A. 警察乐队有多少专辑
Studio albums:
Outlandos d'Amour - November, 1978 - UK #6; US #23 - US sales: Platinum
Reggatta de Blanc - October, 1979 - UK #1; US #25 - US sales: Platinum
Zenyatta Mondatta - October, 1980 - UK #1; US #5 - US sales: 2x Platinum
Ghost in the Machine - October, 1981 - UK #1; US #2 - US sales: 3x Platinum
Synchronicity - June, 1983 - UK #1; US #1 - US sales: 8x Platinum
Live albums:
The Police Live! - US sales: Platinum
Soundtracks and other contributions:
The Secret Policeman's Ball - 1981
Urgh! A Music War - May, 1982
Brimstone and Treacle - July 1, 1982
Strontium 90: Police Academy - July 29, 1997
Compilation albums:
Every Breath You Take: The Singles - October, 1986 - UK #1; US #7 - US sales: Platinum
Greatest Hits - September, 1992 - UK #10
Message in a Box: The Complete Recordings - September 28, 1993
Every Breath You Take: The Classics - September 12, 1995 - US sales: 5x Platinum
The Very Best of Sting & The Police - November, 1997
The Very Best of Sting & The Police - February 21, 2002
The Police - June 5, 2007
Tribute & covers albums:
Dance Floor Virus The Ballroom (Dance Pool, 1995) - dance versions of Police songs, featuring Sting doing re-recorded vocals
various Reggatta Mondatta - A Reggae Tribute To The Police (Ark21, 1997)
various Outlandos d'America - A Rock En Espanol Tribute To The Police (Ark21, 1998)
various Reggatta Mondatta - A Reggae Tribute To The Police Volume II (Ark21, 1998)
The Secret Police Regatta Copycatta (Arrested, 1999)
Invisible Sun A Tribute to the Police (Big Eye, 2001)
various Many Miles Away (Solarmanite, 2001)
various [?] Every Song You Make - A Tribute To Sting & The Police Vol. 1 (2003)
various Blue Note Plays Sting [includes Sting and Police songs](Blue Note, 2005)
various ¡Policia! - A Tribute To The Police (The Militia Group, 2005)
B. 警察乐队的成名曲是什么。
POLICE不错,但我更喜欢单飞了的STING,真是音乐诗人那!想当年,看LEON的时候,那首SHAPE OF MY HEART让我几近落泪啊,失过恋的人都该听听那首歌
C. 警察乐队的介绍
(The Police),1977年在英国伦敦成立的三人摇滚乐队,七十年代风靡英国、欧洲的乐队之一。由主唱史汀、鼓手科普兰和吉他手萨默斯组成,曾六次获格莱美奖。到现在他们的主唱史汀仍然是格莱美的常客。《异国韵事》(Outlandos d'Amour)《乏味的长音》(Reggatta de Blanc)《泽雅塔蒙塔》(Zenyattà Mondatta)《机器里的幽灵》(Ghost in the Machine)《同时代》(Synchronicity)
D. 唱歌的,是谁
Sting是英国著名歌星,也曾是一名出色的摇滚乐手,无论作为Police乐队主唱还是后来的个人发展生涯,他都留下了很多经典歌曲。他几乎是英国乐坛长青树,他的音乐有着诗人的特色。他有很多不错的歌曲,都是有异于通俗的。他最为人们所知的一首歌曲是《Shape of my heart》,这是吕克·贝松导演的电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲。
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner
别 名
国 籍
星 座
职 业
流 派
Sting原名Gordon Sumner,1951年10月2日出生于英格兰的沃尔森德,Sting 是那件他演出时常穿带毛刺的毛衣的外号。Sting成长于荒废的工业城市纽卡斯尔,父亲是个送奶工人,母亲则是一名美容师。母亲曾受过古典钢琴的专业训练,这使Sting从小就受到音乐的熏陶。他的少年时代就迷恋音乐,崇拜乐坛有成就的人物。在母亲的教导下,Sting成为了一个钢琴高手,还获得了钢琴奖学金。Sting本来很喜欢爵士乐,投身到摇滚乐坛纯属偶然。他是警察乐队(the Police)[1] 的领头人。作为乐队的作曲、主唱和电贝司,他与来自英国的吉它手安迪. 萨莫斯(Andy Summers)和美国的鼓手斯图尔特.科普兰德(Stewart Copeland)一起组成了这支乐队,并于70年代后期将它发展成为最著名的新浪潮[2] 乐队。
1978年11月,警察乐队的首张专辑《异国韵事》(Outlandos D'Amour)面市,获得了英国排行第6的成绩,其中的单曲《罗克赛恩》后来成为乐队演出时的主打歌曲。写的是一个妓女的故事,一度被BBC禁播。
1978年和1979年,警察乐队在美国作巡回演出,激起了美国歌迷的兴趣。结果是《异国韵事》在美国排行榜上也列到了第23位。1979年,Sting作为一名摇滚乐明星出现在根据摇滚乐戏剧《阔卓芬尼亚》拍摄的同名电影中。这年年末。警察乐队的第2张专辑《乏味的长音》(Reggatta De Blanc)一发行便进入了美国排行榜第25位,并与其中的单曲《瓶子里的信息》(Message in The Bottle)一道,几天之内便双双摘取了冠军桂军。萨莫斯的摇滚琶音、科普兰德的鼓声节奏、Sting的热情奔放的歌唱,成为当时摇滚乐坛的一绝。
连印度这样的东方古国也留下了他们的足迹。1981年,第3张专辑《泽亚塔蒙塔》(Zenyatta Mondatta)树立了警察乐队永恒的形象,虽然它仅排行第5位,其中极富娱乐性的通俗歌曲《得嘟嘟嘟得哒哒哒》(De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da)排名第十位。这年下半年,专辑中的另一首单曲《她做的每一件小事都很神奇》(Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic)跃居第三位。
1982年,乐队的新作《机器里的幽灵》(Ghost in the Machine)在美国排行榜第二名的位置停留了六周。同年6月,他们应邀参加了加州圣伯纳第诺有40万观众的美国音乐节的演出。
1983年,警察乐队的代表作《同时代》(Synchronicity)问世,并高居美国排行榜首达七周之久。这是摇滚乐坛最优秀的专辑之一。其中的单曲如《环上你的手指》和《撒哈拉沙漠的清茶》,把新浪潮摇滚乐带到了更高的水平。特别是感情浓郁的单曲《你的每一次呼吸》(Every Breath You Take),这首旋律优美、极富节奏的温和摇滚歌曲在美国排行榜首停留了八周之久。在这期间,他们又策划了一次巡回演出。无论是在剧院或大体育馆都场场爆满。
E. 求:英国当年留给香港警察乐队演奏的曲目有哪些
F. 村上春树的著作中多次提到一个“警察乐队”,这个乐队是现实的吗请附资料
the police
"警察"乐队被看作是一支英国乐队,主要是因为乐队的台柱斯汀(Sting)是一个英国人。斯汀上大学和朋友组织了一个爵士乐组合,常在公共酒馆演出。事有凑巧,另两个年轻的流行乐手科浦兰(Copeland)和帕多瓦尼(Padovani)不满于自己的乐队组合,正在到处寻找着合作者,他们一眼就看出,酒巴中听众的热情是冲着斯汀来的。尽管斯汀一开始对他们的建议不甚热心,因为他一心要在爵士乐方面出人头地,但是最终还是被说动,一个艺人乐队诞生了。 为了给科浦兰在美国任高官的父亲开个玩笑,他们取了"警察"这个名字。
他们有首非常好听的歌曲叫every breath you take,建议楼主可以去听听。
G. 警察乐队是什么风格
警察乐队是将雷鬼乐与流行摇滚结合得最成功的一支英国摇滚乐队。由前“Curved Air"乐队的鼓手Stewart Copeland和纽卡斯尔爵士乐队“No Exit”的贝司手:歌手STING于1977年成立的,他们与吉他手Andy Summers和Henry Padovani成为一个短期4人乐队,不久,Henry Padovani离开了该乐队,使之成为3人组合。
主唱兼词曲作者的STING[斯汀]是police乐队的灵魂(因为他在演出时喜欢穿黄色横条衫,形象颇似蜜蜂,所以有了sting(刺)这个名字),斯汀才华横溢,外型英俊,非常的有女歌迷人缘,他曾经有一段在大学兼职授课的经历,在课堂上女学生的大胆挑逗经常让他难以下台,他为此专门创作了一首歌《don't stand so close to me》歌词幽默,曲调非常的随意、流畅,完美的合音,强烈的节奏,高鼻音的大量运用把起源于牙买加海岸的雷鬼乐自由、极富个性化的音乐特点天衣无缝地融入摇滚乐中,开创了一个独特的摇滚音乐风格。
在他们1980-1981年旋风般地获得成功之后,他们获得不列颠音乐大奖中的“最佳英国组合”和3项格莱美奖。之后乐队的成员都开始了各自的计划,此后,乐队令人惋惜的正式解体,sting 虽然获得了更大的个人成功,包括多次格莱美奖,成为欧美乐坛的顶尖天王级歌者,但是音乐中却丧失了POLICE乐队的音乐个性魂魄,总是让人惋惜不已。
Don't stand so close to me
Young teacher the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking she's so close now
This girls is half his age
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet
Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry
Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and warm and dry
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Lose talk in the classroom
To hrt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use
He sees here
He start to shake he starts to cough
Just like the old man in
That famous book by nabakoy
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
H. 求助!谁能给我警察乐队一首歌Message In A Bottle的歌词
歌曲名: In a Bottle
所属专辑:The Police
just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh
another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh
more loneliness than any man could bear
rescue me before i fall into despair, oh
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
a year has passed since i wrote my note
but i should have known this right from the start
only hope can keep me together
love can mend your life but
love can break your heart
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
walked out this morning, don't believe what i saw
hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
seems i'm not alone in being alone
hundred billion castaways, looking for a home
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i'll send an s.o.s. to the world
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
i hope that someone gets my
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
message in a bottle, yeah
sending out at an s.o.s.
sending out at an s.o.s.
sending out at an s.o.s.
sending out at an s.o.s.
sending out at an s.o.s.
sending out at an s.o.s...
I. 警察乐队的Reggatta de Blanc专辑的中文应该如何翻译
把Ragge乐引入朋克新浪潮的The Police乐队的第二张专辑,专辑的名字也就表明了曲风是“白回人的Ragge”。Message in a Bottle是年度英国答冠军单曲,这张专辑也获得了1981年的葛莱美奖,乐队从此开始走红。