A. 音乐有趣小故事
蝌蚪合唱团的夺冠曲American Pie
本次青歌组合型大赛第一名——蝌蚪合唱团的夺冠曲——音乐故事,原名American Pie
1971年,一直默默无闻的美国民谣歌手Don McLean(唐·麦克林)在灵感泉涌中写下了一首超长的歌曲《American Pie》(美国派),不仅使他一夜成名,而且把他和他的这首作品一直流传到了21世纪的今天。
《American Pie》堪称一首史诗式的作品,纵观全球乐坛,能将一首长达8分34秒的歌曲唱得不仅不让人生厌,还让人们津津乐道并传颂几十年的现象可谓少之又少,而唐·麦克林和他的《American Pie》就做到了,如果作品里没有引人入胜的叙事性、没有内蕴幽远的深刻性,很难相信人们真会傻呆呆地将这么长的时间消耗在一首歌曲里。
《American Pie》是用音乐记录美国六十年代历史的一首史诗,没有春风得意的赞美,也没有针锋相对的批判,有的只是在轻快的民谣节奏中娓娓地道来——那里面有整整一个时代美国人所见、所思、所想,以及所经历的往事,而事实上正是这样不带主观评述的质朴歌声,最终打动了一代又一代的美国人,甚至是美国以外的人。
a long long time ago
i can still remember how that music used to make me smile
and i knew if i had my chance
that i could make those people dance
and maybe they'd be happy for a while.
but february made me shiver
with every paper i'd deliver
bad news on the doorstep
i couldn't take one more step
i can't remember if i cried
when i read about his widowed bride
but something touched me deep inside
the day the music died
so bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
did you write the book of love
and do you have faith in god above
if the bible tells you so
do you believe in rock 'n roll
can music save your mortal soul
and can you teach me how to dance real slow
well, i know that you're in love with him
'cause i saw you dancin' in the gym
you both kicked off your shoes
man, i dig those rhythm and blues
i was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
with a pink carnation and a pickup truck
but i knew i was out of luck
the day the music died
i started singin'
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
now for ten years we've been on our own
and moss grows fat on a rollin' stone
but that's not how it used to be
when the jester sang for the king and queen
in a coat he borrowed from james dean
and a voice that came from you and me
oh, and while the king was looking down
the jester stole his thorny crown
the courtroom was adjourned
no verdict was returned
and while lennon read a book of marx
the quartet practiced in the park
and we sang dirges in the dark
the day the music died
we were singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
helter skelter in a summer swelter
the byrds flew off with a fallout shelter
eight miles high and falling fast
it landed foul out on the grass
the players tried for a forward pass
with the jester on the sidelines in a cast
now the half-time air was sweet perfume
while the sergeants played a marching tune
we all got up to dance
oh, but we never got the chance
'cause the players tried to take the field
the marching band refused to yield
do you recall what was revealed
the day the music died
we started singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
oh, and there we were all in one place
a generation lost in space
with no time left to start again
so come on, jack be nimble, jack be quick
jack flash sat on a candlestick
'cause fire is the devil's only friend
oh, and as i watched him on the stage
my hands were clenched in fists of rage
no angel born in hell
could break that satan's spell
and as the flames climbed high into the night
to light the sacrifical rite
i saw satan laughing with delight
the day the music died
he was singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
i met a girl who sang the blues
and i asked her for some happy news
but she just smiled and turned away
i went down to the sacred store
where i'd heard the music years before
but the man there said the music wouldn't play
and in the streets the children screamed
the lovers cried, and the poets dreamed
but not a word was spoken
the church bells all were broken
and the three men i admire most
the father, son and the holy ghost
they caught the last train for the coast
the day the music died
and they were singing
bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die
they were singing bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee
but the levee was dry
them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
singin' this'll be the day that i die
B. 小蘑菇的故事续写
小蘑菇是相声大师常宝堃的艺名。出生于张家口。父亲常连安,艺名“小鑫 奎”,原在富连成科班学戏,后以变戏法谋生。
C. 有关音乐的故事
D. 适合讲故事的背景音乐
《雨的印记》、《Luv Letter》情书、《天空之城》。
这首曲子出自韩国最擅长描绘爱情的音乐家李闰珉(YIRUMA)之手,写这首歌的时候,是在一个星星满天的夜晚,忽然间一场雨,让YIRUMA有感而发写下Kiss The Rain这首曲子。
E. 踩姑娘的小蘑菇的歌曲简介
专辑首首金曲 往日回忆重现
F. 怎么听歌编故事(语文作业) 听音乐,编一个小故事.要励志的歌.
G. 小蘑菇队奥尔夫音乐
1 红色饰品—— 红色饰品是以约500码的直径扫描圈内,如果有蘑菇,显形。 2 红色饰品内升级容后的大红饰品。—— 大红饰品是出现一个10s的真视,走到哪,在你周围的蘑菇显形。 3 真眼。————周围1000码范围如果有蘑菇显形。 4 黄色饰品升级后的大黄饰品。
H. 大蘑菇小蘑菇编一个童话故事
《冰雪女皇》内容抄简介:冰雪皇后为了解除下在自己身上的咒语,带走了卡伊,小噶尔达历经千辛万苦,找到了冰雪皇后的宫殿,救出了自己的朋友,回到了日夜思念他们的奶奶身边。 在生活中,我们或许会遇到一些困难,我们的朋友也会遇到一些麻烦。这时需要我们用一颗善良而热情的心去面对,就像噶尔达那样坚持到底,那么好多困难都会消融掉,留给我们的会是一个美丽的结局。 《跳蚤与教授》内容简介:这是一个跳蚤与教授通过自己的智慧成功离开野人国的故事,这个故事告诉我们要树立自己的理想,并且为了这个理想,要一直坚持不懈,不畏艰辛,充分发挥自己的聪明才智和特长,只有这样才能实现自己的理想的。
I. 急需故事“小蘑菇有朋友啦”
教师:陈思 活动目的:1、学习故事《小蘑菇有朋友啦》,理解故事含义,懂得团结小朋友。 2、丰富词汇:孤零零、高兴、伤心、朋友 活动重难点:理解故事含义,懂得团结友爱,互相帮助。 活动准备:多媒体课件、挂图、头饰(蝴蝶、蜜蜂、蚂蚁、花、蘑菇)、词卡 活动过程: 一、组织教学 《拍手歌》组织幼儿坐好。 师生相互问好! 二、导入 1、教师以KITTY猫身份出示,为小朋友准备了一个好听的故事。“HELLO,小朋友们好,我是谁呀?今天我给你们带来一个好礼物——好听的故事,想听吗?” 三、新授 1、教师操作课件,幼儿听故事一遍。“那今天我们来听听这是个什么样的故事呢,但是在听故事之前我有要求,要求小朋友们听的时候认真的听,并且告诉我这个故事叫什么名字,故事中都有谁?”幼儿听完故事后回答。 2、 出示挂图及卡片,边出示边讲故事。 “天气棒极了,森林里可热闹了……可是有一只蘑菇却(孤零零)的站在那里,这时爬来了一只小蚂蚁……” 提问:A.蘑菇看到小蚂蚁,小蜜蜂,小蝴蝶都对他们说了些什么?那他们同意了吗?小蚂蚁怎么说的?小蜜蜂和蝴蝶又怎么说? B.过一会下雨了,蜜蜂和蝴蝶找花避雨,花同意了吗?花为什么不同意? C.小蘑菇是怎么对蜜蜂和蝴蝶说的?那蚂蚁呢? 3、 引出词汇 “嘘!蘑菇宝宝有小秘密要告诉小朋友,想不想听?可是这些秘密都藏在这几个问题里,小朋友有没有信心揭开这些秘密?”当幼儿回答对问题里的词汇后就出示词卡教幼儿理解,读。 提问:A.小朋友一个人在家的时候,没有家人会觉得怎样?那小蘑菇呢?小朋友在什么时候觉得孤零零?(引出孤零零) B.小朋友你家里有没有养小动物?那如果家里的小动物生病了你会怎样?(伤心) C.当你受到老师表扬的时候你会觉得心里怎样?(高兴)你有什么高兴的事情给我们一起分享? D.你告诉我你的好朋友是谁?(朋友) 4、 小结小朋友之间要团结友爱,互相帮助,学习小蘑菇。 5、 课中操 6、 情景表演 “今天小朋友们玩得可开心了,我也来变个魔术送给小朋友们一些礼物,看我魔术变变变!哇,这么漂亮的礼物小朋友们快戴上。” 幼儿戴头饰根据故事内容表演这个故事。 四、游戏:找朋友结束 本文转自:中小学教育资源站( http://www.edown.net )原文链接: http://www.edown.net/teacher/jiaoan/youer/200703/12073.html