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发布时间:2021-01-13 13:14:02

A. 请问下谁知道指环王里面班得瑞一首很悠扬的曲子,我记不得较什么了,知道的可以给个地址吗谢谢

Concerning Hobbits

B. 指环王里的所有歌


1.The Prophecy预言

2.The Council of Elrond埃尔隆德会议

3.Concerning Hobbits关于霍比特人

4.The Ring Goes South戒指往南

5.The Shadow of the Past过去的阴影

6.A Journey in the Dark黑暗中的旅程

7.The Treason of Isengard艾辛格的叛国

8.The Bridge of Khazad Dum哈扎德达姆桥

9.The Black Rider黑骑士


11.At the Sign of the Prancing Pony跃马的标志

12.The Great River大河

14.A Knife in the Dark黑暗中的一把刀

15.Amon Hen阿蒙汉

16.Flight to the Ford飞向浅滩

17.The Breaking of the Fellowship破坏友谊

18.Many Meetings多次会议

19.May It Be Enya或是雅恩


1.Foundations of Stone基础石

2.The Leave Taking离开的对话

3.The Taming of Sméagol驯服史麦戈

4.Helm's Deep舵的深

5.The Riders of Rohan骑士罗汉

6.The Forbidden Pool禁止池

7.The Passage of the Marshes沼泽的通道

8.Breath of Life生命的呼吸

9.The Uruk-Hai强兽人

10.The Hornburg霍恩堡

11.The King of the Golden Hall金厅之王

12.Forth Eorlingas滚开

13.The Black Gate Is Closed黑门关上了

14.Isengard Unleashed艾辛格释放


16.Samwise the Brave山姆卫斯的勇气

17.The White Rider白骑士

18.Gollum's Song咕噜的歌


20.Farewell To Lorien告别精灵


1.A Storm Is Coming暴风雨就要来了

2.Hope and Memory希望和记忆

3.Minas Tirith Ben Del Maestro迈斯卓

4.The White Tree白色的树

5.The Steward of Gondor Billy Boyd刚铎的总管比利博伊德

6.Minas Morgul米纳斯莫尔古尔

7.The Ride of the Rohirrim罗汉的骑行

8.Cirith Ungol西力斯昂哥

9.Twilight and Shadow Renée Fleming暮光与阴影蕾妮弗莱明


11.The Fields of the Pelennor佩伦诺的田野

12.Shelob's Lair尸罗巢穴

13.The Black Gate Opens黑门打开了

14.Ash and Smoke火山灰和烟尘

15.The End of All Things万物的终结

16.Hope Fails希望失败

17.The Return of the King国王回来了

18.The Grey Havens灰色的天堂

19.Into the West进入西部


指环王三部曲原声带皆由Howard Shore制作,并收录在同名原声带专辑中。

霍华德肖(Howard Shore),1946年10月18日出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多,好莱坞最出色的电影音乐家之一,曾凭借在《王者归来》中的出色配乐,荣膺第61届金球奖最佳原创配乐和第46届格莱美最佳原创影视音乐等奖项。


C. 指环王中震撼人心的背景音乐

TheBattleOfThePelennorFields,第三部Rohan骑兵抵达Gondor之后开始冲锋的音乐。 链接: HostOfTheEldar,第二部圣盔谷防御回战时候精灵援军答到来是的音乐。 链接:http://pan..com/s/1i3GKRbB TheBreachOfTheDeepingWall,第二部圣盔谷防御战时城墙被攻破时候的音乐。 链接:http://pan..com/s/1qWNsmvE

D. 指环王所有歌曲以及插曲片尾曲.所有!


Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
The Shire
Bag End
Very Old Friends
Flaming Red Hair
Farewell Dear Bilbo
Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
A Conspiracy Unmasked
Three Is Company
The Passing of the Elves
Saruman the White
A Shortcut to Mushrooms
The Nazgûl
The Caverns of Isengard
Give Up the Halfling
The Sword That Was Broken
The Council of Elrond Assembles
The Great Eye
Gilraen's Memorial
The Pass of Caradhras
The Doors Of Durin
Balin's Tomb
Caras Galadhon
The Mirror of Galadriel
The Fighting Uruk-Hai
Parth Galen
The Departure Of Boromir
The Road Goes Ever on ... Pt. 1
May It Be
The Road Goes Ever On ... Pt. 2
Elven Rope
Lost in Emyn Muil
My Precious
Ugluk's Warriors
The Three Hunters
The Banishment of Eomer
Night Camp
The Plains of Rohan
The Dead Marshes
"Wraiths on Wings"
Gandalf the White
The Dreams of Trees
The Heir of Numenor
The Court of Meseld
Théoden King
The King's Decision
Exos of Edoras
The Forests of Ithilien
One of the Dunedain
The Wolves of Isengard
Refuge at Helm's Deep
The Voice of Saruman
Arwen's Fate
The Story Foretold
Sons of the Steward
Rock and Pool
Faramir's Good Council
Aragorn's Return
War is Upon Us
"Where is the Horse and the Rider?"
The Host of the Eldar
The Battle of the Hornburg
The Breach of the Deeping Wall
The Entmoot Decides
Master Peregrin's Plan
The Last March of the Ents
The Nazgûl Attack
Théoden Rides Forth
The Tales That Really Matter
"Long Ways to Go Yet"
Roots and Beginnings
Journey to the Crossroads
The Road to Isengard
The Foot of Orthanc
Return to Edoras
The Chalice Passed
The Green Dragon's Dream
The Palantir
Flight from Edoras
The Grace of Undómiel
The Eyes of the White Tower
A Coronel of Silver
The Lighting of the Beacon
Osgiliath Invaded
The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
Allegiance to Denethor
The Sacrifice of Farimir
The Parting of Sam and Frodo
Marshalling at Dunharrow
Anril-Flame of the West
The Passing of the Grey Company
Dwimorberg- The Haunted Mountain
Master Meriadoc, Swordthain
The Paths of the Dead
The Siege of Gondor
Shelob's Lair
Merry's Simple Courage
Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld
Shelob the Great
The Tomb of the Stewards
The Battle of Pelennor Fields
The Pyre of Denethor
The Mumakil
Dernhelm in Battle
"A Far Green Country"
Shieldmaiden of Rohan
The Passing of Theoden
The Houses of Healing
The Tower of Cirith
The Last Debate
The Land of Shadow
The Mouth of Sauron
"For Frodo"
Mount Doom
The Crack of Doom
The Eagles
The Fellowship Reunited
Journey to the Grey Havens
Days of the Ring
Bilbo's Song

E. 指环王3中在小矮人霍比特村庄那悠扬的背景音乐是什么

是《Concerning Hobbits》的变奏版,具体名字我再查查~

F. 指环王中最著名的两个插曲

其实第一个说是Concerning Hobbits更准确点,不过楼主说的那个场景确实是Samwise The Brave的,第二个应该是The Uruk-hai前半段更准点,The Riders Of Rohan好像是给罗汉骑兵用的

G. 指环王插曲 Concerning Hobbits 悠扬的笛声是长笛演奏的还是锡口笛演奏的

该曲段的演奏者是詹姆斯·高尔威爵士(Sir James Galway),虽然是世界知名的长笛大师,但这里专他用的是锡口笛属

这里有一段他现场演奏Concerning Hobbits的视频,注意仔细看,虽然长笛和锡口笛是交错用的,但Concerning Hobbits得演奏只用了锡口笛


H. 关于电影《指环王》的插曲

这首乐曲在魔戒3原声中叫做 A Storm is Coming




I. 指环王二部 刚一到罗翰时放的背景音乐开头那段很悠扬的音乐是什么乐器演奏的


J. 《指环王》里所有背景音乐和插曲的名称


eMule 下载: 原声大碟.-.[The.Lord.of.the.Rings.Trilogy.Soundtrack.3CD].专辑.(mp3).rar
英文名称:The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Soundtrack
专辑名称:The Lord of the Rings: Trilogy Soundtrack
专辑制作:Howard Shore
唱片公司:Warner Brothers


加拿大电影音乐家霍华休尔(Howard Shore)以“魔戒首部曲-魔戒现身”勇夺2001年美国广播影评人/洛杉矶/芝加哥/拉斯维加斯影评人学会、2002年奥斯卡最佳原著音乐奖、2003年葛莱美奖最佳电影音乐原声带大奖以及2002年世界原声带大奖观众票选奖、最佳电影音乐原声带奖等8项大奖,著名代表作包括:英国影艺学院最佳电影音乐奖提名作“沉默的羔羊”、“纽约黑帮”以及“入侵脑细胞”、“费城”、“火线追缉令”、“颤栗空间”…等。“魔戒首部曲-魔戒现身”、“魔戒二部曲-双城奇谋”两张原声带同时高居Billboard流行原声带排行榜的亚军,前者还冲进英国金榜TOP 10,两张原声带全球累积销售超过300万张。

从首部曲里满怀壮志的英雄情怀,到二部曲里力拔山河的对战气势,霍华休尔透过繁复的音乐配器,与游走于当代与传统古典交响乐、圣乐唱诗、挽歌、军乐进行曲、世界音乐、电子乐、新世纪音乐等不同类型曲式的创作精神,完美雕琢这段流露悲壮、荣耀、奇幻、神圣光芒的冒险传奇,到了【魔戒三部曲-王者再临】中,霍华把前二部曲所释放的情绪逐渐内化,化成一的情绪波涛,这一波波潮起潮落的情绪波涛,一次次的冲击每一位聆听者的心灵滩头。霍华邀请全英音乐奖特别成就奖/Billboard世纪奖双料得主安妮兰妮克丝(Annie Lennox)献唱凄美动人的片尾主题曲”Into The West〃,同时力邀爱尔兰长笛大师-詹姆斯高威爵士(Sir James Galway)与著名女高音芮妮芙莱明(Renee Fleming)分别为乐曲营造意境美感,升华雄伟性灵,饰演亚拉冈的维果摩顿森(Viggo Mortensen)也在”The Return Of The King〃一曲中献声。


Disc: 1
1. The Prophecy
2. Concerning Hobbits
3. The Shadow of the Past
4. The Treason of Isengard
5. The Black Rider
6. At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
7. A Knife in the Dark
8. Flight to the Ford
9. Many Meetings
10. The Council Of Elrond featuring Aniron (Theme For Aragorn And Arwen) - Enya
11. The Ring Goes South
12. A Journey in the Dark
13. The Bridge of Khazad Dum
14. Lothlorien - Howard Shore
15. The Great River
16. Amon Hen
17. The Breaking of the Fellowship
18. May It Be - Enya
1. Foundations of Stone
2. The Taming of Smiagol
3. The Riders of Rohan
4. The Passage of the Marshes
5. The Uruk-Hai
6. The King of the Golden Hall
7. The Black Gate Is Closed
8. Evenstar - Isabel Bayrakdarian
9. The White Rider
10. Treebeard
11. The Leave Taking
12. Helm's Deep
13. The Forbidden Pool
14. Breath of Life
15. The Hornburg
16. Forth Eorlingas
17. Isengard Unleashed
18. Samwise the Brave
19. Gollum's Song-Emiliana Torrini
Disc: 3
1. A Storm Is Coming
2. Hope and Memory
3. Minas Tirith
4. The White Tree
5. The Steward of Gondor
6. Minas Morgul
7. The Ride of the Rohirrim
8. Twilight and Shadow
9. Cirith Ungol
10. Andzril
11. Shelob's Lair
12. Ash and Smoke
13. The Fields of the Pelennor
14. Hope Falls
15. The Black Gate Opens
16. The End of All Things
17. The Return of the King
18. The Grey Havens
19. Into the West - Annie Lennox



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