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发布时间:2021-02-11 01:35:49

❶ 求做发型时的背景音乐

First love

I'm sorry for always being there.
I'm sorry that i even care.
I'm sorry that you got a man.
I'm sorry and hope you'll understand.
I'm sorry for ruinning in your life
I'm sorry that i tread you so right.
I'm sorry for buying you there things.
I'm sorry for the memories that i bring
You are the reason that i feel this way.
Tears dry steady from my face
I just want you to know that you were my first love.
Even through we won't together girl.
You meant most to me in this world.
Everything i konw is that you were my first love.
love love love love you were my first love …………

Save her, love her to the most,
even through we were never close.
Here your still come my eyes,i fall in love and don't know why.
You broken my heart and you didn't even care
It's not my faults that i guess that's fear.
You made the thing that i was the most one.
Then i realize that i've done.
You are the reason that i feel this way
Tears dry steady from my face,
I just want you to know that you were my first love.
Even through we won't together girl.
You meant most to me in this world.
Everything i konw is that you were my first love.
love love love love you were my first love …………

❷ 求一首轻音乐专辑封面是一个女生,头发好像是黄的,经常被用做视频的bgm,旋律很熟悉。

act like that?

❸ 那个甩头发表情的背景音乐是啥,贼嗨的那个。

在爱情公寓1里也出现了,叫笑点のテーマを songtaste/song/725802/

❹ 抖音上面女生左右点头又左右甩头发的背景音乐是什么(好像是西班牙语的,比较激进的那种风格)

原版英文就是这个 new soul —— yael naim 但愿是你想要的



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