導航:首頁 > 主流音樂 > 夫妻雙雙把家還廣場舞mp3


發布時間:2021-02-08 08:46:28

㈠ 夫妻雙雙把家還英文完整版 求mp3下載

With pairs of birds singing on the tree So green rivers and mounts look great Picking a flower off conveniently I put it in my dear』 chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough and I will make some textile I shoulder water you do some watering while Being so humble, our house can keep out wind A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink Couple of us is just like that of mandarin cks Flying wing to wing in the people』s world with good luck 這是歌詞 好象沒有這個歌的MP3哈

㈡ 找 黃梅戲 夫妻雙雙把家還 英文版mp3下載地址如題 謝謝了

英文版 Tianxianpei With pairs of birds singing on the tree So green rivers and mounts look great Picking a flower off conveniently I put it in my dear』s chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough and I will make some textile I shoulder water you do some watering while Being so humble, our house can keep out wind A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink Couple of us is just like that of mandarin cks Flying wing to wing in the people』s world with good luck 中文版: 《天仙配》 樹上的鳥兒成雙對, 綠水青山帶笑顏。 隨手摘下花一朵, 我與娘子帶發間。 從今不再受那奴役苦, 夫妻雙雙把家還。 你耕田來我織布, 我挑水來你澆園。 寒窯雖破能避風雨, 夫妻恩愛苦也甜。 你我好比鴛鴦鳥, 比翼雙飛在人間。

㈢ 一首黃梅戲《夫妻雙雙把家還》改編的歌曲是春節喜慶歌曲,調調一樣的!


㈣ 跪求英文版的夫妻雙雙把家還~!要MP3格式的~!

With pairs of birds singing on the tree
So green rivers and mounts look great
Picking a flower off conveniently
I put it in my dear』s chignon affectionately
From now on being of enslaving-free
My wife and I are on the way home free
You may plough and I will make some textile
I shoulder water you do some watering while
Being so humble, our house can keep out wind
A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink
Couple of us is just like that of mandarin cks
Flying wing to wing in the people』s world with good luck
這是歌詞 好象沒有這個歌的MP3哈


㈥ 誰有夫妻雙雙把家還的MP3下載


㈦ 英文版夫妻雙雙把家還 mp3英文版

With pairs of birds singing on the tree
So green rivers and mounts look great
Picking a flower off conveniently
I put it in my dear』s chignon affectionately
From now on being of enslaving-free
My wife and I are on the way home free
You may plough and I will make some textile
I shoulder water you do some watering while
Being so humble, our house can keep out wind
A loving couple regards poverty as honey to drink
Couple of us is just like that of mandarin cks
Flying wing to wing in the people』s world with good luck
這是歌詞 好象沒有這個歌的MP3哈

㈧ 求夫妻雙雙把家還童麗VS王浩版的伴奏MP3格式的


㈨ 老媽想要我幫她從網上下載一些舞蹈視頻,小白楊、夫妻雙雙把家還之類的廣場舞,誰有鏈接啊




㈩ 怎麼下不到卓依婷的夫妻雙雙把家還MP3

要是還下載不到,就發個郵件給我傳給你好了,[email protected]



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