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发布时间:2021-02-17 21:16:46

A. 无锡音乐频率一周节目表

无锡音乐频率节目表 AM900 FM91.4双频、 www.fm914.cn 、有线数字电视 立体播出 (2008年1月1日起实行) 周一至周五 周六 周日 06:00 晨曲 音乐第七天 06:30 新闻和报纸摘要 07:00 音乐早餐 07:30 文学纪实 08:00 转播央视《朝闻天下》 09:05 七彩金曲——怀旧风 七彩金曲榜 10:05 娱乐风暴 11:05 千千阙歌 欧美音乐排行榜 原创音乐榜 12:05 女生二人组 音乐酒吧 13:05 音乐榜样 14:05 午后心花园 名人下午茶 15:05 汽车天天汇 音乐新干线 16:05 彩铃也疯狂 音乐第七天 17:05 音乐不堵车 美丽音乐天堂 18:05 城市.com 快乐大玩家 就在MTV 19:05 七彩金曲在流行 韩流来袭 20:00 音乐磁场 七彩金曲排行榜(重播) 21:00 音乐同路人 22:00 健康新主张 23:00 音乐宿舍 24:00 音乐梦游 02:00 全天播音结束 ★ 9:00~21:00(19:00、20:00无),各整点《七彩经典金曲》。★ 9:30~17:30,各半点《半点资讯》 ★ 周二13:00~15:00,例行停机检修

B. 太湖电子音乐节的交通信息

城市 自驾游线路 自助游线路 常州 从市区往南到达武进大道洛阳方向转省道232即达。 上海回 沪宁高速转答锡宜高速至阳山出口下后沿S342转省道S232即达。 至无锡/常州火车站北广场交通枢纽点,乘坐嬉戏谷旅游专线车直达。 苏州 沪宁高速转锡宜高速至阳山出口下后沿S342转省道S232即达。 湖州 宁杭高速转锡宜高速常漕出口下后沿省道S342转省道S232即达。 无锡 锡宜高速阳山出口下后沿省道S342转S232即达。 至无锡火车站交通枢纽点,乘坐嬉戏谷旅游专线车直达。 南京 宁杭高速转沿江高速漕桥出口下沿武南路转省道S232即达。 至常州火车站北广场交通枢纽点,乘坐嬉戏谷旅游专线车直达。 扬州 扬溧高速至沪宁高速,转锡宜高速至阳山出口下后沿342省道即达。 镇江 沪宁高速转锡宜高速至阳山出口下后转342省道即达。 至常州火车站(汽车站)北广场交通枢纽点,乘坐嬉戏谷旅游专线车直达。

C. 有谁知道FM106.9无锡交通台完全汽车时间的背景音乐是什么谢了


D. 去看汽车音乐节的人都是什么人居多


E. 我喜欢听无锡广播,昨天听说无锡汽车音乐广播的主播朱威患病得了肾衰竭,很担心,希望他挺过难关,点点好


F. 昨天下午无锡汽车音乐频道91.4放的有哪些英文歌

Drag myself from my bed Around 20 past 6
Get my kids up make breakfast 1 egg 2 toast 3 weetabix
And as I sit down I look up
And your standing in the doorway sun at your back
In my old brown dressing gown
Well no one can love you more than I love you now
But I
Gotta go running for the bus
Coat flying and i try not to miss it this time
But the drivers waiting and that's strange
Kids on the top deck quiet for a change
And theres no rain and no roadworks in the
Bus lane and all my hurts run away
And im smiling as I'm punching in
The day I died was the best day of my life (2x)
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life
Now the secretaries they got a smile for me
And the in tray on my desks almost empty
I get a memo from executive joe
Saying Rob the gob is getting kicked out
For embezzling funds from the company account
And i'd be lying if i said i wasn't chuffed
Cos i always hated rob
And now they'll probably offer me robs old job
And in the park at lunch
Theres no whinos on my favorite bench
None of that drunk chatter none of that pissy stench
And the 20 little pigeons with the gammy leg
Decide to dine from someone elses sandwich instead
And there's something about the city today
Like all the colours conspire to overwhelm the grey
And this close to the fire I can feel no cold
But a rainbow halo around my soul
The day I died was the best day of my life (2x)
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life
So I leave work get to the high street and i miss my bus
Should i wait for another no I can't be arsed
I begin to walk and rush hour crowd seem to part
Like the red sea and im stopping at the offy
20 cigerettes and a 6 pack to relax me
And as I cross back over the street
I guess i never saw that taxi
The day I died was the best day of my life (2x)
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life

G. 今年的汽车音乐节是在金堂淮口的科玛小镇举办都有哪些明星啊

是在金堂淮口的科玛小镇举办,到时候科玛小镇项目还有很多好耍的活动呢,比如:热气球升空体验活动、咖啡厅现场制作售卖、亲水互动游戏、欧洲人物肖像墙、万国旗装饰、趣味金鱼、3D地画等等;来参加音乐节的明星们也很耀眼的; 11月23日:信、莫斯科女孩、BLACK QUEEN、浪花兄弟 11月24日:陶喆、范玮琪、阿里郎 11月25日:萧亚轩、张韶涵、纪佳松

H. 车轱辘音乐节在哪里举办几月几号,去哪抢票


I. FM91.4无锡汽车音乐频率每周日七彩金曲排行榜中插播的天气的背景音乐

July的My soul.



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