A. 音樂有趣小故事
蝌蚪合唱團的奪冠曲American Pie
本次青歌組合型大賽第一名——蝌蚪合唱團的奪冠曲——音樂故事,原名American Pie
1971年,一直默默無聞的美國民謠歌手Don McLean(唐·麥克林)在靈感泉涌中寫下了一首超長的歌曲《American Pie》(美國派),不僅使他一夜成名,而且把他和他的這首作品一直流傳到了21世紀的今天。
《American Pie》堪稱一首史詩式的作品,縱觀全球樂壇,能將一首長達8分34秒的歌曲唱得不僅不讓人生厭,還讓人們津津樂道並傳頌幾十年的現象可謂少之又少,而唐·麥克林和他的《American Pie》就做到了,如果作品裡沒有引人入勝的敘事性、沒有內蘊幽遠的深刻性,很難相信人們真會傻獃獃地將這么長的時間消耗在一首歌曲里。
《American Pie》是用音樂記錄美國六十年代歷史的一首史詩,沒有春風得意的贊美,也沒有針鋒相對的批判,有的只是在輕快的民謠節奏中娓娓地道來——那裡面有整整一個時代美國人所見、所思、所想,以及所經歷的往事,而事實上正是這樣不帶主觀評述的質朴歌聲,最終打動了一代又一代的美國人,甚至是美國以外的人。
a long long time ago
i can still remember how that music used to make me smile
and i knew if i had my chance
that i could make those people dance
and maybe they'd be happy for a while.
but february made me shiver
with every paper i'd deliver
bad news on the doorstep
i couldn't take one more step
i can't remember if i cried
when i read about his widowed bride
but something touched me deep inside
the day the music died
so bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
did you write the book of love
and do you have faith in god above
if the bible tells you so
do you believe in rock 'n roll
can music save your mortal soul
and can you teach me how to dance real slow
well, i know that you're in love with him
'cause i saw you dancin' in the gym
you both kicked off your shoes
man, i dig those rhythm and blues
i was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
with a pink carnation and a pickup truck
but i knew i was out of luck
the day the music died
i started singin'
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
now for ten years we've been on our own
and moss grows fat on a rollin' stone
but that's not how it used to be
when the jester sang for the king and queen
in a coat he borrowed from james dean
and a voice that came from you and me
oh, and while the king was looking down
the jester stole his thorny crown
the courtroom was adjourned
no verdict was returned
and while lennon read a book of marx
the quartet practiced in the park
and we sang dirges in the dark
the day the music died
we were singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
helter skelter in a summer swelter
the byrds flew off with a fallout shelter
eight miles high and falling fast
it landed foul out on the grass
the players tried for a forward pass
with the jester on the sidelines in a cast
now the half-time air was sweet perfume
while the sergeants played a marching tune
we all got up to dance
oh, but we never got the chance
'cause the players tried to take the field
the marching band refused to yield
do you recall what was revealed
the day the music died
we started singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
oh, and there we were all in one place
a generation lost in space
with no time left to start again
so come on, jack be nimble, jack be quick
jack flash sat on a candlestick
'cause fire is the devil's only friend
oh, and as i watched him on the stage
my hands were clenched in fists of rage
no angel born in hell
could break that satan's spell
and as the flames climbed high into the night
to light the sacrifical rite
i saw satan laughing with delight
the day the music died
he was singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
i met a girl who sang the blues
and i asked her for some happy news
but she just smiled and turned away
i went down to the sacred store
where i'd heard the music years before
but the man there said the music wouldn't play
and in the streets the children screamed
the lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
but not a word was spoken
the church bells all were broken
and the three men i admire most
the father, son and the holy ghost
they caught the last train for the coast
the day the music died
and they were singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
they were singing bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
B. 小蘑菇的故事續寫
小蘑菇是相聲大師常寶堃的藝名。出生於張家口。父親常連安,藝名「小鑫 奎」,原在富連成科班學戲,後以變戲法謀生。
C. 有關音樂的故事
D. 適合講故事的背景音樂
《雨的印記》、《Luv Letter》情書、《天空之城》。
這首曲子出自韓國最擅長描繪愛情的音樂家李閏珉(YIRUMA)之手,寫這首歌的時候,是在一個星星滿天的夜晚,忽然間一場雨,讓YIRUMA有感而發寫下Kiss The Rain這首曲子。
E. 踩姑娘的小蘑菇的歌曲簡介
專輯首首金曲 往日回憶重現
F. 怎麼聽歌編故事(語文作業) 聽音樂,編一個小故事.要勵志的歌.
G. 小蘑菇隊奧爾夫音樂
1 紅色飾品—— 紅色飾品是以約500碼的直徑掃描圈內,如果有蘑菇,顯形。 2 紅色飾品內升級容後的大紅飾品。—— 大紅飾品是出現一個10s的真視,走到哪,在你周圍的蘑菇顯形。 3 真眼。————周圍1000碼范圍如果有蘑菇顯形。 4 黃色飾品升級後的大黃飾品。
H. 大蘑菇小蘑菇編一個童話故事
《冰雪女皇》內容抄簡介:冰雪皇後為了解除下在自己身上的咒語,帶走了卡伊,小噶爾達歷經千辛萬苦,找到了冰雪皇後的宮殿,救出了自己的朋友,回到了日夜思念他們的奶奶身邊。 在生活中,我們或許會遇到一些困難,我們的朋友也會遇到一些麻煩。這時需要我們用一顆善良而熱情的心去面對,就像噶爾達那樣堅持到底,那麼好多困難都會消融掉,留給我們的會是一個美麗的結局。 《跳蚤與教授》內容簡介:這是一個跳蚤與教授通過自己的智慧成功離開野人國的故事,這個故事告訴我們要樹立自己的理想,並且為了這個理想,要一直堅持不懈,不畏艱辛,充分發揮自己的聰明才智和特長,只有這樣才能實現自己的理想的。
I. 急需故事「小蘑菇有朋友啦」
教師:陳思 活動目的:1、學習故事《小蘑菇有朋友啦》,理解故事含義,懂得團結小朋友。 2、豐富詞彙:孤零零、高興、傷心、朋友 活動重難點:理解故事含義,懂得團結友愛,互相幫助。 活動准備:多媒體課件、掛圖、頭飾(蝴蝶、蜜蜂、螞蟻、花、蘑菇)、詞卡 活動過程: 一、組織教學 《拍手歌》組織幼兒坐好。 師生相互問好! 二、導入 1、教師以KITTY貓身份出示,為小朋友准備了一個好聽的故事。「HELLO,小朋友們好,我是誰呀?今天我給你們帶來一個好禮物——好聽的故事,想聽嗎?」 三、新授 1、教師操作課件,幼兒聽故事一遍。「那今天我們來聽聽這是個什麼樣的故事呢,但是在聽故事之前我有要求,要求小朋友們聽的時候認真的聽,並且告訴我這個故事叫什麼名字,故事中都有誰?」幼兒聽完故事後回答。 2、 出示掛圖及卡片,邊出示邊講故事。 「天氣棒極了,森林裡可熱鬧了……可是有一隻蘑菇卻(孤零零)的站在那裡,這時爬來了一隻小螞蟻……」 提問:A.蘑菇看到小螞蟻,小蜜蜂,小蝴蝶都對他們說了些什麼?那他們同意了嗎?小螞蟻怎麼說的?小蜜蜂和蝴蝶又怎麼說? B.過一會下雨了,蜜蜂和蝴蝶找花避雨,花同意了嗎?花為什麼不同意? C.小蘑菇是怎麼對蜜蜂和蝴蝶說的?那螞蟻呢? 3、 引出詞彙 「噓!蘑菇寶寶有小秘密要告訴小朋友,想不想聽?可是這些秘密都藏在這幾個問題里,小朋友有沒有信心揭開這些秘密?」當幼兒回答對問題里的詞彙後就出示詞卡教幼兒理解,讀。 提問:A.小朋友一個人在家的時候,沒有家人會覺得怎樣?那小蘑菇呢?小朋友在什麼時候覺得孤零零?(引出孤零零) B.小朋友你家裡有沒有養小動物?那如果家裡的小動物生病了你會怎樣?(傷心) C.當你受到老師表揚的時候你會覺得心裡怎樣?(高興)你有什麼高興的事情給我們一起分享? D.你告訴我你的好朋友是誰?(朋友) 4、 小結小朋友之間要團結友愛,互相幫助,學習小蘑菇。 5、 課中操 6、 情景表演 「今天小朋友們玩得可開心了,我也來變個魔術送給小朋友們一些禮物,看我魔術變變變!哇,這么漂亮的禮物小朋友們快戴上。」 幼兒戴頭飾根據故事內容表演這個故事。 四、游戲:找朋友結束 本文轉自:中小學教育資源站( http://www.edown.net )原文鏈接: http://www.edown.net/teacher/jiaoan/youer/200703/12073.html