音樂方面那叫電音不叫DJ。DJ是職業不是音樂,打碟的職業,是Disco Jockey的縮寫專。土嗨說的DJ音樂實際上是電音。建屬議你去城市的夜店看看,打碟的就是DJ。只是希望大家不要再把電音叫成DJ,真的太土嗨了。國內之所以有那麼多土嗨把電音叫成DJ是因為,電音是由DJ們製作的,而早期國人的英文實在是太爛太爛了,又沒幾個人知道DJ是個職業,把電音錯誤叫成DJ主要還是誤導誤傳。如果你這樣都聽不懂什麼叫DJ是職業不是音樂並且別把電音叫成DJ的話,就不用追問我了。
B. 求一首DJ歌曲 一直是噔噔噔噔噔噔噔 噔噔噔噔噔噔噔 節奏感歡快有力 中間有DJ DJ的聲音 就是噔
C. 求此DJ裡面的兩首歌曲,
D. 求綠野仙蹤DJ 裡麵包含的所有歌曲名字
Nadiya - Si Loin De Vous (Hey Oh... Par la Radio)
Paps 'N' Skar - Get It On
E. 《DJ舞曲串燒—群星》裡面所有歌曲的名字
1.第幾次離開我 2.香飄飄 3.愛我就別傷害我 4.為誰憔悴 5.捉泥鰍(music) 6.隱形的翅膀 7.吉祥三寶 8.星樓的星座內 9.老公PK老婆 10.沒有你以後容 11.不願放開你的手12.求佛 13.哭著眼睛說拜拜 14.月亮代表我的心
F. 至尊無賴dj全部歌曲列表
1、《來天空》 蔡依林 2、《一源個人的星光》許靜嵐 3、《淚的告白》日文的,也有中文版的。我聽了哭了好多回 。實在是很感人。——如果誰失戀就聽這個吧 4、《everytime》小甜甜布蘭妮的,也是我最喜歡的一首。聽的話心情會比較好點,如果不喜歡英文可以下s.h.e的《別說對不起》跟那一個調 5、《如果我沒有愛過》誰唱的我忘了,反正也很悲傷!《雙魚座》 張娜拉這個是韓文的,很好聽,挺夢幻的 下面的是10大傷感的歌曲,很經典: 第10名:葉子-阿桑 阿桑獨特的嗓音,把一首傷感歌曲演繹的淋漓盡至,沙沙啞啞的聲線正適合觸動你感情的那敏感的一根弦。 第9名:say forever-gogo
G. 這個DJ歌很好聽,請問這個歌叫什麼名字啊
歌手:DJ Sanny J. Vs. Nuclear Noises Ft. Micky B.
DJ Sanny J. Vs. Nuclear Noises Ft. Micky B.
Na na na na...
Notes that come
Notes that come
Notes that comes from my heart
Na na na na...
A day, maybe not too far
I'll get to find my right way and I want to dance!
I guess in a rhythm that can move you
That can shake you, that can make you dancing!
A day, maybe not too far
I'll get to find my right way and I want to dance!
I guess in a rhythm that can move you
That can shake you, that can make you dancing!
Notes that comes from my heart
Written with the passion, it's time to be connection!
I try to give you the emotion
That i'm not to explain you
But you can listen it!!!
Notes that comes from my heart
Written with the passion, it's time to be connection!
I try to give you the emotion
That i'm not to explain you
But you can listen it!!!
Na na na na...
A day, maybe not too far
I'll get to find my right way and I want to dance!
I guess in a rhythm that can move you
That can shake you, that can make you dancing!
A day, maybe not too far
I'll get to find my right way and I want to dance!
I guess in a rhythm that can move you
That can shake you, that can make you dancing!
Notes that comes from my heart
Written with the passion, it's time to be connection!
I try to give you the emotion
That i'm not to explain you
But you can listen it!!!
Notes that comes from my heart
Written with the passion, it's time to be connection!
I try to give you the emotion
That i'm not to explain you
But you can listen it!!!
Notes that come
Notes that comes from my heart
H. Dj棠仔最後一首串燒,裡面全部單曲歌名邊個有,