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发布时间:2021-01-20 03:46:50

⑴ 求电影《金鸡SSS》播放至95分20多秒时的背景音乐歌名


⑵ 求金鸡SSS里的所以插曲!!!!!谢谢


⑶ 金鸡sss张家辉吐得时候的英文歌曲

<<if i falling in love again>>

if i falling in love again
i will try to hear your voice
i try to fell your hart
and keep on loving you

⑷ 金鸡sss 16分10秒女生唱的那个外文的插曲叫什么名字啊 跪求了~

插曲是《You Keep Me Hangin' On》
歌曲名:You Keep Me Hangin' On
歌手:Diana Ross & The Supremes
Written by Holland, Dozier & Holland
Set me free why don't ya babe
Get out of my life why don't ya babe
'cause you don't really love me
You just keep me hangin'on
Set me free why don't ya babe
Get out of my life why don't ya babe
You don't really need me
But you keep me hangin'on
Why do you keep a comin' around
Playing with my heart
Why don't ya get out of my life
And let me make a brand new start
Let me get over you
The way you've gotten over me yeah
You say although we broke up
You still just wanna be friends
But how can we still be friends
When seeing you only breaks my heart again
Get out, get out of my life
And let me sleep at night
'Cos you don't really love me
You just keep me hangin'on
You say you still care for me
But your heart and soul needs to be free
And now that you've got your freedom
You wanna still hold on to me
You don't want me for yourself
So let me find somebody else
Why don't ya be a man about it and set me free
Now you don't care a thing about me
You're just using me - Hey, abusing me
Get out, get out of my life
And let me sleep at night
'Cos you don't really love me
You just keep me hangin'on

⑸ 金鸡sss16.11的歌曲一首电音 歌词是 i know you kidding me .....

don‘t waste your time(vocal version_full length) 请搜qq音乐

⑹ 金鸡sss电影中古天乐亲卢觅雪那首歌曲

《金鸡》是2002年上映的一套香港电影,由吴君如主演一名妓女金如,以其十五专岁至四十岁所经历的辛属酸史,道出1970年代尾至2000年代初香港的各种变迁。《金鸡2》。老妓女金如(吴君如 饰)在自助银行里遇到了小偷(曾志伟 饰)打劫,怎料突然...

⑺ 金鸡SSS里1小时零3分的英文插曲是什么歌呀

Christina Aguilera - Falling in Love Again

Falling in love again, never wanted to
What am i to do, i cant help it
Love always been my game, play it how i may
i was made that way, i cant help it

Men cluster to me like moths around a flame
and if their wings burnt, i know i'm not to blame
Falling in love again, never wanted to
What am i to do, i cant help it

Men cluster to me like moths around a flame
and if their wings burnt, i know i'm not to blame
Love always been my game, play it how i may
i was made that way, i cant help it
Falling in love again, never wanted to
What am i to do, i cant help it

Falling in love again, never wanted to
What am i to do, i cant help it
Love always been my game, play it how i may
i was made that way, i cant help it
Men cluster to me like moths around a flame
and if their wings burnt, i know i'm not to blame

Love always been my game, play it how i may
i was made that way, i cant help it

uh uh.. i'm falling in love again... i never wanted to
i'm not to blame
i was made that way
i'm not to blame...

⑻ 金鸡sss33分钟古天乐登场的那段英文插曲~急急急

同求 古天乐出出场音乐 32分钟42秒

开头是you know everyday she is 剩下的我就不知道了



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