❶ 寫英語的時候聽歌有什麼不好
❷ 流行音樂的缺點用英文
the drawback of pop music
❸ 怎麼用聽音樂的辦法學英語
歌詞是詩的語言,音簡意明,節奏明快,鏗鏘有力。學歌詞就是最有效的語音練習。唱英語歌講究咬詞、吐字清晰,以字帶唱,並需要省音、連續等語音知識。這就需要歌唱者特別注意語音、聲調。如兒童歌曲London』s Buming全曲只有四句:London』s burning,London』s burning.Fetchthe engines,the engines.Fire!Fire!Fire!Fire!Pour Onwater,Pour On lwater.這首歌寫的是1666年倫敦的大火,廖廖數句就把眾人救火的場面刻畫出來,且句子流暢、易讀。通過學這種歌詞,重音、重讀、連讀、節奏等許多語音難點都得到了訓練,語音語調也會得到更大的提高。
「it's not the big things, but the little things」此句中的兩個「THE」同是弱讀。
「and i've had many years of grace」,中的 「 I』ve 」 為連讀。
「i wanna thank you for what you've done」中的wanna(上文已提到)和「you』ve」的弱讀連讀。
「just how to walk without your hand」中的「without your
「 'cause mom you always were」中,mom 和you ,you 和always ,always和were.都是連讀。
(3) 唱歌學詞彙
學唱歌是加深記憶的好辦法。英文歌曲詞彙簡煉,意味深長,有許多流行的「時髦詞」和地道的表達法,也可以擴大詞彙量。如獲1996年Grammy獎的「One Sweet Day」一首歌中有這樣的歌詞:「I know eventually we'11 be together…」,你會逐漸了解到eventually是event的副詞形式,只要你記住了此歌詞,eventually這個詞你也許會終生難忘。
(4) 唱歌學句型和語法
學唱歌也可以學習許多句型,這樣的例子不勝枚舉,如在「I Swear」這首歌詞中,有這樣的句子:I Swear,like the shadow that』s by your.又比如:You give me wings,making mefly.You touch my head and could touch the sky.還有there be句型:There is place in your heart.
而語法呢?英文歌曲包含了各種各樣的語法現象,學生學習唱英文,會絲毫沒感到這是在學習語法,枯燥難記的語法用藝術形式再現,會使人印象極為深刻,一旦記不準,只需將歌唱一遍,就會准確無誤。將來進行時是一個不易掌握的語法;但在Richard Marx的「Right Here Waiting」中有這樣詞「I』ll be right there waiting for you」,這不是一句很好的例子嗎?只要舉一反三,對於將來進行時便會融匯貫通了!
(5) 唱歌學文化
有些歌的產生有一定的時代背景,學唱這些歌曲,不但學習語言,還可以學到一定的歷史文化知識和社會背景知識.如學唱Joe Hill的歌,I dream l saw Joe Hill last night alive as you andme….歌曲充滿了對Joe Hill的懷念。通過樣的歌曲,可以了解到JoeHill組織工人罷工,在獄中歌曲,最後英勇就義,我們對JoeHill的欽佩油然而生。
❹ 聽音樂的好處的英語作文
Music is a port of my life.(音樂是我生活中的一部分。)
1. to use music and music therapy to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension.
2. Brain Waves: music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state.
3. Breathing and Heart Rate: breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health.
4. State of Mind: Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind.
5. Other Benefits: lowering blood pressure, boost immunity, ease muscle tension.
6. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning.
7. Mood boost: plugging in to your favourite music could help melt away a bad mood.
8. Focus: if we help our cortex to proce faster beta waves, we will be better equipped to concentrate and focus our attention.
9. Pick up the pace: Listening to certain music could actually help you run faster.
10. De-stress:Tuning in to one of your favourite songs can be incredibly soothing and help to rece anxiety.
❺ 大學英語作文 邊寫作業邊聽歌的利與弊
It is not uncommon to see some students listening to music while doing homework. This phenomenon does reflect a thought-provking learning sight.
Undoubtedly, this learning form has both advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand,there is no denying that music will somewhat help to relex people and improve you study efficience. According to the research,listening to some light music will promote the accuracy of solving problems. On the other hand, a good many students admit that they listen to songs while study only for fun, it does no good to their study.Once immersed in the music ,students feel rtluctant to study.They just can not concentrate.
In my opinion, we should listen to the songs in a reasonable way. We can make it a way to releax ourselves before or after study in order to acquire efficient learning.But we should concerate on the study without thinking anything else.Only in this way can we attain the goal of study.
❻ 英語作文 課間聽音樂的利弊
The beginning of the 21st century see the rise of portable entertainment utilities ranging from game devices to music players, playing a more and more indispensible role in modern people's life, especially for teenagers. It is widely seen that students with their earsets on all the time, even at school. However there are always disputes ensuing such a new trend.
Listening music after class, though preferable to most students since they offer a contrast, comfortable experience against vapid and ll classes, does little benefit to health. Statisitcs have shown that overexposure to music, especially with a inappropiately adjusted volume, would result in eternal mayhem in people's hearing. What's more, the widespread fashion of rock,pop and dance music, whose energetic rhythms enthrall most young people, would largely distract students' concentration from their classes.
Maybe the best compromise is the proper selection of music style(light,classical music does appear far better for your hearing protection ), prudent constrain of time spent on listening to music and other moderate control of sets like volumes, so as to satisfy teenagers' appetite and avert substantial impact on their health and study.
❼ 聽音樂的好處 英文
1. to use music and music therapy to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension.
2. Brain Waves: music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state.
3. Breathing and Heart Rate: breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. greatly promoting not only relaxation, but health.
4. State of Mind: Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind.
5. Other Benefits: lowering blood pressure, boost immunity, ease muscle tension.
6. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning.
7. Mood boost: plugging in to your favourite music could help melt away a bad mood.
8. Focus: if we help our cortex to proce faster beta waves, we will be better equipped to concentrate and focus our attention.
9. Pick up the pace: Listening to certain music could actually help you run faster.
10. De-stress:Tuning in to one of your favourite songs can be incredibly soothing and help to rece anxiety.
❽ 英語作文 流行音樂的利弊 要帶翻譯的
Pop music is now most girls who pursues, pop music he can make people feel happy, also explain his influence, the students think listening to pop music, give the parents need money to buy an MP3 player, long time listening music, which affected students study result, makes the parents worried.
Pop music he can make you happy, but if you grasp the bad and will affect your achievements, the advantages and disadvantages of you want to measure his good
❾ 流行音樂的缺點有什麼,請用英文簡要概括
It won't be popular all the time.What it makes is a short influence to people and it will be forget easily .It's too easy to make sense.people who prefer listening popular music just in order to have a good time but it won't go on long time.
❿ 關於聽音樂的利弊 英語作文
nowadays, many people like listening music through MP3 palyer, which caused different opinions about it. some people argue that listening music is quite enjoyful, for they can relax themselves after a long time work. meanwhile, some say that it is very cool when you wearing the earphones, even some people listen music in the class. well, in my view, listening music itself is useful, but we need control ourselves especially in the class, because we should understand we are still students, and our major aim is to study.