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發布時間:2021-02-03 08:42:20

❶ 上次看奧多姆的湖人隊十佳球,背景音樂很好聽,不知道叫什麼


❷ 視頻-科比巧做嫁衣送妙傳 奧多姆心領神會空切暴扣的背景音樂是什麼

take u down~~~~需要的話我穿給你~~~~

❸ 麥蒂十大左手暴扣 突破飛俠暴扣奧多姆背景音樂

你好,你要找的是不是《without me》-eminem

❹ 視頻- 聲色NBA 第9期之爆米花 奧多姆堪稱囧神背景音樂名字

絕對是Sean Kingston 的 Letting Go

❺ 求一首最新nba背景音樂(『鳥人』安德森蓋奧多姆那個視頻里的)

你最好上一個視頻 單憑一句不完整的歌詞很難猜。

❻ 求NBA官網奧多姆視頻背景音樂

Green Day的Holiday肯定是

❼ 新浪NBA紀念湖人舊將奧多姆在湖人的最佳10球的背景視頻,裡面的背景音樂是什麼歌

young jeezy-put on

❽ 腦殘奧多姆那個視頻的背景音樂叫什麼名字

歌名:Because I Got High
歌手:afroman (http://mp3..com/singerlist/afroman.html)
專輯:The Good Times

I was gonna clean my room until I got high
I was gonna get up and find tha broom but then I got high
my room is still messed up and I know why
why man -cause I got high

I was gonna go to class before I got high
I could have cheated and I could have passed but then I got hiiigh
Now i'm taking it next semester and I know why
why man -cause I was high

I was gonna go to work but then I got high
I just got a new promotion but I got high
now i'm selling dope and i know why
why man -cause I was high

I was gonna go to court but then I got high
I was gonna pay my child support but I was high
Now they took my whole paycheck and I know why
hey hey -caues I was high

I wasn't gonna run from the cops but I was high
I was gonna pull right over and stop but I was high
Now I a paraplegic and I know why
hey hey -cause I was high

I was gonna pay my car note until I got high
I wasn't gonna gamble on tha boat but then I got high
Now tha tow truck is pullin away and I know why
why man hey hey -cause I was high

I was gonna make love to u then I got high
I was gonna eat your cobbler too but then I got high
Now I jackin off and I know why
hey hey -cause i was high

I messed up my entire life cause i got high
I lost my kids and wife cause i got hiiigh
now i'm sleeping on tha sidewalk and i know why
-cause i was high

Now i'ma stop singing this song because i'm high
i'm singing the whole thing wrong cause i'm high
and if i don't sell one i'll know why
-cause i was high


❾ 【奇葩問】求3段視頻——2個NBA搞笑視頻,1個吉諾比利的。同時求背景音樂(內詳)


❿ 奧多姆專輯的背景音樂是什麼




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