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發布時間:2021-02-01 18:15:53

❶ ~~~~ABC音樂文件的問題~~~~~~~急。。在線等~~~

我搜了一下,網上有說下載一個 lotro abc player的應用程序就可以播放的。但我沒版有搜到這個程序,聽權說可能谷歌可以搜到你試試看。
另外。有一個應用程序叫abc player的,是可以播放ABC音樂文件的,你也試試看。

❷ abc兒歌背景純音樂

ABC是傑克遜少兒時期jackson5組合中非常經典的的一首歌 You went to school to learn, girl你去學校學習,女孩 Things you never, never knew before你從來不知道的東西 I before E except after C And why two plus two makes four為什麼2加2等於4 Now, now, now I'm gonna teach you現在,我開始教你 Teach you, teach you教你,教你 All about love, dear, all about love全部是愛 Sit yourself down, take a seat找個椅子坐下 All you gotta do is repeat after me你要做的就是跟我讀 A B C, easy as one, two, three abc像123一樣簡單 Are simple as do re mi也像do re mi A B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girl abc 123寶貝,你和我 A B C, easy as one, two, three Are simple as do re mi A B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girl Come on,let me love you just a little bit來吧,讓我愛你僅僅一點 Come on, let me love you just a little bit I'm a gonna teach how to sing it out我來教你怎樣唱出來 Come on, come on, come on來吧 Let me show you what it's all about讓我展示給你全部 Reading and writing arithmetic讀寫算術 Are the branches of the learning tree是學習的基礎 But listen without the roots of love every day, girl但是每天聽卻沒有愛 Your ecation ain't complete你的學習還不完整 T-t-t-teacher's gonna show you, show you, show you老師將要告訴你 How to get an A, spell me, you, add the two怎樣得a,拼me加2 Listen to me baby, that's all you gotta do聽我的寶貝,只是你全部要做的 A B C is easy as one, two, three Are simple as do re mi A B C, one, two, three, baby, you and me girl A B C is easy as like counting up to three abc像數到三一樣簡單 Sing a simple melody唱一個簡單的旋律 That's how easy love can be就像愛一樣簡單 That's how easy love can be Sing a simple melody One, two, three, you and me Sit down girl, I think I love ya坐下女孩,我想我愛你 No, get up girl, show me what you can do我,起來女孩,向我展示你可以做什麼 Shake it, shake it, baby, come on now搖動它 Shake it, shake it, baby, ooh, ooh Shake it, shake it, baby, huh One, two, three, baby, ooh, ooh A B C baby now now Do re mi baby now That's how easy love can be A B C is easy as like counting up to three Sing a simple melody That's how easy love can be I'm a gonna teach you how to sing it out Come on, come on, come on Let me show you what it's all about A B C is easy as like counting up to three Sing a simple melody That's how easy love can be I'm a gonna teach you how to sing it out Come on, come on, come on Let me show you what it's all about A B C is easy, it's like counting up to three Sing a simple melody That's how easy love can be I'm a gonna teach you how to Sing it out, sing it out, sing it out, sing it out A B C is easy it's like counting up to three Sing a simple melody That's how easy love can be

❸ 急求最新人教版三年級英語上冊ABCsong 歌曲mp3

打開qq音樂,搜索 26個英文字母歌

❹ abc 少年隊 mp3


❺ abc字母歌曲兒歌








❻ 求方力申ABC君。MP3下載

密碼:6u4k 請及時保存

❼ 劉德華 唱過的有關ABC的歌曲 求歌曲的名字

歌名就叫ABCDE 下面是下載地址,看看是不是你想專要屬的!


❽ 小學三年級有關ABC的英語歌曲全名叫什麼,有沒有試聽或者下載


❾ 求ABC格式音樂文件或者網址 再或者 成品MIDI音樂文件或網址...




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