導航:首頁 > 背景音樂 > 懲罰者2背景音樂


發布時間:2021-02-12 00:13:36

Ⅰ 求 懲罰者2 電影 裡面插曲

不告訴你 分太少了

Ⅱ 求懲罰者2百度雲


Ⅲ 懲罰者2一個預告片的背景音樂

Album: KILL A CELEBRITY (2006)


These are the days of revenge so sweet.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
There is a fear in the air that I have prayed for, for my whole life.
Can you feel it? And do you fear it?
And Malcolm was right:
The hate that we've sown has come home in the night.
So wake up. It's time to die.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
'cause we've reached the end of the lies:

Just take a look at the papers, and your leaders:
they're killers and they're liars.
See what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.
The murders and the terror, they've done it forever
as we sit back and smile at the script that they sell us.

So now they come for me.
So now they come for you.
We didn't hear and now there's nothing we can do.

Ⅳ 懲罰者2 預告片的背景音樂 叫什麼

Album: KILL A CELEBRITY (2006)


These are the days of revenge so sweet.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
There is a fear in the air that I have prayed for, for my whole life.
Can you feel it? And do you fear it?
And Malcolm was right:
The hate that we've sown has come home in the night.
So wake up. It's time to die.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
'cause we've reached the end of the lies:

Just take a look at the papers, and your leaders:
they're killers and they're liars.
See what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.
The murders and the terror, they've done it forever
as we sit back and smile at the script that they sell us.

So now they come for me.
So now they come for you.
We didn't hear and now there's nothing we can do.
我也復制別人的 希望有用

Ⅳ 懲罰者2:戰爭特區的音樂原聲

曲目歌名歌來手曲自目歌名歌手01War ZoneRob Zombie08The Past Is ProofSenses Fail02Final SixSlayer09Butterfly WingsMachines Of Loving CalamitatumRise /-X07Take Me Away7 Days Away14Days Of RevengeRamallah(音樂原聲參考資料來源 )

Ⅵ 電視、電影里的經典背景配音(音樂)

希望可以幫到你: 紅河谷 霸王別姬 肖邦客的救贖 阿甘正傳 亂世佳人 傲慢與偏見 恐怖內片,槍戰片。容科幻片。 《最後的吸血鬼》《重返十七歲》《功夫廚神》《街頭霸王:春麗傳》《頭號公敵》《菲比夢游奇境》《安吉拉懷孕記》《道》《女同志吸血鬼殺手》《絕不投降》《月亮坪的秘密》《床的另一邊》《13號星期五》《熱血高校2》《博物館奇妙夜2》《終結者4:救世軍》《天使與魔鬼》《守望者》《天啟四騎士》《星際迷航11》《十二回合》《死亡幻覺2》《我的血腥情人節3D》《怒火攻心2:高壓電》《異能》《速度與激情4》《金剛狼》《拳霸2》《未知死亡》《地球奶爸》《先知》《隕石墜落》《墨水心》《蝴蝶效應3》《搶劫銀行》《黑夜傳說3》《百貨戰警》《偷天密碼》《我的血腥情人節》《黑皮書》 《即時發生》 《絕魂印》 《浪漫島嶼》 《懲罰者2戰爭特區》 《末日地火》

Ⅶ 懲罰者2 預告片的背景音樂叫什麼~




Ⅷ 能發下懲罰者2:戰爭特區BD中英雙字幕的種子或下載鏈接么


Ⅸ 懲罰者2戰爭特區片尾曲

裡面有首好象是 Slipknot Psychosocial 不知道是不是片尾曲


Ⅹ 電腦游戲 懲罰者的背景音樂 誰有呀




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