導航:首頁 > 背景音樂 > zealer背景音樂


發布時間:2021-02-09 05:55:18

1. 這兩個zealer分享的視頻的背景音樂是什麼名字啊http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTc2ODE0NzU2.html

第一個是Luckner ft. Sophie Louise 的time;第二個是lana del rey打雷姐的Young And Beautiful,是專門為電影《了不起的蓋茨比內》寫的,視頻就是電影片容段

2. 求這個視頻裡面的背景音樂http://www.zealer.com/post/558.html


3. 近期「ZEALER | Tips」開頭的背景音樂是什麼

audio jungle的golden coast girls

4. zealer iMac開箱背景音樂求聽力!


5. 求背景音樂http://www.zealer.com/post/118


6. 求該音樂 背景音樂

去酷狗上搜一下Victor Wooten 和shine your way的伴奏這兩首歌,類似你說的這個背景音樂,旋律很像。都是專出自zealer出品屬的。大家也在找這兩首歌曲。你說的那首背景音樂,我再幫你找找。

7. Zealer2.0發布會開場英文歌曲名字是

Leona Lewis
I just cant believe your gone'
still waitin for mornin to come'
when i see if the sun will rise'
in the way that your by my side'
oooo where we had so much in store'
tell me what is it all reaching for'
when were through building memories
il hold yesterday in my heart'
in my heart
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they can take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday
you always choose to stay'
i should be thankful for everyday'

heaven knows what the future holds'
or least where the story goes'
i never believed untill now'
i know il see you again im sure'
no its not selfish to ask for more'
one more night one more day
one more smile on your face
but they cant take yesterday'
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams take everythin'

just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know'
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday.
i thought our days would last forever'
but it wasnt our destiny'
coz in my mind we had so much time'
but i was so wrong'
no i can believe me i can still find the strengh
in the moments we made
im lookin back on yesterday
they can take tomorrow and the plans we made'
they take the music that wel never play'
all the broken dreams take everythin'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday'
they can take the future that wel never know'
they can take the places that we said we will go'
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
just take it away'
but they can never have yesterday.
all the broken dreams'
take everything'
but they can never have yesterday.

8. 求一首背景音樂(zealer 用過的一首BGM)只有歌名,付費也行!


9. 王自如zealer2.0發布會上的開頭那個水墨畫的背景音,聽了洶涌澎湃的那個音樂歌曲叫什麼名字

蝦米音樂里能找到,X-ray dog 《pride and the power》

10. zealer 測評魅族MX2和nexus4結束時播放拍攝花絮時用的背景音樂




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