❶ 哪位大神有海綿寶寶的goofy goober rock的吉他譜,跪求
❷ 有大佬有海綿寶寶片尾曲雙吉他譜嗎
《Sweet Victory Lyrics》 The winner takes all, it;s the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall will never sacrifice their will. Don;t ever look back on the wind closin姬丁灌股弒噶鬼拴邯莖g in. The only attack were their wings on the wind. Oh, the daydream begins. And it;s sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And it;s ours for the taking, it;s ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And the world is ours to follow. Sweet, sweet, sweet victory. 酷狗音版樂上有誒權
❸ 海綿寶寶吉他譜
《滴答》 《海闊天空》 《故鄉》 《喜歡你》 《那些年》 《Someone Like You》 迴音哥《海綿寶寶
❹ 求《海綿寶寶》吉他譜
迴音哥 海綿寶寶 吉他譜 http://www.tan-jita.com/jitapu/liuxianjitapu/jitatanchangpu/4881.html
❺ 求《海綿寶寶》的吉他譜!!!完整版!帶前奏的
補充,我是個初學者。謝謝 ...
❻ 海綿寶寶吉他譜,我是新手,不怎麼會,越簡單越好
海綿寶寶是什麼歌 主題歌??你是民謠還是古典?
❼ 用吉他怎麼彈海棉寶寶這首歌
❽ 海綿寶寶吉他譜,是動畫片的那個片尾曲不是迴音哥的