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❶ 魔戒歌曲



這首曲子的詞來自托爾金的原著fellowship of the ring的第三章Three is Company這里



Upon the hearth the fire is red,
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet,
Still round the corner we may meet
A sudden tree or standing stone
That none have seen but we alone.
Tree and flower and leaf and grass,
Let them pass! Let them pass!
Hill and water under sky,
Pass them by! Pass them by!

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Towards the Moon or to the Sun.
Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,
Let them go! Let them go!
Sand and stone and pool and dell,
Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Then world behind and home ahead,
We』ll wander back to home and bed.
Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade! Away shall fade!
Fire and lamp, and meat and bread,
And then to bed! And then to bed!



Home is behind
The world ahead
And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow
To the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade


❷ 指環王三部曲!所有的!!!背景音樂!!!全的!!!


Disc: 1
01. The Prophecy
02. Concerning Hobbits
03. The Shadow of the Past
04. The Treason of Isengard
05. The Black Rider
06. At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
07. A Knife in the Dark
08. Flight to the Ford
09. Many Meetings
10. The Council Of Elrond featuring Aniron (Theme For Aragorn And Arwen) - Enya
11. The Ring Goes South
12. A Journey in the Dark
13. The Bridge of Khazad Dum
14. Lothlorien - Howard Shore
15. The Great River
16. Amon Hen
17. The Breaking of the Fellowship
18. May It Be - Enya


01. Foundations of Stone
02. The Taming of Smiagol
03. The Riders of Rohan
04. The Passage of the Marshes
05. The Uruk-Hai
06. The King of the Golden Hall
07. The Black Gate Is Closed
08. Evenstar - Isabel Bayrakdarian
09. The White Rider
10. Treebeard
11. The Leave Taking
12. Helm's Deep
13. The Forbidden Pool
14. Breath of Life
15. The Hornburg
16. Forth Eorlingas
17. Isengard Unleashed
18. Samwise the Brave
19. Gollum's Song-Emiliana Torrini

Disc: 3

01. A Storm Is Coming
02. Hope and Memory
03. Minas Tirith
04. The White Tree
05. The Steward of Gondor
06. Minas Morgul
07. The Ride of the Rohirrim
08. Twilight and Shadow
09. Cirith Ungol
10. Andzril
11. Shelob's Lair
12. Ash and Smoke
13. The Fields of the Pelennor
14. Hope Falls
15. The Black Gate Opens
16. The End of All Things
17. The Return of the King
18. The Grey Havens
19. Into the West - Annie Lennox

❸ 求《魔戒》中的一首很有名的插曲

胡說,聖盔谷之役勝利是The Hornburg,在前半截開頭
白城的勝利是沒有主題音樂的,只有希爾版頓之死,和梅里權皮平的重逢,除非是羅漢騎兵出現時的The Return of King八成就是這個
最後黑門的勝利是,我不知道你增么算的,如果是加冕的話就是第二個,如果是巴拉爾塔的倒塌那就是The End of All Things,在後半截,你得耐心

❹ 跪求魔戒1-3部中的所有插曲名字

請問你要找的音樂是哪一部的?本人最喜歡第一部里《Concerning Hobbits

❺ 跪求電影魔戒三部曲中的所有背景音樂,插曲,主題曲

1. A Storm Is Coming
2. Hope and Memory
3. Minas Tirith - Ben del Maestro
4. The White Tree
5. The Steward of Gondor - Billy Boyd
6. Minas Morgul
7. The Ride of the Rohirrim
8. Twilight and Shadow - Renee Fleming
9. Cirith Ungol
10. Anril
11. Shelob's Lair
12. Ash and Smoke
13. The Fields of the Pelennor
14. Hope Fails
15. The Black Gate Opens - James Galway
16. The End of All Things - Renee Fleming
17. The Return of the King - Viggo Mortensen
18. The Grey Havens - James Galway
19. Into the West - Annie Lennox

❻ 誰有魔戒中最好聽的插曲

Concerning Hobbits
The Breaking Of The Fellowship
The Return of The King
May It Be
Into The West

❼ 求指環王中所有的歌曲

the prophecy
the council of elrond
May it be
the breaking of the fellowship (in dreams)
isengard unleashed(the ents)
golloum's song
the missing
breath of life
forth eorlingas
minas tirith
the steward of gondor
twilight and shadow
the black gate opens
the end of all things
the return of the king
into the west
the breaking of the fellowship
may it be
the council of elrond
gollum's song
minas tirith
the steward of gondor
the return of the king
into the west

❽ 求《魔戒三部曲》中插曲下載

應該是「May It Be」和「Aniron 」吧!~~
May It Be

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Morni? ut¨²li? (Quenya: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Morni? ut¨²li? (Quenya: Darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way

Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now



O mor henion i dhu
Ely siriar, el sila
Ai! Aniron Undomiel

Tiro! El eria e mor
I lir en el luitha uren
Ai! Aniron…



❾ 魔戒3插曲里的那首曲叫什麼名字

名字叫:The Steward of Gondor 原聲大碟中第5首,前面有一段悠遠凄美的類似管弦樂,法拉米爾率部下在白城走過出征的那段配樂,然後是雄壯的一段樂曲他出城迎敵那一段,然後就是你所提到的那段 霍比特人的歌唱: Home is behind the world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow to the edge of night Until the stars are all alight Mist and shadow cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade… 個人覺得整個魔戒三原聲帶都相當不錯. 我自己整個原聲帶哪下的,忘記了 這里有這首 http://vip.muzone.cn/FiftyString/TheStewardOfGondor.mp3 如果你感覺不怎麼好,可以在我的網路里留言給我個郵箱什麼的我發給你,我這里有原聲。 還有你所說的 完整版,我這里說一下 原著里的完整版,電影歌詞選用的是原著里一首霍比特人歌詞,在第一部、第三章里: Upon the hearth the fire is red, Beneath the roof there is a bed; But not yet weary are our feet, Still round the corner we may meet A sudden tree or standing stone That none have seen but we alone. Tree and flower and leaf and grass, Let them pass! Let them pass! Hill and water under sky, Pass them by! Pass them by! Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate, And though we pass them by today, Tomorrow we may come this way And take the hidden paths that run Towards the Moon or to the Sun. Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe, Let them go! Let them go! Sand and stone and pool and dell, Fare you well! Fare you well! Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight. Then world behind and home ahead, We』ll wander back to home and bed. Mist and twilight, cloud and shade, Away shall fade! Away shall fade! Fire and lamp, and meat and bread, And then to bed! And then to bed!




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