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① 演奏了中國傳統的樂曲的英文

Playing the Chinese traditional music

② 英語高手 中國民間音樂的英語介紹

Generalized that a national folk-style songs, folk songs refers to the narrow folk songs. Folk songs in the folk songs from generation to generation widespread, is the most popular form of music is that the public verbal creativity, and constantly enrich the spread of the crystallization of the collective wisdom, it will be very distinctive national characteristics and local color. China has a long history, vast territory and large population and the nation, so long folk songs, a broad array. Folk music Xilian concise language, music, image vivid, colorful performance practices in China is in the treasure trove of folk music an important component.

Contemporary music by the popular genre of: Labor, the son of folk song. Minor.

Folk Songs (Folk) originally refers to the traditional songs of each nation, each nation's original inhabitants since they have / have ancient songs, most of these songs do not know who the author is, and oral communication, a Chuan Shi Shi Chuan 100, passed down from generation to generation-date. But today we are talking about folk songs (Folk), the pop songs that are the folk songs (Folk), referring to the main wood for the guitar accompaniment of musical instruments, natural frank manner singing, we sing the kind of simple life experience songs.


③ 誰能告訴我一些有關於中國古典音樂的英文介紹啊~~


琵琶 The pipa - is a plucked Chinese string instrument. Sometimes called the Chinese lute, the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years of history in China, and belongs to the plucked category of instruments

古箏 guzheng - is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments.

揚琴 yangqin - is a Chinese hammered lcimer originally from Persia (modern-day Iran). It used to be written with the characters

長笛就是 Flute


gao shan liu shui高山流水 meaning high mountains and flowing waters

Shi mian Mai fu十面埋伏 meaning ambush from ten direction

Er quan ying yue二泉映月 meaning the second moon-reflecting spring


Chinese classical music is the traditional art or court music of China. It has a long history stretching for more than three thousand years. It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres.

Chinese music is pentatonic-diatonic, having a scale of twelve notes to an octave (5+7 = 12) as does European-influenced music.
Music of China appears to date back to the dawn of Chinese civilization, and documents and artifacts provide evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as the Zhou Dynasty (1122 BC - 256 BC).

According to Mencius, a ruler had asked Mencius whether it was moral if he preferred pop songs to the classics. The answer was that the only thing matters being whether or not he loved his subjects.

The Imperial Music Bureau, first established in the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), was greatly expanded under the Emperor Han Wu Di (140-87 BC) and charged with supervising court music and military music and determining what folk music would be officially recognized. In subsequent dynasties, the development of Chinese music was strongly influenced by foreign music, especially that of Central Asia.

Traditional orchestral instruments

* Woodwind and percussion
o dizi, sheng, paigu, gong, paixiao, guan, bells, cymbals
* Bowed strings
o erhu, zhonghu, dahu, banhu, jinghu, gaohu, gehu, yehu, cizhonghu, diyingehu, leiqin
* Plucked and struck strings
o guqin, sanxian, yangqin, zheng, ruan, konghou, liuqin, pipa, zhu

Chinese vocal music has traditionally been sung in a thin, nonresonant voice or in falsetto and is usually solo rather than choral. All traditional Chinese music is melodic rather than harmonic. Chinese vocal music probably developed from sung poems and verses with music.

Instrumental music

Instrumental pieces played on an erhu or dizi are popular, and are often available outside of China, but qin, pipa and zheng music, which are more traditional, are more popular in China itself. The qin is perhaps the national instrument of China, and its virtuosos are stars. These include Zha Fuxi, Wu Wen'guang, Lin Youren, Wu Jinglue, Wu Zhaoji, Guan Pinghu, Zhang Zijian, Li Xiangting and Gong Yi. The zheng, a form of zither, is most popular in Henan, Chaozhou, Hakka and Shandong. The pipa, a kind of lute, believed to have been introced from the Arabian Peninsula area ring the 6th century and improved, is most popular in Shanghai and surrounding areas.


Chinese opera has been hugely popular for centuries, especially Beijing opera. The music is often guttural with high-pitched vocals, usually accompanied by suona, jinghu, other kinds of string instruments, and percussion. Other types of opera include clapper opera, Pingju, Cantonese opera, puppet opera, Kunqu, Sichuan opera, Qinqiang, ritual masked opera and Huangmei xi.

④ 中國傳統音樂的英文怎麼說

Chinese traditional music

⑤ 求英語高手翻譯中國民間音樂

Generalized that a national folk-style songs, folk songs refers narrowly folk songs. Folk songs in the folk songs generations widespread, is the most popular form of music, is the public verbal creativity, and constantly enrich the spread of the crystallization of the collective wisdom, it will be very distinctive national characteristics and local color. China has a long history, vast territory and large population and the nation, so long folk songs, a broad array. Folk music language concise洗練, music image vivid, colorful performance practices, China's treasure trove of folk music in an important component.

Common contemporary music in general breakdown by Genre: labor, the son of folk song. Minor.

Folk songs (Folk) originally refers to the traditional songs of each nation, each people of the original pioneers since they are / have ancient songs, most of these songs do not know who the author, and verbal communication, a Chuan十十-100, and handed down from generation to generation-date. But today we are talking about folk songs (Folk), are mostly referring to the popular folk song (Folk), referring to the mainly wooden guitar for accompaniment musical instruments, natural frank approach to singing, we sing the kind of simple life experience songs.

⑥ 所有的音樂類型的名稱(英語名稱)

Classical music: 古典音樂
Pop music: 流行音樂
Blues: 藍調歌曲,憂郁音樂
Rock & Roll: 搖滾樂
Jazz: 爵士樂
Orchestral music:管弦樂隊音樂
Contemporary music: 現代音樂
再具體話就是:打擊樂 percussion
吹打樂 ensemble of wind and percussion instruments
吹奏樂;管樂 wind music / band music

合奏樂 part music
管弦樂 orchestral music
弦樂 stringed music
絲竹樂 sizhuyue,stringed and woodwind instruments
琴樂 keyboard music
軍樂 martial music
室內樂 chamber music
器樂 instrumental music
聲樂 vocal music
交響樂 symphony

古典音樂 classical music
流行音樂 pop music
搖滾樂 rock and roll / rock
民間音樂 folk music
民族音樂 ethnic music
民歌搖滾樂 folk rock
爵士樂 jazz
鄉土爵士樂 funk
重金屬音樂 heavy metal
藍調;布魯斯 blues

節奏與藍調音樂 rhythm and blues (R & B)
靈魂音樂 soul Gospel music
搖擺樂 seing
爵士搖擺樂 boogie rock
爵士搖滾樂 rock jazz
迪斯科流行樂 disco
鄉村音樂 country music
打擊樂 rap
瑞格音樂 Reggae
新世紀音樂 New Age music


音樂是反映人類現實生活情感的一種藝術(英名稱:music;法文名稱: musique;義大利文:musica)。


⑦ 中國樂器有哪些(英語


1、horse head string instrument:馬頭琴。英 [hɔ:s hed striŋ ˈinstrumənt],美 [hɔrs hɛd strɪŋ ˈɪnstrəmənt]。是一種兩弦的弦樂器,有梯形的琴身和雕刻成馬頭形狀的琴柄,為蒙古族人民喜愛的樂器。

2、urheen:二胡。英 ['ɜ:hi:n],美 ['ɜ:hi:n]。始於唐朝,稱「奚琴」,至今已有一千多年的歷史。是一種中國傳統拉弦樂器。二胡,即二弦胡琴,又名「南胡」、「嗡子」,二胡是中華民族樂器家族中主要的弓弦樂器(擦弦樂器)之一。

3、lcimer:揚琴。英 [ˈdʌlsɪmə(r)],美 [ˈdʌlsəmɚ] 。是中國常用的一種擊弦樂器,與鋼琴同宗,音色具有鮮明的特點,音量宏大, 剛柔並濟;慢奏時,音色如叮咚的山泉,快奏時音色又如潺潺流水。

4、lute:琵琶。英 [lu:t] ,美 [lut]。是彈撥樂器首座, 撥弦類弦鳴樂器。木製,音箱呈半梨形,上裝四弦,原先是用絲線,現多用鋼絲、鋼繩、尼龍製成。

5、flute:長笛。英 [flu:t],美 [flut] 。是古老的中國樂器,也是中國樂器中最具代表性最有民族特色的吹奏樂器。中國傳統音樂中常用的橫吹木管樂器之一,中國竹笛,一般分為南方的曲笛、北方的梆笛和介於兩者之間的中音笛。

⑧ 中國傳統音樂英文怎麼寫




Chinese traditional music


,Solfeggio,Harmony,Polyphony,Musical AnalysisandRehearsal.


⑨ 用英語介紹中國的民族音樂

A:hi,i heard that you know a lot about chinese folk music,can you tell me something about it
B:ok.folk music in china has a long history,it happeded in four or five thousand years ago.some of the folk music is played on solo instruments or ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments.
A:what are they
B:well,woodwind has dizi,sheng,paixiao,guan,bells,bowed stings has erhu,dahu,banhu,jinghu,plucked and stuck strings has guqin,yangqin,ruan,pipa,something like that
A:i see,tell me more
B:ok.in some places,a genre of traditonal ballads,they are sung by a woman accompanied by a xiao and a pipa and other traditional instruments.the music is generally sorrowful and mouring and typically deals with love_stricken women.silk and bamboo music from jiangnan is a style of instrumental music,often played by musicians in teahouses in shanghai.
A:oh yes,i remember it,i watched it in hangzhou.is that the same type
B:i think so.i like it a lot
A:thank you for telling me those about folk music.i would like ask more next time

⑩ 中國樂器有哪些(英語)

flute、pan flute、Lu Sheng、suona horn、Liu chin、Lute。


2、排簫(pan flute)傳統樂器,迄今發現的世界上最早的排簫,是距今3000年的中國西周初期的骨排簫。排簫是把若干支同種材質的音管,用粘接、捆綁、或框架固定的方式把它們結合成一個整體樂器。

3、蘆笙(Lu Sheng),為西南地區苗、瑤、侗等民族的簧管樂器。 發源於中原,後傳入少數民族地區,其前身為竽。蘆笙,是少數民族特別喜愛的一種古老樂器之一,逢年過節,他們都要舉行各式各樣、豐富多彩的蘆笙會,吹起蘆笙跳起舞,慶祝自己的民族節日。

4、嗩吶(suona horn)的音色明亮,音量大,管身木製,呈圓錐形,上端裝有帶哨子的銅管,下端套著一個銅制的喇叭口(稱作碗),所以俗稱喇叭。在台灣民間稱為鼓吹;在廣東地區又被稱為嘀嗒 ,是廣東「八音」樂器中的一種。

5、柳琴(Liu chin),彈弦樂器。又稱柳葉琴、金剛腿、土琵琶。中國傳統樂器。原流行於蘇、魯、皖等省。現流行於全國各地,以山東臨沂及蘇北一帶為主。 屬唐代以來在民間流傳的梨形音箱彈弦樂器之一種,其外形、構造、奏法均與阮相似。

6、琵琶(Lute),是彈撥樂器首座, 撥弦類弦鳴樂器。木製,音箱呈半梨形,上裝四弦,原先是用絲線,現多用鋼絲、鋼繩、尼龍製成。頸與面板上設用以確定音位的「相」和「品」。演奏時豎抱,左手按弦,右手五指彈奏,是可獨奏、伴奏、重奏、合奏的重要民族樂器。



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