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⑵ 湛江dj強仔皇冠中文懷舊經典老歌第一首歌叫什麼
歌名:You Are Not Along
作曲:德國作曲家Joon-Young Choi
honey, there is something you refuse to know
I don' t need a man to draw my heart
stop come, leave me every second every single tiny piece
stop to think you can feel this cold
you can't pushing pushing but you can have more
should you try to let me breathing
let me live the way I want
sure, you are not, the one, I used to dream about
we are sure, you are someone to break me down
you are not, the one, I used to dream about
we are sure, you are someone to break me down
歌曲地址 http://i.y.qq.com/v8/playsong.html?hostuin=82560654&songmid=002zjM4V0aEbYM&appshare=android_qq&type=0&platform=11&appsongtype=1&_wv=1&source=qq