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发布时间:2021-01-20 03:08:38

① 跪求一首外文男女对唱歌曲里有钢琴伴奏歌曲

Communication 你听听是不是? 此空间 歌曲多出自 Amy Pearson 丶The Cardigans 丶Enya 你自己找找吧 我找了很久..你给的提示太模糊了

② 一首韩文男女对唱情歌,歌曲开头是钢琴声,然后女的就开始唱....是什么歌啊


③ 可以用钢琴伴奏的,男女对唱的歌曲有那些


④ 求4月12日SBS人气歌谣里的一首男女对唱歌曲,女的弹钢琴


⑤ 有一首男女对唱的歌,风格是好像s.h.e的“恋人未满”,中间还有些钢琴的,(不知道是不是钢琴,)跪求!

是不是王力宏和Selina对唱的 你是我心内的一首歌?

⑥ 开头钢琴男女合唱的欧美歌曲

N-Dubz -We Dance On

Na na naii

me while I stand here
Watch my feet, my stance, my body language
I’m not someone to be messed with
I’m a fox on a mission
You know you’re challenging the best here
It’s gonna be real hard
But I’m gonna be okay
As long as I try real hard
I’m always gonna find my way
I’ma find my way
Ima stand up like a soldier
Ima get them ‘til it’s over
I’ll keep marching to the beat
‘til there’s bruises on my feet
Now I’m falling to my knees
‘Cause I’m gonna take this all the way
It’s now or never
I’ll break what’s in my way
Ima stand up like a soldier
Tonight I’m gonna take over
Ch: ‘Cause I know everything’s gonna be alright
Now you’re standing here right by my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything’s gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Not in a million years
Did I think my feet would bring me this far
So much frustration, sleepless nights
Now that I’m in charge
At first no one gave me the time of day
Now I’m left on my own to show the way
My sisters, brothers from other mothers
Can we take this all the way
Could of kicked us to the curb
These days are so hard to get heard
We gonna stand up like a solder
Take everything we deserve (trust)
At first everyone was cautious
When we brought in something new
But after weeks of practicing
We knew exactly what to do
I’ma stand up like a soldier
I’ma get them ‘til it’s over
I’ll keep marching to the beat
‘til there’s bruises on my feet
Now I’m falling to my knees
‘Cause I’m gonna take this all the way
It’s now or never
I’ll break what’s in my way
Ima stand up like a soldier
Tonight I’m gonna take over
Ch: ‘Cause I know everything’s gonna be alright
Now you’re standing here right at my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything’s gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
‘Cause I know everything’s gonna be alright
Now you’re standing here right at my side
And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on
Everything’s gonna be okay
The streets will lighten up my way
So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on
Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on

⑦ 一首韩语男女合唱的歌曲开头是钢琴的节奏男的有RAP女的有高音歌词其中有一句是lets go


⑧ 求一首男女对唱的英文歌 很深情开头是一段钢琴

Goodbye --Jessica Folker

I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I kown how hard to try
You deserve to have so much more

I can feel your hurt and I sympathize
And I'll never critisize
All you ever meant to my life
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back from where
you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
But a just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
But there's nothing left to say - but goodbye

You deserve a chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful for me
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back from where
you might belong

You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
But a just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make yo cry
But there's nothing left to try - and though
it's gonna hurt us both - there's just no other
way than to say goodbye

Jessica Folker,来自瑞典的流行乐天后,身上拥有一半塞内加尔血统的Jessica,具有黑人歌手与生俱来绝好的节奏感和嗓音爆发力,高音处的质感深厚,这使得Jessica演绎歌曲时游刃有余,且闪耀出一种异样的风韵,被誉为北欧最好的声音。翻唱(Air Supply)的一首经典老歌《Goodbye》,让我们听到一个灵性女子悲伤之后的坚强。

⑨ 求一首歌,男女对唱 中文 女生先唱 开头是钢琴,男生声音有一点点像林俊杰,歌里好多“啊~” 昨天隔





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