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发布时间:2021-01-22 23:56:59

1. 成长的烦恼中的插曲

Old time rock & roll旧日摇滚

Just take those old records off the shelf把那些老磁带都从架子上拿下来吧
Ill sit and listen to 'em by myself我会坐着并自己听
Todays music aln't got the same soul今天的音乐没有同样的灵魂
I like that old time rock & roll我喜欢那样的旧日摇滚
Don't try to take me to a disco不要试图把我带去迪厅
You'll never even get me out on the
In ten minutes I'll be late for the door
I like that old time rock & roll我喜欢那样的旧日摇滚

Still like that old time rock & roll仍然喜欢那样的旧日摇滚
That kind of music just soothes the soul那样的音乐抚慰心灵
I reminisce about the days of old我缅怀过去
With that old time rock & roll当我听着旧日摇滚
Won't go to hear them play a tango不会听到他们演奏探戈
I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul我宁愿听一些布鲁斯那样拥有灵魂表现力的音乐
There's only sure way to get me to go只有一种方式让我
Start playing old time rock n roll开始旧日摇滚
Call me a relic, call me what you will叫我圣者遗物,随便叫我什么
Say Im old-fashioned, say Im over the hill说我老式的,说我人老珠黄
Today music aint got the same soul
I like that old time rock n roll

Still like that old time rockn roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock n roll

2. 成长的烦恼的音乐原声

主题歌是由约翰·贝蒂斯所做的《As Long As We Got Each Other》
B.J. Thomas(独唱):第1季
B.J. Thomas & Jennifer Warnes:第2、3、5、7季
B.J. Thomas & 达斯汀·斯普林菲尔德:第4季
一共有七种版本的的主题歌,其中包括用于1990年万圣节特集的万圣节版本。在前三集中,在主题歌的尾部使用了演奏版本,而在第四季则在这一部分加入了唱词"Sharing the laughter and love"。
第三季里多次出现的插曲Swept Away(一见钟情)被认为是里面最温馨的歌,特别是第47,48集度假里,在夏威夷岛迈克和导游米莉亚的短暂恋情,在这首音乐的背景下,让人悸动,这首歌是由 Christopher Cross(克里斯多夫.克罗斯)演唱的。

3. 求《成长的烦恼》一首插曲

叫swept away

Swept Away

I never had anything happen so fast 我总来没有经历过什么事发生的如此之快
Took one look and I shattered like glass 我只看了一眼我就象玻璃一样被(你的美丽)击碎了
I guess I let it show 我猜是我让你看出来了
Cause your smile told me you knew 因为你的笑容告诉我你已知晓
That you're everything I ever wanted at once你就是我马上想要的一切
There's no holding this heart我的心没有停顿
When it knows what it wants当它知道它想要什么的时候
And I never wanted anything more than to know you我想了解你胜过其他一切

I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

And so it begins 就这样开始了
This journey of love 这个爱的旅程
The summer wind carries us to places all our own 夏天的凉风会把我们带到属于我们自己的地方
The words of a look 你的一瞥就像一句话
The language of touch 你的爱抚就像一种语言
The way that you want me means so much你想要我的方式意味着太多了
And I never wanted anything more Than to love you 我想爱你胜过任何事

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
Oo, I hope I wake up soon哦,我想要快点醒来
Oo, I'm a victim of that crazy moon 哦,我是那个疯狂的月的牺牲品

The very first time you said my name 当你第一次叫我名字的时候
I knew it would never sound the same 我就知道他将永远听上去与以往不同
Something about me has changed forever 关于我的一些已经被永远改变
Can't you see I am swept away难道你不知道吗,我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像新的一天是由黑夜开始一样
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
We were swept away 我们一见钟情
Dreaming of you 梦想着你
Swept away一见钟情

4. 寻《成长的烦恼》一首插曲


Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin'

Everybody's talking at me

Everybody's talking at me.

I don't hear a word they're saying,

Only the echoes of my mind.

People stopping staring,

I can't see their faces,

Only the shadows of their eyes.

I'm going where the sun keeps shining

Thru' the pouring rain,

Going where the weather suits my clothes,

Backing off of the North East wind,

Sailing on summer breeze

And skipping over the ocean like a stone.

I'm going where the sun keeps shining

Thru' the pouring rain,

Going where the weather suits my clothes,

Backing off of the North East wind,

Sailing on summer breeze

And skipping over the ocean like a stone

5. 成长的烦恼里的一些歌曲

叫swept away

Swept Away

I never had anything happen so fast 我总来没有经历过什么事发生的如此之快
Took one look and I shattered like glass 我只看了一眼我就象玻璃一样被(你的美丽)击碎了
I guess I let it show 我猜是我让你看出来了
Cause your smile told me you knew 因为你的笑容告诉我你已知晓
That you're everything I ever wanted at once你就是我马上想要的一切
There's no holding this heart我的心没有停顿
When it knows what it wants当它知道它想要什么的时候
And I never wanted anything more than to know you我想了解你胜过其他一切

I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

And so it begins 就这样开始了
This journey of love 这个爱的旅程
The summer wind carries us to places all our own 夏天的凉风会把我们带到属于我们自己的地方
The words of a look 你的一瞥就像一句话
The language of touch 你的爱抚就像一种语言
The way that you want me means so much你想要我的方式意味着太多了
And I never wanted anything more Than to love you 我想爱你胜过任何事

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
Oo, I hope I wake up soon哦,我想要快点醒来
Oo, I'm a victim of that crazy moon 哦,我是那个疯狂的月的牺牲品

The very first time you said my name 当你第一次叫我名字的时候
I knew it would never sound the same 我就知道他将永远听上去与以往不同
Something about me has changed forever 关于我的一些已经被永远改变
Can't you see I am swept away难道你不知道吗,我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像新的一天是由黑夜开始一样
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
We were swept away 我们一见钟情
Dreaming of you 梦想着你
Swept away一见钟情

6. 成长的烦恼片尾插曲








还记得,在小学我是一个天真浪漫,活泼可爱的女孩。由于在家里呆惯了,来到学校还不很自然,而且还很厌恶;但因我的天生性格,没多长时间就适应了。可老问题解决了,新问题又来了。我开始对学校的任何事物都产生疑问。例如:为什么老师教我而我不教他们呢?为什么“铃”一响我就上课下课呢?为什么老师让做什么,就做什么?这些疑问总是在我的脑海里转来转去~~久久不能挥去。当我鼓起勇气问老师时,却换来了冷嘲热讽;又当我问起最信任的妈妈时,却换来了“傻孩子,你真是自讨没趣”。在我正憋着闷气的时候,爸爸回来了。我毫不抱希望的,并带着批评的可能,将我的想法和遭到拒绝的事情一五一十的告诉了他……TO MY SURPRISE 爸爸回答了我的疑问。原来也是一种“自然规律”,我那天非常高兴,为我的FATHER AND SOLVE PROPLEM。
























回答:我不要长大,但又不得不长大。 。












还有一次更惨:那天家庭作业又多,一回来就回到自己房里埋头当起一个小抄写工,刚坐下来。“快下来。”妈妈大声喊到,“刘熠,看妈妈给你买了什么好东西!我惊喜地跑到楼下,心想还以为是妈妈给我买了我最欢的玻璃杯呢!我过去一看,都是一些作文书和一些数学练习。谁知……哎!想法一落千丈。妈妈轻声告诉我:“看你都上中学了,多买几本作文书给你看也好,可以多让你学点,那些数学书都是质量很好的,里面内容都写得很详细,要不你每天就多看些和……”我打断妈妈的话语大声说:“你知不知道,我现在作业都很多,而且还有老师布置的的任务,从小到大我总是随着你们大人的意愿做事,大部分时间已经放在了学习上,又要完成很多的作业,玩的时间几乎没有,我想我应该让你们看一下我的思想政治书了。放了假,又让我学这个,学那个,我的脑子都快炸了,难道我真的应该像个“机器人”一样一天到晚有做不玩的事吗?”妈妈和刚才似乎变了一个人大声说:“我现在跟你买这些,都不是为你们以后的前途着想,都不是为了你好吗?”我的 “火”腾地上来反驳到:“难道大人们都要以这种的方式来爱自己的孩子么,以为读读死书就算了吗?我们每天5点40起来,那早跑去学校我们难道不累吗?还有这么多的作业,我的痛苦又有谁了解呢?你们就知道读书读书。有没有为孩子们着想他们到底有没有自由。”“嘿,我辛苦了这多年,都不是为你好,你们么样都不了解父母呢?”妈妈严厉地说。“像那些只知道读死书的,那不是他们自愿的,都是像你们这些父母逼的,有的高中生甚至为爸爸妈妈逼自己上学的事情都走上了自己不愿看到的一条决路。这不是别的,都是你们大人逼成这个样子的。”我边啜泣边大声说……最后的舌战中妈妈被我气得走进了自己的房间。我自己也吵累了,有跑到自己房里做起作业来,当作什么事情都没发生过的样子,表面我什么事都没有,其实我的心里却非常难过:纵使妈妈再怎样我也不应该用这样的口气去和妈妈说话。但是他们的这种“家长作风”都让人受不了的。为什么大人们都要把我们自己的理想扼在摇篮里呢?我真想……

眼看,成绩一天不如,一天,分数一次不如一次,就连性格也变得孤僻起来.于是,我也意识到了情况的 "危机" ,便暗暗的告诉自己:"不能在这样下去了,我要总结成功的经验,吸取失败的教训,改头换面,重新做会那个原本自信,开朗的我!"于是,从那刻起,我便一直都在向我的目标努力看齐,终于,通过一学期的不断努力,我再一次的感受到了黎明的曙光,寻找回了往日的自信,拾起了对学习的热爱与信心.令我快乐无比!
成长道路中的酸.甜.苦.辣是数之不尽的,遇到烦恼更是不可避免的,但只要你能够勇敢的去面对,一正确的方法来解决它!或许,它将不再是烦恼,而是生命中的一种点缀!! 踏过如歌的花季,走过如诗的雨季,忽然发现:以前的欢笑和悲伤,都已悄然放在旧时的枕边,孩提时眼中瑰丽的红霞,被晚归的大雁带走,眼中少了些顽皮天真的光彩。 “夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”,现在看来不过是强说愁而赋的新词墨了。然而,成长的代价却带给了我许多真实的烦恼……
很多时候会觉得自己在生活中失去了什么,难道成长的代价如斯,竟不能保留住一份童 稚的空气,就连那时眼中咸咸的泪,如今也被溶入了缕缕苦涩的烦恼,有人把这叫做成长中的历练。

7. 急求《成长的烦恼里》一首非常好听的歌!

As Long As We Got Each Other
Show me that smile again
Oh, show me that smile
Don't waste another minute on your cryin'
We're nowhere near the end
We're nowhere near
The best is ready to begin

All in a cloudy daze
I look into your eyes and see them shining out
Holding you close this way
Holding you this way
Is like having summer everyday
Ooh, ooh

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin'

As long as we keep on givin'
We can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin' the laughter and love

Promise me here and now
Nothing but jokes
Will never come between us
You can depend on me
'Cause I need you like the air I breathe
Oh, oh

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin'

As long as we keep on givin'
We can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin' the laughter and love

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin'

As long as we keep on givin'
We can take anything that comes our way
Oh, baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin' the laughter and love

this is the day
This Is The Day

When I was crazy
You never left my side
And I'll never know why
When we were hungry
Somehow we lived on love
And it was enough
I'll remember the rest of my days
It was you that has made all the best of my days

Oh I
Knew it every day of my life
That someday I would stand in the light
And shine
If they can't see me now
Then the world must be blind
Oh I
Believed with every part of my heart
I would catch that one fallen star
For you
Oh it might be a shade overe
But this is the day

I kept my promise
That we would see the sun
When the winter was done
Waitin' is over
Summer has come at last
Aren't you glad it has
All I want all the rest of the time
Is to be in your arms
And to hold you in mine

Oh I
Knew it every day of my life
Someday I would stand in the light
And shine
If they can't see me now
Then the world must be blind
Oh I
Believed with every part of my heart
I would catch that one fallen star
For you
Oh it might be a shade overe
But this is the day

Ohhh Oh I
Knew it every day of my life
Someday I would stand in the light
And shine
If they can't see me now
Then the world must be blind
Oh I
Believed with every part of my heart
I would catch that one fallen star
For you
Oh it might be a shade overe
But this is the day

This is the day
This is the day
This is the day
This is the day

Written by: Steve Dorff and John Bettis

I never had anything happen so fast
I took one look and I shattered like glass
I guess I let it show 'cause your smile told me you knew
That you're everything I ever wanted at once
There's no holding this heart when it knows what it wants
And I never wanted anything more than to know you
I was swept away
No one in the world but you and I
Gotta find a way
To make you feel the way that I do
I was swept away
Without a warning
Like night when the morning begins the day
I was swept away
And so it begins
This journey of love
The summer wind carries us to places all our own
The words of a look
The language of touch
The way that you want me means so much
And I never wanted anything more
Than to love you
I was swept away
Away, seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes
I was swept away
Oo, I hope I wake up soon
I'm a victim of that crazy moon
The very first time you said my name
I knew it would never sound the same
Something about me has changed forever
Can't you see I am swept away
No one in the world but you and I
Gotta find a way
To make you feel the way that I do
I am swept away
Without a warning
Like night when the morning begins the day
I was swept away
We were swept away
Dreaming of you
Swept away

Old Time Rock and Roll


Just take those old records off the shelf

I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself

Today's music ain't got the same soul

I like that old time rock 'n' roll

Don't try to take me to a disco

You'll never even get me out on the floor

In ten minutes I'll be late for the door

I like that old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes the soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Won't go to hear them play a tango

I'd rather hear some blues or funky soul

There's only one sure way to get me to go

Start playing old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes the soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Call me a relic, call me what you will

Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill

Today's music ain't got the same soul

I like that old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes the soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Still like that old time rock 'n' roll

That kind of music just soothes the soul

I reminisce about the days of old

With that old time rock 'n' roll

Rock 'n' roll

Soothes the soul

Days of old

If I Fell. The Beatles

If I fell in love with you
Would you promise to be true
And help me understand
'cause I've been in love before
And I found that love was more
Than just holding hands

If I give my heart to you
I must be sure
From the very start
That you would love me more than her

If I trust in you oh please
Don't run and hide
If I love you too oh please
Don't hurt my pride like her
'cause I couldn't stand the pain
And I would be sad if our new love was in vain

So I hope you see that I
Would love to love you
And that she will cry
When she learns we are two

If I fell in love with you


Midnight Train to Georgia

Sung by : Gladys Knight & The Pips

L.A. Proved too much for the man,
So he's leavin' the life he's come to know,
He said he's goin' back to find
Ooh, what's left of his world,
The world he left behind
Not so long ago.
He's leaving,
On that midnight train to Georgia,
And he's goin' back
To a simpler place and time.
And I'll be with him
On that midnight train to Georgia,
I'd rather live in his world
Than live without him in mine.
He kept dreamin'
That someday he'd be a star.
But he sure found out the hard way
That dreams don't always come true.
So he pawned all his hopes
and he even sold his old car
Bought a one way ticket
To the life he once knew,
Oh yes he did,
He said he would
Be leavin
On that midnight train to Georgia,
And he's goin' back
To a simpler place and time.
And I'll be with him
On that midnight train to Georgia,
I'd rather live in his world
Than live without him in mine.
Go, gonna board, gonna board,
Gonna board the midnight train.
Gotta go, gonna board
Gonna board
Gonna board the midnight train
(repeat, fade)

The More I See You


The More I See You

The more I see you

The more I want you

Somehow this feeling

Just grows and grows

With every sigh

I become more mad about you

More lost without you

And so it goes

Can you imagine

How much I love you

The more I see you

As years go by

I know the only one for me

Can only be you

My arms won't free you

And my heart won't try

hound dog
原唱:Elvis Presley(猫王)
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

Well they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

Well they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

Well they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Ya know they said you was high-classed
Well, that was just a lie
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
You ain't no friend of mine

The First Noel

The first Noel the Angels did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel

They looked up and saw a star
Shining in the east, beyond them far
And to the earth it gave great light
And so it continued both day and night
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel

(The following 4 verses are not sung on the Boney M version)

And by the light of that same star
Three wise men came from country far;
To seek for a king was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went.

This star drew nigh to the northwest,
O'er Bethlehem it took it rest,
And there it did both stop and stay
Right over the place where Jesus lay.

Then entered in those wise men three
Full reverently upon their knee,
and offered there in his presence
Their gold, and myrrh, and frakincense.

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord;
That hath made heaven and earth of naught,
And with his blood mankind hath bought.

The first Noel the Angels did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel

Could've Been

The flowers you gave me
Are just about to die
When I think about
What could’ve been
Makes me want to cry

The sweet words you whispered
didn’t make a thing
I guess our song is over
Cause we began to sing

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
Could’ve been my lover
Every day of my life

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
I never know what could’ve of been
On a cold and lonely night

The memories of our loving
Still linger in the air
Like a faded scent of your roses
Stay with me everywhere

Every time I get my hopes up
They always seem to fall
Still what could’ve been is better then
What can never be at all... at all

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
Could’ve been my lover
Every day of my life

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
You could know what could’ve of been
On a cold and lonely night

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
You could know what couldn’t of been
On a cold and lonely night

How can you know what could’ve been
On a cold and lonely night


Everybody's talking at me

Everybody's talking at me.

I don't hear a word they're saying,

Only the echoes of my mind.

People stopping staring,

I can't see their faces,

Only the shadows of their eyes.

I'm going where the sun keeps shining

Thru' the pouring rain,

Going where the weather suits my clothes,

Backing off of the North East wind,

Sailing on summer breeze

And skipping over the ocean like a stone.

I'm going where the sun keeps shining

Thru' the pouring rain,

Going where the weather suits my clothes,

Backing off of the North East wind,

Sailing on summer breeze

And skipping over the ocean like a stone


8. 求<成长的烦恼>里一首插曲

Could've Been

The flowers you gave me
Are just about to die
When I think about
What could’ been
Makes me want to cry

The sweet words you whispered
didn’t make a thing
I guess our song is over
Cause we began to sing

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
Could’ve been my lover
Every day of my life

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
I never know what could’ve of been
On a cold and lonely night

The memories of our loving
Still linger in the air
Like a faded scent of your roses
Stay with me everywhere

Every time I get my hopes up
They always seem to fall
Still what could’ve been is better then
What can never be at all... at all

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
Could’ve been my lover
Every day of my life

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
You could know what could’ve of been
On a cold and lonely night

Could’ve been so beautiful
Could’ve been so right
You could know what couldn’t of been
On a cold and lonely night

How can you know what could’ve been
On a cold and lonely night


9. 关于《成长的烦恼》中的某一集的插曲

恩 的确是叫swept away 经典

Swept Away一见钟情

I never had anything happen so fast 我总来没有经历过什么事发生的如此之快
Took one look and I shattered like glass 我只看了一眼我就象玻璃一样被(你的美丽)击碎了
I guess I let it show 我猜是我让你看出来了
Cause your smile told me you knew 因为你的笑容告诉我你已知晓
That you're everything I ever wanted at once你就是我马上想要的一切
There's no holding this heart我的心没有停顿
When it knows what it wants当它知道它想要什么的时候
And I never wanted anything more than to know you我想了解你胜过其他一切

I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

And so it begins 就这样开始了
This journey of love 这个爱的旅程
The summer wind carries us to places all our own 夏天的凉风会把我们带到属于我们自己的地方
The words of a look 你的一瞥就像一句话
The language of touch 你的爱抚就像一种语言
The way that you want me means so much你想要我的方式意味着太多了
And I never wanted anything more Than to love you 我想爱你胜过任何事

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do让你感受到我的感受

i am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
I was swept away 我对你一见钟情
Oo, I hope I wake up soon哦,我想要快点醒来
Oo, I'm a victim of that crazy moon 哦,我是那个疯狂的月的牺牲品

The very first time you said my name 当你第一次叫我名字的时候
I knew it would never sound the same 我就知道他将永远听上去与以往不同
Something about me has changed forever 关于我的一些已经被永远改变
Can't you see I am swept away难道你不知道吗,我对你一见钟情
No one in the world but you and I 除了你和我世界上没有人
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像新的一天是由黑夜开始一样
I was swept away我对你一见钟情

Oo..away..seeing my tomorrow's in your eyes 从你的眼中看到我的未来
Gotta find a way 能找到一个方法
To make you feel the way that I do 让你感受到我的感受
I am swept away我对你一见钟情
Without a warning没有任何预兆
Like night when the morning begins the day 就像当早晨开始白天时的黑夜
I was swept away我对你一见钟情
We were swept away 我们一见钟情
Dreaming of you 梦想着你
Swept away一见钟情

10. 成长的烦恼47集中的插曲叫什么名字

Swept away



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