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發布時間:2021-02-19 23:59:17

A. dj歐美開頭是是小男孩笑聲 關於購物的

大概是這首吧。。 Thrift Shop是Macklemore和Ryan Lewis共同演唱的一首歌曲 Thrift Shop(中文譯名舊貨店) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (feat. Wanz) Hey Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping? 嘿,Macklemore! 我們要去趟二手店嗎? What, what, what , what, what, what, what... 神,神,神,神,神馬…… I'm gonna pop some tags, 哥想要去揮霍一下 Only got twenty dollars in my pocket 哎喲我擦 口袋裡只有20美元 I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up, 我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送來好貨色 this is fucking awesome 這件真是屌爆 Walk into the club like what up? I got a big cock 走進夜店 哥就像個大雞巴 神氣十足 I'm just pumped up off some shit from the thrift shop 哥這么拽 是因為剛從舊貨店淘了了幾件寶貝 Ice on the fringe is so damn frosty 衣邊還鑲了鑽 他媽的酷斃了 The people like "Damn, that's a cold ass honky" 見到我的人都說 哇靠 這白屌真酷 Rolling in hella deep, headed to the mezzanine 我穿過人群 走向包廂 Dressed in all pink except my gator shoes, those are green 除了我的鱷魚皮是綠色的 全身粉紅 Draped in a leopard mink, girl standing next to me 我披著貂皮大衣 身邊美女如雲 Probably shoulda washed this, smells like R.Kelly sheets, piss 不過這件衣服應該哪去洗洗 聞起來就像是R.Kelly的床單 But shit, it was 99 cents, buy it, 但是我擦 這件只要99美分 買鳥 Coppin' it, washin' it, 'bout to go and get some compliments 洗洗再熨下 走出去大家就以為你是個闊佬 passing up on those moccasins Someone else has been walking in, 那鹿皮皮鞋就算了 不知被什麼人穿過 bummy and grudgy, fucking it 又臟又臭 我勒個去 I am stunting and plus it is 我現在英氣逼人 saving money and I'm hella happy That's a bargain bitch, 省了不少錢又稱心 太特么機智了 I'mma take your grandpa style I'mma take your grandpa style, 我就像你大爺 我就像你大爺 no for real, ask your grandpa 真的 去問下你爺爺 Can i have his hand–me–downs? Thank u 他的舊衣物可不可以送我 先謝了 Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers 天鵝絨連衣褲和幾雙拖鞋 Dookie Brown leather jacket that I found digging 棕色皮夾克 這些都是我的菜 They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard 這舊貨店還有個電子琴 我買下了 I bought a skeet blanket, then I bought a knee board 最後還拿了張舊毛毯和一個滑水板 Hello, hello, my ace man, my Miller 哈嘍 我的上帝 John Wayne ain't got nothing on my fringe game, hell no 當年的約翰韋恩完全不如我現在氣派 I could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those 我可以買下這些Pro Wing鞋 翻新後高價賣出 The sneaker heads would be like "Ah, he got the Velcros" 屌絲們都贊嘆不已 哇 他的鞋真牛逼奧 I'm gonna pop some tags, 哥想去揮霍一下 only got twenty dollars in my pocket 可是口袋裡只有20刀 I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up, 我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送來好貨色 this is fucking awesome 這件真是略屌 What you know about rocking a wolf on your noggin? 你可知道你身上那條狼有多神氣 What you knowing about wearing a fur fox skin? 你可知道穿著狐皮大衣的感覺 I'm digging, I'm digging, I'm searching right through that luggage 我淘 我淘 我把那箱子翻了個遍 One man's trash, that's another man's come up 有錢人丟棄的垃圾 就是窮人們的寶貝 舊貨店MV截圖 Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button up shirt 謝謝你大爺捐出這件格子襯衫 'Cause right now, I'm up in here stunting 因為我正穿著它博人眼球 I'm at the Goodwill, you can find me in the Uptons 我在慈善舊貨店 你可以在舊貨攤找到我 I'm that sucker, sucker searching in the section 我就是那二貨 正在二手區淘貨 Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy 感謝你的奶奶 你的姑姑 你的媽媽 I'll take those flannel zebra jammies, second hand and 我要買下這二手法蘭絨斑馬紋睡衣 I'll rock that motherfucker 干他娘的 我穿著它到處顯擺 They built a onsie with the socks on the motherfucker 干他娘的 還是那種從頭到腳的連體睡衣 I hit the party and they stop in that motherfucker 干他娘的 我現身夜店 他們都盯著我的睡衣 They be like "Oh that Gucci, that's hella tight" 他們都說 古馳的噢 真心不錯 I'm like "Yo, that's only fifty dollars for a t–shirt" 我說 哈 這襯衫就花了50美刀 Limited edition, let's do some simple addition 絕對限量版 讓我們來算算 Fifty dollars for a t–shirt, that's just some ignorant bitch shit 50刀一件的T恤 尼瑪坑粗翔 我擦 I call that getting swindled and pimped, shit 我說他們純屬欺詐 我操 I call that getting tricked by business, 我說他們都是奸商 that shirt's hella dough 哪有這么貴的襯衫 And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don't 而這夜店有6個屌絲都穿著你那同款的襯衫 Peep game, come take a look through my telescope 提高眼光 學習我的眼光淘貨 Trying to get girls from a brand? Then you hella won't, 你還想用名牌勾搭妹子 那你大錯特錯 then you hella won't 哥們 你大錯特錯 (Goodwill... poppin' tags... yeah!) 做慈善 穿名牌 太棒了 I'm gonna pop some tags, 哥想去揮霍下 only got twenty dollars in my pocket 可我的口袋裡只有20刀 I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up, 我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送來好貨色 this is fucking awesome 這件真心屌爆 I wear your granddad's clothes, 我穿著你爺爺的衣服 I look incredible 我看起來就是高帥富 I wear your granddad's clothes, 我穿著你爺爺的衣服 I look incredible 我看起來就是高帥富 I'm in this big ass coat 這穿著從舊貨店 from that thrift shop down the road 淘來的大衣走上這條街 I'm gonna pop some tags, 我想穿些名牌貨 only got twenty dollars in my pocket 可我的口袋裡只有20刀 I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up, 我 我 我守株待兔 盼有人送來好貨色 this is fucking awesome 這件真他媽賊棒 Is that your grandma's coat? 這大衣是你奶奶的嗎? –––––––––––––––––––––––

B. 誰知道這歌名字叫什麼 稚嫩童聲 dj 說唱歌曲,中間有小孩子笑聲好可愛

法語童聲慢搖La Lune- lunie http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/OI6_nOiu6yE/

C. 求一首哈哈哈哈笑聲的DJ歌曲


D. 一首開頭是男生笑聲的DJ

I'm tight with you


E. 求一首嬰兒笑聲組合起來的DJ

mp3鈴聲 舞曲內藏寶寶笑聲 DJ舞曲 http://y.z52.net/MP3鈴聲/舞曲內藏寶寶笑聲-DJ舞曲.mp3

F. 那首dj搖滾音樂中間有小孩笑聲 還有一開始就在叫啊啊 是D J搖滾音樂


G. 求俏皮的有孩子笑聲的音樂 或者活潑的歌曲和輕音樂




H. 求幾首帶有笑聲的DJ嗨曲。

東方好萊塢 明星舞會-3的TV LOVER電視迷 猛士的士高第二集的ONE MORE TIME再來玩一次

I. 開頭有笑聲的dj叫什麼

DJ Bl3nd ? 他的Mix裡面,都會夾雜著他那標志性的詭異笑聲音效。希望能幫到你。

J. 有首歌開頭輕快的節奏幾秒就有個小孩子的笑聲那首歌的dj叫什麼




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