導航:首頁 > 主流音樂 > 美劇情婦插曲


發布時間:2021-01-15 21:52:20

⑴ 美劇情婦第一季第一集開頭背景音樂是什麼

Starstruck by Santigold

⑵ 美劇《Mistresses情婦/春心盪漾》第一集片頭配樂


⑶ 美劇情婦第13集也就是結局那集第35分左右(大家在醫院看薩維的時候)插曲叫什麼名字

Gin Wigmore - Saturday Smile

⑷ 美劇情婦片尾曲

主題曲:If I had a heart-Fever Ray

⑸ 春心盪漾[情婦]美劇第一季插曲

 I'm Not Okay by Trent Dabbs

 Saturday Smile by Gin Wigmore

⑹ 求美劇(Mistresses情婦/春心盪漾)第一季第三集40分鍾左右時的插曲

是 'Cat Power' 演唱的 《Nicolas Jaar Remix》。

⑺ 美劇情婦第一季最後一集最後的歌曲叫什麼

歌名 You will never know me
歌手 Rachel starshine robinson

⑻ 美劇 情婦 所有的插曲~都是什麼


⑼ 美劇情婦第12集插曲

歌名 You will never know me

歌手 Rachel starshine robinson




You will never know me like I know me like I know me
And I wish that you could show me how your heart works
I will never know you like you know you like you know you
And I wish that I could show you how my heart hurts

Take these things in stride
And keep it all inside
If no one ever shows
Then no one ever knows

He was such a pretty man
With long long arms to wrap me in
I wanted to come back again
And feel his skin upon my skin
But oh with all my best laid plans
His perfect brow, his gorgeous hands
Just barely even touched me
But to leave his mark upon my heart and

You will never know me like I know me like I know me
And I wish that you could show me how your heart aches
I will never know you like you know you like you know you
And I wish that I could show you how my heart breaks

Take these things in stride
And push the pain aside
If no one ever knows
Then no one ever goes

It was just a dream I had
To soothe me when I made it bad
To skip the sorrow and the sad
Is that so hard to understand?
I trip the light fantastic so
You meet me there and off we go
And caution to the wild wind
We fall and hit the ground again and

I will never know me like you know me like you know me
And I wish that you could show me how my love feels
You will never know you like I know you like I know you
And I wish that I could show you how your love heals

Take these things in stride
And let your heart be wide
If no one ever goes
Then no one ever grows....

La da da etc...

⑽ 美劇情婦結局是什麼




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