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發布時間:2021-01-25 14:41:23

㈠ 皇帝的新裝英文版

do not feel natural. He believed that he was not afraid, but still feel that send a person to have a look to the progress of the work situation is more appropriate. All the people heard of this, there is a wonderful power, so people are eager to take this opportunity to test if their neighbors: how stupid, or how silly. " I will send my honest old minister to the weavers there to." Thought the emperor," he most see this cloth is what, because he is very sensible, is competent this said, who also not him." The good old minister to the two cheats house, see they are the empty loom on the busy work. " May God have mercy on me!" the old minister to think, he put his eyes in particular," I did not see anything!" but he did not dare to say this export to. The two cheats asked him to come a little closer, while pointing to the empty looms asked him two pattern is it right? Very beautiful, very beautiful color is it right?. Poor old minister eyes grew bigger, still can't see anything, because it is really nothing. " My God!" he thought," am I stupid? I never doubted himself. This point must not let anyone know. I am not qualified? No! I must not let people know I cannot see the cloth." " Hey, you a piece of advice is no?" the liar is a weaving. " Oh, wonderful! That's wonderful!" the old minister says, the side from his glasses, look carefully," what a beautiful pattern! How beautiful! Yes, I will be reported to the emperor, I on the cloth was very satisfied." " Well, we listened very glad." The two cheats said all. So they put color and rare patterns described in some, also plus some noun. The old minister listened attentively to the emperor, so that there can still recite it. In fact he did. The two swindlers asked for more money, more silk and gold, that is required for weaving. They put all these things into the pocket. Soon after, the emperor sent another honest officials to look at the work of the. The official luck than the first one is not a minister: he looked and





㈢ 女神新裝英文歌曲

應采兒 UB40 的 Every Breath You Take
張藍心 Ruelle 的 Monsters
周韋彤 Selena Gomez 的 Stars Dance
郭碧婷 John Legend 的 All of Me
尹恩惠 Twinbed 的 Trouble I'm In
結尾 Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith - La La La

㈣ 找一首英文歌,最近比較火的,挺新的,是女生唱的,MV里有個肌肉男脫了衣服在除草的



㈤ 想找一些好聽的粵語歌,要90後的。在給一些好聽的英文歌。

2.容祖兒 - 《一直看見天使》《綠野仙蹤》

3.朱韻詩 - 《聽見》

4.衛蘭 - 《心有不甘》《你的眼神》《殘酷游戲》

5.馮曦妤 - 《如果…陽光》

6.梁詠琪 - 《夏花秋葉》

7.張敬軒&王菀之 - 《高八度》

8.鄧麗欣 - 《命運之鑰》

9.李蘊 - 《無心對峙》

10.海明威 - 《一拖再拖》

11.洪卓立 - 《你好嗎?》

12.鍾嘉欣&鄭融 - 《愛得起》

13.梁俊軒&唐寧 - 《咫尺之間》

14.劉欣宜&李蘊 - 《mister》

15.戴夢夢 - 《愛承諾》(串燒歌)

16.hotcha - 《屈尾十》

17.泳兒 - 《不可預見,只可遇見》

18.鄭秀文 - 《信者得愛》

19.鍾舒漫 - 《童話國》

20.陳興瑜 - 《偷心的小子》

21.陳慧琳 - 《前世》

22.陳奕迅 - 《一絲不掛》

23.謝安琪 - 《雨過天陰》

24.關心妍 - 《重新出發》

25.關菊英 - 《萬千寵愛》

26.馬浚偉 - 《心竅》

27.容祖兒 - 《破相》《代替》

28.樂瞳&陸永 - 《干物女皇》



余文樂 - 《失戀博物館》《還你門匙》《司機》
方力申 - 《在你遙遠的附近》《無雙譜》《abc君》《就是這么愛你》《脆弱的石頭》
譚耀文 - 《全靠我沒有》
麥浚龍 - 《有人》《耿耿於懷》《沒有人》《如果可以待你好》
林峰 - 《如果時間來到》
梁漢文 - 《我的命運》《好朋友》《纏綿游戲》
林峰 - 《記得忘記》《如果時間來到》
關楚耀 - 《倒數》
Cheers - 《十年約會》
鄧健泓 - 《朋友二號》《心寒》
謝霆鋒 - 《如果只得一星期》
林保怡 - 《愛不出口》
洪卓立 - 《目前》《彌敦道》
鄭中基 - 《人若然忘記了愛》《無賴》
boy`z - 《總有一站愛上你》《跟蹤你》
張敬軒 - 《餘震》《酷愛》
Shine - 《避雨》《十八相送》
陳柏宇 - 《車匙》
古天樂 - 《吻得到愛不到》《天命最高》《天真》
陳司翰 - 《愛情最強》
呂方 - 《聽不到的說話》《求你講清楚》
張智霖 - 《相愛無夢》《十指緊扣》《愛情已死》《祝君好》
陳偉霆 - 《今天終於知道錯》
李克勤 - 《一生不變》《合久必婚》《公主太子》
黃凱芹 - 《雨中的戀人們》
張衛健 - 《身體健康》
郭富城 - 《強》《臨睡前吻你一次》《風里秘密》
側田 - 《男人ktv》
陳曉東 - 《心的接觸》
鄭伊健 - 《一對對》《情是這樣美》《感激我遇見)(劇場版)
陳奕迅 - 《孤兒仔》《天下無雙》《天佑愛人》
羅嘉良 - 《仍然在痛》
古巨基 - 《愛與誠》《愛得太遲》《傷追人》《大熊》
許志安 - 《昨遲人》《一步一生》


鄧麗欣 - 《let it flow》《盡興》《七夕》《他不準我哭》《電燈膽》
劉思惠 - 《i wanna be》
張柏芝 - 《一直掛念》《不一樣的我》《目的地》留給最愛的說話》《任何天氣》
Colourful Tea(七色茶) - 《戀情駕到》
泳兒 - 《給我一個家》《還是覺得你最好》
2R - 《我們的合唱歌》《二人新裝》《第29天》
Phoenix Yeung & Iris Wu - 《一步一傾心》
twins - 《眼紅紅》《精選》《梨渦淺笑》《相愛六年》》《戀愛大過天》
Hotcha - 《唯一的你》《你的味道》
cookise - 《眼淺》《信心爆棚》《cookise》《派對動物》
virgo - 《織女星》
陳慧琳 - 《最愛演唱會》《有福氣》《他約我去迪士尼》《紅眼睛》
容祖兒 - 《世上只有》《明日恩典》《怯》《再見我的初戀》《心花怒放》《一直看見天使》
王菀之 - 《巴黎沒有摩天輪》《月亮說》
薛凱琪 - 《奇洛李維斯的回信》《甜蜜蜜》《慕容雪》《趕》
衛蘭 - 《越幫越忙》《心有不甘》
李彩樺 - 《I Love You My Baby》《分手物語》《不必偷窺你》《從今不愛你》《愛一個人原來不容易》《深呼吸》
梁詠琪 - 《today》《一天一天》《愛自己》《限期》《嫌棄》
陳文媛 - 《一流》《野種子》《天橋》《調味人生》
周麗淇 - 《好人難做》《可惜他有女朋友》《迎接失戀》《越愛越怕追》《螢火蟲》
葉佩雯 - 《我不相信》
梁洛施 - 《眼淚的好戲》《聽話》
彭羚 - 《小玩意》《無人駕駛》《上海寶貝》
楊千樺 - 《快樂與哀愁》《再見二丁目》《煉金術》《小星星》
鄭融 - 《紅綠燈》《終生學習》《紅花會》
林嘉欣 - 《視而不見》《六樓後座》
傅穎 - 《身體語言》《第一顆流星》
林志美 - 《愛是不保留》
林嘉欣 - 《戀之風景》《視而不見》《六樓後座》
陳文媛.李蘢怡 - 《時光中飛舞》
吳雨霏 - 《座右銘》《愛是最大權利》《明知做戲》
鄧穎芝 - 《等半天》《苦情人》
趙頌茹 - 《大孩子》《1000次幸福》《發奮》
謝安琪 - 《祝英台》《鍾無艷》
鄧麗欣.傅穎 - 《親朋勿友》
鄧麗欣.吳雨霏 - 《偏愛》
盧巧音 - 《三國志》《風鈴》
關心妍 - 《我太強》
3T - 《旋轉樂園》

㈥ 找一首歌,歌名好像是國王的新裝還是國王的什麼, 是一個男的唱的,和童話故事差不多,開頭好像是古老的

國王的新歌 游鴻明

㈦ 皇帝的新裝英文版加翻譯

Once upon a time,there was an emperor who loved wearing different clothes every day.從前,有一個熱愛每天都穿不同服裝的皇帝。One day,two cheats came into the country and said that they can provide a beautiful new clothe for the emperor.一天,兩個騙子來到了這座國家並聲稱他們可以給皇帝提供一件美麗的新服裝。They said that the clothe was so special that people couldn』t see it unless they were clever.他們說這件服裝太特殊了以至於人們不能看到,除非他們是聰明的。In fact,they wanted to keep some of the emperor』s treasure for themselves,and they'll use nothing to make it.事實上,他們想要把皇帝的一些財富占為己有,並且他們不將用材料來製作。However,the emperor believed them without thinking twice and give them many golds and silks.然而,皇帝沒有多想就相信了他們並給了他們許多金幣和絲綢。After they finished making the clothe,they told the emperor. 在他們做完新服裝後,他們告訴了皇帝。Then he took off all the clothes he wore and put on the new one.然後他脫光了他穿著的衣服並穿上了新服裝。When the emperor saw himself in front of the mirror,he only saw his underwear.當皇帝在鏡子前看到他自己時,他只看到了他的內褲。
He didn』t want other people to know he』s a stupid emperor,so he told the cheats that the new clothe was very beautiful.他不想要別人知道他是一個愚蠢的皇帝,所以他告訴騙子新服裝非常美麗。After that,he walked through the most noisy street in the country to show people with his new clothe.之後,他步行穿過了國內最繁華的街道來給人們展示他的新服裝。Although they didn』t see his new clothe,they all said that it was so wonderful because nobody wanted to sound stupid.盡管他們沒有看到他的新服裝,他們卻都說新服裝太精美了因為沒人想要聽起來愚蠢。But at last,a little boy told everyone about the truth bravely,"Look!The emperor isn』t wear any clothes at all!"但是最後,一個小男孩勇敢地向人們說出了事實:"看!皇帝根本沒有穿任何衣服!"Then the emperor felt completely shocked and realized that he was cheated.然後皇帝徹底的感到震驚並意識到他被騙了。But to people』s surprise,he kept having the activity more seriously until it overed.但是令人們吃驚的是,他卻更加嚴肅地堅持把活動舉行到結束。



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