導航:首頁 > 背景音樂 > 守株待兔情景劇背景音樂


發布時間:2021-03-05 12:22:58

1. 這個<守株待兔> 音樂劇背景音樂


2. 守株待兔音樂劇的背景音樂是什麼

守株待兔 ( shǒu zhū dài tù ) 解 釋 比喻死守狹隘經驗,不知變通,或抱著僥幸心理妄想不勞而獲。 出 處 先秦·韓非《韓非子·五蠹》:「宋人有耕田者,田中有株,兔也,觸柱折頸而死。」 用 法 連動式;作賓語、定語;含貶義 示 例 明·馮夢龍《古今小說·楊八老越國奇逢》:「妾聞治家以勤儉為本,~,豈是良圖?」 近義詞 刻舟求劍、墨守成規 反義詞 通達權變 燈 謎 柳 典 故 宋國有個農夫正在田裡翻土。突然,他看見有一隻野兔從旁邊的草叢里慌慌張張地竄出來,一頭撞在田邊的樹墩子上,便倒在那兒一動也不動了。農民走過去一看:兔子死了。因為它奔跑的速度太快,把脖子都撞折(shé)了。農民高興極了,他一點力氣沒花,就白撿了一隻又肥又大的野兔。他心想;要是天天都能撿到野兔,日子就好過了。從此,他再也不肯出力氣種地了。每天,他把鋤頭放在身邊,就躺在樹墩子跟前,等待著第二隻、第三隻野兔自己撞到這樹墩子上來。世上哪有那麼多便宜事啊。農民當然沒有再撿到撞死的野兔,而他的田地卻荒蕪了。 [提示] 這是一則膾炙人口的寓言故事。兔子自己撞死在樹墩子上,這是生活中的偶然現象。宋國那個農夫卻把它誤認為是經常發生的必然現象,最後落得個田園荒蕪,一無所獲。不靠自己勤勤懇懇的勞動,而想靠碰好運過日子,是不會有好結果的。我們一定不要做「守株待兔」式的蠢人。 [原文] 宋人有耕田者。田中有株①,兔走觸株②,折頸而死。因釋其耒而守株③,冀復得兔④。兔不可復得,而身為宋國笑⑤。——《韓非子》 [注釋] ①株——露出地面的樹根和樹莖。 ②走——跑,逃跑。 ③耒(lěi)——古代的一種農具,形狀象木叉。 ④翼——希望。 ⑤而身為宋國笑——而他自己卻被宋國人恥笑。

3. 求音樂:守株待兔課本劇


4. 誰那守株待兔的背景音樂帶對話那種。


5. 請問有守株待兔情景劇的背景音樂嗎


6. 我想要守株待兔的背景音樂哦,請你幫忙!!

Eminem - We Made You

eminem - we made you

guess who… you miss me?... jessica simpson sing the chorus

when you walk through the door
it was clear to me (clear to me)
you're the one they adore,
who they came to see (who they came to see)
you're a … rockstar (baby)
everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
player… who can really play you (who can really play you)
we're the ones who (chicka) made you *cough, cough*

back by popular demand
now pop a little zantack for andacity if you can
you're ready to tackle any task that is at hand
how does it feel, is it fantastic, is it grand?
well look at all the massive masses in the stands
shady man… no don't massacre the fans
damn, i think kim kardashians a man
she stumped just cause he asked to put his hands
on her massive glutious maximus again
squeeze it, then squish it, then pass it to her friend
can he come back as nasty as he can
yes he can,can, don't ask me this again
he does not mean to lesbian offend
but lindsay please come back to seeing men
samantha's a 2, youre practically a 10
i know you want me girl,
in fact i see it when i come in girl

when you walk through the door
it was clear to me (clear to me)
you're the one they adore,
who they came to see (who they came to see)
you're a … rockstar (baby)
everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
player… who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
we're the ones who made you

the enforcer, looking for more women to torture
walk up to the cutest girl and charlie horse her
sorry portia, but whats ellen degeneres
have that i don't, are you telling me tenderness?
well i can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman
give me my ventolin inhaler and 2 zenedrin
and i'll invite sarah palin out to dinner then
nail her,'baby say hello to my little friend' brit forget k fed lets cut off the middle man
forget him or your gona end up in hospital again
and this time it wont be for the riddle and binge
forget them other men, girl pay them little attention
a little bit did i mention, that jennifer's in love with me john mayer
so sit on the bench
man i swear them other guys you give em an inch
they take a mile, they got style bigger than slim

when you walk through the door
it was clear to me (clear to me)
you're the one they adore,
who they came to see (who they came to see)
you're a … rockstar (baby)
everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
player… who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
were the ones who made you

and that's why… my love
you'll never live without ,
i know you want me girl cause i can see you checking me out
and baby, you know, you know you want me too
don't try to deny it baby, i'm the only one for you

damn girl im beginning to sprout an alphalpha
why should i wash my filthy mouth out
you think that's bad you sh

7. 我要排守株待兔的課本劇,但是找的視頻的背景音樂很亂,怎麼可以把音樂弄的清晰一些或者誰有原版的清晰的


8. 成語故事守株待兔配音樂


【拼音】:shǒu zhū dài tù



【示例】:吾料兄必定出身報國,豈是~之輩。 ★明·許仲琳《封神演義》第九十四




【英文】:stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it--trust to chance and windfalls


【法文】:attendre le lièvre sous l'arbre

【德文】:nǎrrisch auf eine einmalige,nie wiederkehrende Chance warten




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