1. 英语的音乐家的小故事,带翻译
聂耳(原名聂守信),出生于年。他6岁开始上学,从小喜欢音乐,又特别聪明。在学校自学了笛子, 二胡 , 三弦和月琴等乐器, 并开始担任学校儿童乐队的指挥,21岁加入中国共产党。 23岁时创作了《义勇军进行曲》,新中国成立后,这首歌被作为国歌。 他是我国著名的音乐家。
Nie Er (the original name is Nie Shouxin), born in 1912. When he was 6, he started to go to school . he like music from childhood, but also particularly clever, self- taught in the school flute, Erhu, Sanxian and Yue Qin, and began as school children's band conctor, 21 years old to join the Chinese Communist Party. At the age of 23, he created the "March of the Volunteer Army." After the founding of new China, the song was used as a national anthem. He is a famous musician in our country.
2. 关于音乐的英语故事
Elvis Presley Says
I'd like to thank the Jaycees for electing me as one of their outstanding young men. When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed, has come true a hundred times... And these gentlemen over here [referring to the other Jaycees named that year], these are the type of people who care, they're dedicated, and they realize that it is possible that they might be building the kingdom of heaven, it's not just too far fetched, from reality. I'd like to say that I learned very early in life that "Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend — without a song." So I keep singing a song.
3. 谁有关于音乐的英语故事 急!!!!!!!
4. 幼儿园中班音乐会语言故事
《河马医生的诊所》《春天的电话》《家》《小蛋壳》《空气变新鲜了》 《有趣的嘴巴》《说说为什么》《红圆圆和白团团》《蚂蚁飞上天啦》《小马噔噔》《快乐的假期》《五彩豆》《吃西瓜》《生气猪上天》
5. 幼儿园英语歌曲《ten little fingers》教案
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)
Put it on your head. (放在脑袋上)
3、歌曲《One little flower》
One little flower
One little bee
One little blue bird, high in the tree.
One little brown deer, smiling at me.
4、歌曲《Ten little fingers》
Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指)
And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾)
Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子)
One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵)
Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。)
5、歌曲《Finger family》
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来)
Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬状)
Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同样Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger夸张地画上红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger头上画一个发结;至于baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do来问候你了6、《The finger family》
Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳头中间)
Here I am, here I am. (伸出拇指)
How are you today? (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬)
Very well I thank you. (另一个拇指鞠躬还礼)
Run away , run way. (两只拇指一起消失)
7、歌曲《clap your hands》
Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.
Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can
这里的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。
Hello hello hello,how are you?
I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.
9、歌曲《Twinkle little star》
Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在眨眼睛)
How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状)
Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃)
Like a diamond in the sky. (两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放在一起,做成一个钻石形状)
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
10、英文歌谣《The Elephant Goes》
The elephant goes like this, like that. (四肢着地,慢慢地像大象一样走)
He\'s terribly big, (站起来,把手举高)
And he\'s terribly fat. (双臂向两边伸开)
He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指)
He has no toes, (摇动脚趾)
But goodness gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情)
What a nose! (指鼻子)
11、儿歌《Walking, Walking》
Walking, walking, walking, walking,
Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,
Running, running, running,
Running, running, running,
Now, let\'s stop, (停住不动)
Up and down. (两只手指指天空,再指指地面
6. 简单的英语小故事 要有配对的音乐
You Are Not Alone. 你并不孤独。
It was Valentine's Day and I was the new guy at work. My boss handed me a heart-shaped balloon and said, "Happy Valentine's Day."
My cubicle is one of hundreds in a large house. If I go to the bathroom, or am just coming in the house to start my day, I get lost. Every cubicle looks the same. I tied the balloon to the wall of my cubicle. I thought I would be able to find it easily. An hour later, I stood up and looked around. Every cubicle had a red heart-shaped balloon. For a short time I thought I was different, but I was wrong. I was not the only person with a balloon. Memories from the past came to my mind.
"Stop shaking the floor!" Dad said. Our house was too small, so it was impossible not to bother our father. We tried to walk softly, but the floor still shook.
Years later, I had my own family. Our house was on the side of a hill, with a small bay below us. The ocean currents filled the bay with fresh water. However, the company I worked for made major changes, so, after fifteen years of service, I had to retire and move. I was separated from my family. Life wouldn't allow us to stay in one place. Later, my wife passed away. I always felt lonely.
In every case, I thought I was the only one, but I was wrong. There were other families who crowded in a small house, other people who moved, and other spouses who lost loved ones. We feel that we are facing unique problems, but in fact, we're not. No matter what we face or how lonely we feel, there are always others suffering from the same problems. However, we can overcome the difficulties with our will and the help of others. Don't think you are the unluckiest person in the world.
【配乐:迈克尔杰克逊的 You are not alone (你并不孤独)】
7. 英文故事背景音乐
8. 英语故事背景音乐
理查德 克莱德曼 的一般都可以
肖邦 梦中的婚礼 贝多芬 月光