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发布时间:2021-02-08 04:55:32

① 适合朗诵的背景音乐有哪些







《和兰花在一起》是一首雅尼的经典作品之一的纯音乐曲子。英文为With An Orchid.由美籍希腊裔演奏家、作曲家Yanni创作,收录于其专辑《If I Could Tell You》。曲名里没有世俗里包藏的小家碧玉情怀,也没有小情小调的忧伤与做作。只有一股子清新扑面而来。

② 找一些轻音乐


织梦行云 仙剑奇缘 回梦游仙 水龙吟-余情幽梦 清平乐 终于明白 仙妖乱 昆仑道 太平欢 哀幻瞑

永恒的回忆 千里姻缘一线牵 比武招亲 沧桑叹 余霞成绮 快乐逍遥 魔剑诀 玄色风 情愿

酒醉三分醒 临危 君莫悲 让爱 人间精灵 无悔光阴 君莫思归 御剑江湖 蝶恋 寒声碎

白河寒秋 寂离永劫 亘古谣 魔珂无量 再续未了缘 晨晓煦风 沙幕天 战斗 魔剑斩妖 仗剑

比翼鸟 时空之钥 云谷鹤峰 妖域 魔与道 紫陌丰田 月迷踪 拜月 继续奋战 杀破狼 踏歌行

一直很安静 玉水明沙 花与剑 镇魂调 神威千重 迷离境 莫失莫忘 情牵 桃花岛 还魂草

爱的世界 蝶舞春园 凄凉雪 临江仙 女娲之后 望海潮 梦中大侠 淌血的心 莲花池 紫鸦乌

六月的雨 凤歌青天 消遥叹 苍浪剑赋 玉满堂 大地之母 魔心随形 水柔声 别洞天 步虚词

戏弄潮 御剑江湖 轮回 红色蒲公英 桃花幻梦 拜月欺天 青玉案 步云登仙 客栈 流转虹

洞天福地 降妖谱 铁索镇妖 姜氏孤儿


封神榜-聆听远古的呼唤 封神榜-碧海潮生 封神榜-明镜菩提 封神榜-玉笛丹枫封神榜ll 武易-封魔

武易-桃源 御风引 金山烈火 云梦泽 大唐豪侠-花都 不夜城 纵横天下 蝶飞花舞 大唐南 大唐风云

金山西山居 月之门原创游戏音乐旷野 秋枫原 月之城 龙的传人 生肖传说 十二生肖 晚春绝响


草庙村 帮派音乐 峨嵋金顶 草原 水浒Q传-登录音乐 新手村 丛林湖泊 完整-云中城 商朝 新手村

武林外传 水浒II 应天府 水浒II 芒砀山麓 应天府城郊 柴家庒 大唐边境 官道南北 九龙赞 如来飞飞侠

如来神掌竹海 新手关 新诛仙·情醉 西游Q记 清河湿地 建邺海湾


R侯爵- 乱世祭 还乡小路 不可逾越的界限 女祭司的创意 灯会

姬神- 雪 一人静 抬头看烟花灿烂 独想 雪谱

范宗沛- 孤独 杨柳 烟波弄 水色 大理雪月觅凤花

常静- 离弦

陈悦- 乱红

刘星- 闲云孤鹤 孤芳自赏

林海- 琵琶语 欢沁 踏古

童丽- 一水隔天涯 萤火虫之舞 月满西楼

神思者- 海之女神 水之舞曲 阿芙萝狄蒂

明镜止水 武侠帝女花 假如爱有天意 步步清风 雪千寻 西羌情 定情 云涛梦笔 旅程的终结 织梦行云

云水禅心 心弦 非墨收藏 水墨丹青凤凰城 Various I've never been to me 倚天两小无猜

殇 素还真 bond explosive 三个人的时光 钢琴物语 诗蒙 阳光舞甜橙 风姿花传 金子陵出场曲

游学志 雨巷 此生不再 森林狂想曲 夏夜晚风黏蝉的老人 亡灵序曲 请不要爱我 三弄丝竹 塞上曲

思念之风 自然の宴 安墩 望夫女 故宫之迟暮 步步高 陈杏元落院 无悔 阳光下的水舞 岫壑浮云

昔影 诗梦 雪花神剑 龙的传人 偷功(太极张三丰) 故乡的原风景 摆渡人之歌 白纱窗 男儿无泪

雪花神剑 七秀坊 和平之月 洪流之源 鹃啼 古风 孤星独吟 绵雪 神山纯一 谛听中国 昔情难追

三国的黎明 断情殇 百鬼夜行抄 零之主旋律 森林狂想曲 雨的印记 红墙碧瓦 紫竹调紫竹调

渔舟唱晚 月见草 风居住的街道 紫竹调紫竹调 爱的罗曼史 妙音鸟 竹苑情歌 吟唱 殇尘缘

然翁御剑 渔樵问答

③ 诗歌朗诵 《红色的童话》用什么背景音乐好




④ 童话故事小红帽配什么背景音乐最好


⑤ 求英语童话剧小红帽的所有配乐,急需。谢谢提供~~~

英语童话故事赏析:THE BOTTLE NECK (2)(2008-10-17 23:59:11)标签:英语 童话 故事 赏析 杂谈 分类:英语学习


Long days and months rolled by, ring which the bottle stood empty in a corner, when a storm arose- whether on the passage out or home it could not tell, for it had never been ashore. It was a terrible storm, great waves arose, darkly heaving and tossing the vessel to and fro. The main mast was split asunder, the ship sprang a leak, and the pumps became useless, while all around was black as night. At the last moment, when the ship was sinking, the young mate wrote on a piece of paper, "We are going down: God's will be done."

Then he wrote the name of his betrothed, his own name, and that of the ship. Then he put the leaf in an empty bottle that happened to be at hand, corked it down tightly, and threw it into the foaming sea. He knew not that it was the very same bottle from which the goblet of joy and hope had once been filled for him, and now it was tossing on the waves with his last greeting, and a message from the dead. The ship sank, and the crew sank with her; but the bottle flew on like a bird, for it bore within it a loving letter from a loving heart.

And as the sun rose and set, the bottle felt as at the time of its first existence, when in the heated glowing stove it had a longing to fly away. It outlived the storms and the calm, it struck against no rocks, was not devoured by sharks, but drifted on for more than a year, sometimes towards the north, sometimes towards the south, just as the current carried it. It was in all other ways its own master, but even of that one may get tired. The written leaf, the last farewell of the bridegroom to his bride, would only bring sorrow when once it reached her hands; but where were those hands, so soft and delicate, which had once spread the table-cloth on the fresh grass in the green wood, on the day of her betrothal? Ah, yes!

where was the furrier's daughter? and where was the land which might lie nearest to her home? The bottle knew not, it travelled onward and onward, and at last all this wandering about became wearisome; at all events it was not its usual occupation. But it had to travel, till at length it reached land- a foreign country. Not a word spoken in this country could the bottle understand; it was a language it had never before heard, and it is a great loss not to be able to understand a language. The bottle was fished out of the water, and examined on all sides.

The little letter contained within it was discovered, taken out, and turned and twisted in every direction; but the people could not understand what was written upon it. They could be quite sure that the bottle had been thrown overboard from a vessel, and that something about it was written on this paper: but what was written? that was the question,- so the paper was put back into the bottle, and then both were put away in a large cupboard of one of the great houses of the town. Whenever any strangers arrived, the paper was taken out and turned over and over, so that the address, which was only written in pencil, became almost illegible, and at last no one could distinguish any letters on it at all.

For a whole year the bottle remained standing in the cupboard, and then it was taken up to the loft, where it soon became covered with st and cobwebs. Ah! how often then it thought of those better days- of the times when in the fresh, green wood, it had poured forth rich wine; or, while rocked by the swelling waves, it had carried in its bosom a secret, a letter, a last parting sigh. For full twenty years it stood in the loft, and it might have stayed there longer but that the house was going to be rebuilt. The bottle was discovered when the roof was taken off; they talked about it, but the bottle did not understand what they said- a language is not to be learnt by living in a loft, even for twenty years. "

If I had been down stairs in the room," thought the bottle, "I might have learnt it." It was now washed and rinsed, which process was really quite necessary, and afterwards it looked clean and transparent, and felt young again in its old age; but the paper which it had carried so faithfully was destroyed in the washing. They filled the bottle with seeds, though it scarcely knew what had been placed in it. Then they corked it down tightly, and carefully wrapped it up. There not even the light of a torch or lantern could reach it, much less the brightness of the sun or moon.

"And yet," thought the bottle, "men go on a journey that they may see as much as possible, and I can see nothing." However, it did something quite as important; it travelled to the place of its destination, and was unpacked. "What trouble they have taken with that bottle over yonder!" said one, and very likely it is broken after all." But the bottle was not broken, and, better still, it understood every word that was said: this language it had heard at the furnaces and at the wine merchant's; in the forest and on the ship,- it was the only good old language it could understand. It had returned home, and the language was as a welcome greeting. For very joy, it felt ready to jump out of people's hands, and scarcely noticed that its cork had been drawn, and its contents emptied out, till it found itself carried to a cellar, to be left there and forgotten. "There's no place like home, even if it's a cellar." It never occurred to him to think that he might lie there for years, he felt so comfortable. For many long years he remained in the cellar, till at last some people came to carry away the bottles, and ours amongst the number.

Out in the garden there was a great festival. Brilliant lamps hung in festoons from tree to tree; and paper lanterns, through which the light shone till they looked like transparent tulips. It was a beautiful evening, and the weather mild and clear. The stars twinkled; and the new moon, in the form of a crescent, was surrounded by the shadowy disc of the whole moon, and looked like a gray globe with a golden rim: it was a beautiful sight for those who had good eyes. The illumination extended even to the most retired of the garden walks, at least not so retired that any one need lose himself there.

In the borders were placed bottles, each containing a light, and among them the bottle with which we are acquainted, and whose fate it was, one day, to be only a bottle neck, and to serve as a water-glass to a bird's-cage. Everything here appeared lovely to our bottle, for it was again in the green wood, amid joy and feasting; again it heard music and song, and the noise and murmur of a crowd, especially in that part of the garden where the lamps blazed, and the paper lanterns displayed their brilliant colors. It stood in a distant walk certainly, but a place pleasant for contemplation; and it carried a light; and was at once useful and ornamental. In such an hour it is easy to forget that one has spent twenty years in a loft, and a good thing it is to be able to do so.

Close before the bottle passed a single pair, like the bridal pair- the mate and the furrier's daughter- who had so long ago wandered in the wood. It seemed to the bottle as if he were living that time over again. Not only the guests but other people were walking in the garden, who were allowed to witness the splendor and the festivities. Among the latter came an old maid, who seemed to be quite alone in the world. She was thinking, like the bottle, of the green wood, and of a young betrothed pair, who were closely connected with herself; she was thinking of that hour, the happiest of her life, in which she had taken part, when she had herself been one of that betrothed pair; such hours are never to be forgotten, let a maiden be as old as she may. But she did not recognize the bottle, neither did the bottle notice the old maid. And so we often pass each other in the world when we meet, as did these two, even while together in the same town.

The bottle was taken from the garden, and again sent to a wine merchant, where it was once more filled with wine, and sold to an aeronaut, who was to make an ascent in his balloon on the following Sunday. A great crowd assembled to witness the sight; military music had been engaged, and many other preparations made. The bottle saw it all from the basket in which he lay close to a live rabbit. The rabbit was quite excited because he knew that he was to be taken up, and let down again in a parachute. The bottle, however, knew nothing of the "up," or the "down;" he saw only that the balloon was swelling larger and larger till it could swell no more, and began to rise and be restless. Then the ropes which held it were cut through, and the aerial ship rose in the air with the aeronaut and the basket containing the bottle and the rabbit, while the music sounded and all the people shouted "Hurrah."

"This is a wonderful journey up into the air," thought the bottle; "it is a new way of sailing, and here, at least, there is no fear of striking against anything."

Thousands of people gazed at the balloon, and the old maid who was in the garden saw it also; for she stood at the open window of the garret, by which hung the cage containing the linnet, who then had no water-glass, but was obliged to be contented with an old cup. In the window-sill stood a myrtle in a pot, and this had been pushed a little on one side, that it might not fall out; for the old maid was leaning out of the window, that she might see. And she did see distinctly the aeronaut in the balloon, and how he let down the rabbit in the parachute, and then drank to the health of all the spectators in the wine from the bottle. After doing this, he hurled it high into the air.

How little she thought that this was the very same bottle which her friend had thrown aloft in her honor, on that happy day of rejoicing, in the green wood, in her youthful days. The bottle had no time to think, when raised so suddenly; and before it was aware, it reached the highest point it had ever attained in its life. Steeples and roofs lay far, far beneath it, and the people looked as tiny as possible. Then it began to descend much more rapidly than the rabbit had done, made somersaults in the air, and felt itself quite young and unfettered, although it was half full of wine. But this did not last long. What a journey it was!

All the people could see the bottle; for the sun shone upon it. The balloon was already far away, and very soon the bottle was far away also; for it fell upon a roof, and broke in pieces. But the pieces had got such an impetus in them, that they could not stop themselves. They went jumping and rolling about, till at last they fell into the court-yard, and were broken into still smaller pieces; only the neck of the bottle managed to keep whole, and it was broken off as clean as if it had been cut with a diamond.

"That would make a capital bird's glass," said one of the cellar-men; but none of them had either a bird or a cage, and it was not to be expected they would provide one just because they had found a bottle neck that could be used as a glass.

But the old maid who lived in the garret had a bird, and it really might be useful to her; so the bottle neck was provided with a cork, and taken up to her; and, as it often happens in life, the part that had been uppermost was now turned downwards, and it was filled with fresh water. Then they hung it in the cage of the little bird, who sang and twittered more merrily than ever.

"Ah, you have good reason to sing," said the bottle neck, which was looked upon as something very remarkable, because it had been in a balloon; nothing further was known of its history. As it hung there in the bird's-cage, it could hear the noise and murmur of the people in the street below, as well as the conversation of the old maid in the room within.

An old friend had just come to visit her, and they talked, not about the bottle neck, but of the myrtle in the window. "No, you must not spend a dollar for your daughter's bridal bouquet," said the old maid; "you shall have a beautiful little bunch for a nosegay, full of blossoms. Do you see how splendidly the tree has grown? It has been raised from only a little sprig of myrtle that you gave me on the day after my betrothal, and from which I was to make my own bridal bouquet when a year had passed: but that day never came; the eyes were closed which were to have been my light and joy through life. In the depths of the sea my beloved sleeps sweetly; the myrtle has become an old tree, and I am a still older woman. Before the sprig you gave me faded, I took a spray, and planted it in the earth; and now, as you see, it has become a large tree, and a bunch of the blossoms shall at last appear at a wedding festival, in the bouquet of your daughter."

There were tears in the eyes of the old maid, as she spoke of the beloved of her youth, and of their betrothal in the wood. Many thoughts came into her mind; but the thought never came, that quite close to her, in that very window, was a remembrance of those olden times,- the neck of the bottle which had, as it were shouted for joy when the cork flew out with a bang on the betrothal day. But the bottle neck did not recognize the old maid; he had not been listening to what she had related, perhaps because he was thinking so much about her.

⑥ 求歌曲红的,绿的,蓝的,紫的....什么的歌的,各位谁知道


歌手:许哲佩 专辑:气球





















许哲佩(Peggy Hsu),1981年2月2日出生于台湾省台北市,中国台湾流行乐女歌手。2001年,推出首张个人音乐专辑《气球》,从而正式出道。

⑦ 最近流行音乐有哪些歌曲红呢

很多啊,什么曹操啊 ,猪都笑了之类的,在网络MP3上一看就知道了嘛~~

⑧ 《岁月的童话》里采红花时的歌曲


⑨ 求一些振奋人心的背景音乐。

蒲公英的约定 幸福的味道 聚集记忆的时间 豆浆油条 无可取代 星夜传说(加长剧场版)好听 赤道与北极 光荣 靠近一点点 舍不得 人鱼的眼泪 明知做戏 五月天 说你爱我 黑白照 我在那一角落患过伤风 没有你的日子我真的很孤单 感动天感动地 我可以 爱的手语
面具 火花 阿哩阿啦 命运 酷爱 吻得太逼真 那么爱你为什么 莪唔识拍拖 甜蜜约定 为你写诗 放生 终点 ONLY ONE 好好爱 再见不是朋友 当爱在靠近 爱死了昨天 期待爱 没有了你我怎么办 爱是喜欢你 怀念过去 七月七日晴 公主彻夜未眠 喜欢一个人很累 原谅莪一次 相爱无梦、我真的受伤了 当莪再爱你的时候 永远不分开 分手快乐 天王星 傻瓜都一样 好想哭 my love will get you home 还你门匙 小时候 等一个晴天 城府 到不了 分开以后 单车恋人 放的星星 越爱越难过 需要你的爱 为爱停留 只欠秋天 彩虹天堂 一个人哭 怎么会狠心伤害我 启示录 最后一次的温柔 白色恋人 听着情歌流眼泪 其实你懂我 傻瓜 夏天的风 爱到死心塌地 止步爱情 不够成熟 爱丫爱丫 不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我 黑色毛衣 七月 眼红馆 爱的主旋律 纯属意外 陷入爱里面 等下一个的天亮 全世界的人都知道 一个人 分开旅行 假如 下雨天 泪妆 笑着流泪 流星雨 依然在一起 左边 死了都不卖 永不消失的彩虹 去爱吧 走火入魔 杂技 口袋的天空 想太多 你的选择 分手在那个秋天
不哭 最后一个夏天 不可思议 平行线 让自己亮起来 小太阳 爱我 爱情休止符
永远到底有多远 如果爱能早些说 付送折磨 幸福海岸线 爱是一场梦 因为有你9
枪炮与玫瑰 EN DAG TILBAGE 不可不信缘 又一年又三年9 STOP!STOP!STOP! 爱的天国 烟雨烟雨 我就是喜欢你 我愿意 恋上另一个人
三个字 单身潜逃 做你的公主 始终有你 彩虹 遇见 秘蜜花园 怎么办 星光
花香 你爱我像谁 迷宫 街角的祝福 黑白电影 我一直都在 想你 乐园 绿光森林
他一定很爱你 换季 就微笑了 谢谢爱 愿意不爱你 懂了 别爱我 一个人流浪
在世界中心呼唤爱 你永远是我的最爱 祝你幸福 一个人的星光 将爱情进行到底
FOREVER 爱情加油 该忘了你对不对 我需要你 你不属于我了 樱花的秘密
失恋圆舞曲 不许哭 爱情的魔力 亲吻寂寞旅人 GOOBDYE MY LOVE 出神入化
我很好 红色石头 遗失的美好 不会爱 恶作剧 遇到 秋天的童话 等你爱我 爱的勇气
保护色 身边 快点来爱我 18爱不爱 幸福的地图 多爱我一天 发现真爱 绝不能失去你
烂泥 坏坏惹人爱 锡自己 SHUT UP 78 香早吧噗 崽崽 我不上你的当 毕业随想曲
内疚剧场版 KIDS开始恋爱剧场版 月光 谁是谁的谁 赔偿 终极梦想 祝你生日快乐
ONLY ONE 爱我你怕了吗 水晶 一个人走 爱一直闪亮 戴上我的爱 JUST ONE LASR DANCE PERFECT MOMENT BOY 明明很爱你 爱要怎么说出口 和寂寞说分手
下半生 知觉 唱情歌的人 爱的故事DJ 英文版 即使知道要见面处 别等我离开才说爱我
爱情过后 也没有办法 星象仪 LOVE真爱 野 头 下雨的日子 难以言喻 SEASONS
不要爱上他 如果我爱你 FIRST LOVE 女人的香味 你不像她 我们都是一朵花 暂停恋爱
爱向著我来的那天 不变的音乐2007 日光倾城 请你说爱我 我怀念你 一定要爱你
飘雪 只要一丝温柔 原来你什么都不想要 PRIVIREA TA爱 CASTLE IN THE SKY 爱
CRAZY LOOP MM MA MA 爱 那个人的谎言 眼泪留在你走后 爱是一种幸福
BELIEVE ME 爱 绝情人 等你一辈子 QUESTION NOTHING 心愿 忘了我忘不了你
KUNG FU FIGHTING 爱 心愿便利贴 天空之城 爱乘以无限大 亲爱的再见 为爱伤心为你痛

⑩ 红色的童话一背景音乐

Live for the Dream
歌手:Paul Hardcastle
所属专辑:Jazzmasters V



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