerits, and said the happiest day of his life was "the day I left West Point." (Laughter.) During my college years I guess you could say I was -- (laughter.) During my college years I guess you could say I was a Grant man. (Laughter.)


West Point is guided by tradition, and in honor of the "Golden Children of the Corps," -- -- I will observe one of the traditions you cherish most. As the Commander-in-Chief, I hereby grant amnesty to all cadets who are on restriction for minor conct offenses.Those of you in the end zone might have cheered a little early. (Laughter.) Because, you see, I'm going to let General Lennox define exactly what "minor" means. (Laughter)
We will send diplomats where they are needed, and we will send you, our soldiers, where you're needed. (Applause.)


Today, your last day at West Point, you begin a life of service in a career unlike any other.


From this day forward, it is your challenge, as well, and we will meet this challenge together. (Applause.)


Even in China, leaders are discovering that economic freedom is the only lasting source of national wealth. In time, they will find that social and political freedom is the only true source of national greatness. (Applause.)

H. 一篇畢業演講稿,求背景音樂



I. 畢業演講一般用什麼背景音樂好




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