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发布时间:2021-02-12 00:13:36

Ⅰ 求 惩罚者2 电影 里面插曲

不告诉你 分太少了

Ⅱ 求惩罚者2百度云


Ⅲ 惩罚者2一个预告片的背景音乐

Album: KILL A CELEBRITY (2006)


These are the days of revenge so sweet.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
There is a fear in the air that I have prayed for, for my whole life.
Can you feel it? And do you fear it?
And Malcolm was right:
The hate that we've sown has come home in the night.
So wake up. It's time to die.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
'cause we've reached the end of the lies:

Just take a look at the papers, and your leaders:
they're killers and they're liars.
See what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.
The murders and the terror, they've done it forever
as we sit back and smile at the script that they sell us.

So now they come for me.
So now they come for you.
We didn't hear and now there's nothing we can do.

Ⅳ 惩罚者2 预告片的背景音乐 叫什么

Album: KILL A CELEBRITY (2006)


These are the days of revenge so sweet.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
There is a fear in the air that I have prayed for, for my whole life.
Can you feel it? And do you fear it?
And Malcolm was right:
The hate that we've sown has come home in the night.
So wake up. It's time to die.
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
'cause we've reached the end of the lies:

Just take a look at the papers, and your leaders:
they're killers and they're liars.
See what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.
The murders and the terror, they've done it forever
as we sit back and smile at the script that they sell us.

So now they come for me.
So now they come for you.
We didn't hear and now there's nothing we can do.
我也复制别人的 希望有用

Ⅳ 惩罚者2:战争特区的音乐原声

曲目歌名歌来手曲自目歌名歌手01War ZoneRob Zombie08The Past Is ProofSenses Fail02Final SixSlayer09Butterfly WingsMachines Of Loving CalamitatumRise /-X07Take Me Away7 Days Away14Days Of RevengeRamallah(音乐原声参考资料来源 )

Ⅵ 电视、电影里的经典背景配音(音乐)

希望可以帮到你: 红河谷 霸王别姬 肖邦客的救赎 阿甘正传 乱世佳人 傲慢与偏见 恐怖内片,枪战片。容科幻片。 《最后的吸血鬼》《重返十七岁》《功夫厨神》《街头霸王:春丽传》《头号公敌》《菲比梦游奇境》《安吉拉怀孕记》《道》《女同志吸血鬼杀手》《绝不投降》《月亮坪的秘密》《床的另一边》《13号星期五》《热血高校2》《博物馆奇妙夜2》《终结者4:救世军》《天使与魔鬼》《守望者》《天启四骑士》《星际迷航11》《十二回合》《死亡幻觉2》《我的血腥情人节3D》《怒火攻心2:高压电》《异能》《速度与激情4》《金刚狼》《拳霸2》《未知死亡》《地球奶爸》《先知》《陨石坠落》《墨水心》《蝴蝶效应3》《抢劫银行》《黑夜传说3》《百货战警》《偷天密码》《我的血腥情人节》《黑皮书》 《即时发生》 《绝魂印》 《浪漫岛屿》 《惩罚者2战争特区》 《末日地火》

Ⅶ 惩罚者2 预告片的背景音乐叫什么~




Ⅷ 能发下惩罚者2:战争特区BD中英双字幕的种子或下载链接么


Ⅸ 惩罚者2战争特区片尾曲

里面有首好象是 Slipknot Psychosocial 不知道是不是片尾曲


Ⅹ 电脑游戏 惩罚者的背景音乐 谁有呀




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