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发布时间:2021-02-06 15:04:48

① 求小孩子唱的dj的歌


② 求首小孩子唱的英文DJ歌曲

we will rock you 小孩翻唱的版本

③ 一首开头是小孩唱的dj歌叫什么名字

这首是的,不信你听听: 歌名:Teenage Life 歌手:Daz Sampson What did you learn at school today ? 今天你在学校学了什么? That's what the teachers used to say 这就是老师常常说的 But they don't know 但他们并不知道 Don't understand, do they ? 也不理解,不是吗 Why do they always give advice ? 为什么他们总是给出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想出色就多思考" When it's been a long since they had a teenage life 自从他们成了青年就一直如此 What did you learn at school today ? 你在学校学了什么啊今天 That's what the teachers used to say 老师总是这样说 But they don't know 但他们不知道 Don't understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么他们总是提出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想干的好就多动动脑子" When it's been a long time since they had a teenage life 自从他们有了自己的生活就一直如此 Welling on the past, from back when I was young 回想着从前 当我还年轻的时候 Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song 回想着我的学生时代 努力写下这首歌 Classroom schemes and dreams 学习计划和梦想 Man they couldn't save me 大人们救不了我 Cause my days were numbered 我的日子屈指可数 When I signed down on “Avy” 当我被划上Avy的标记 Teenage kicks running out what could we do 年轻人埋怨着逃出了我们所做的一切 I still show respect to my boys who made it through 我依旧对那些顺利过关的孩子表示尊重 And getting told off Mr T how my life would be 继续听T先生责备我日后的生活 Then giving him a signal 然后给他一个信号 So everyone could see 让每个人都看到 Sunshine and shade 阳光与黑暗 Those girls I'd serenade 那些我想使之安静的姑娘啊 Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave 想着那些无拘束的日子 Hoping that those days would go on and on forever 真希望可以永远那样 Every day something new 每天都会有些新变化 Just friends running together 只有朋友们还在一起奋斗 But suddenly school ends 突然学生时代已结束 Your teenage life gone 青年不再 All your mates are growing up now 所有的同伴都张大了 They're moving on 他们继续活动着 And now I'm looking back 现在我回望着过去 I'll tell you what I know 我会告诉你所有我所知 Do you listen to your teacher ? 你听老师的话吗 No I don't think so 我可不这样认为 What did you learn at school today? 今天你在学校学了什么 That's what the teachers used to say 老师总是这样说 But they don't know 但他们不知道 Don't understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么他们总是提出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"样想出色就多动脑子" When it's been a long time since they had a teenage life 从青年时候开始就没完没了 Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine 现在如果你对孩子友善,他们就会与你愉快的相处 yeah yeah ooh shine 耶 耶 哦 愉快 And if you give the kids time, they won't do the crime 如果你给他们点时间 他们不会做错什么 Won't do the crime 不会 Now my bad old ways 现在我那些古老的坏行为 Were ring my school days 贯穿了整个学习生活 Messing on those grade A's 比起那些成绩优异的学生 My life is just a haze 我的生活简直一团糟 I'm going through the struggle 我挣扎着 Five ten and kicking back 又跳着回来了 So I could lock my flow 于是我让自己停下 Lace it up now on the track 缠主前行的道路 Oh yeh I felt the pain 我觉得很痛 Whilst chasing all the fame 追逐着所有的名利 I'm being told I'm nothing 无却被告之一无所获 Just a player in the game 不过是游戏中的一个玩家 But now I walk tall 但我现在走到高处 Stand proud for you to see 我就是你所认为的骄傲 I'm driving these fast cars 我开着那些快车 It's five stars for me 是我的五星级 What did you learn at school today? 今天你在学校学了什么 That's what the teachers used to say 老师总这样问 But they don't know 但他们不知道 Don't understand, do they? 也不懂 不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么总是那么多意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想出色就多动动脑子" When it's been a long since they had a teenage life 自从他们成了青年就一直如此

④ 求首小孩唱的DJ歌名!

性感男唱 Aloha_Heja_He 是不是这个?

⑤ 小孩唱的dj好像是小孩唱的一首DJ类型的歌,是英文版的,歌词是:嗨..我优..[是英文].


⑥ 一首小孩子唱的DJ歌曲


⑦ 一个小孩唱的一首DJ歌曲是什么啊先是清唱,一般迪厅放的````


⑧ 有小孩唱的DJ 节奏感挺强的

我歌曲库里的,符合 “有小孩唱的DJ 节奏感挺强的” 不过 没听到“哈!哈!哈!哈!XXXXXXXX,哈!哈!哈!哈!XXXXXXX ” 貌似是法国的 试听地址:http://www.songtaste.com/song/1671564/ 这个可能也是《wanna be Spice girls》 试听地址:http://www.songtaste.com/song/1554138/

⑨ 有一个DJ就是小孩子唱,哎哟哟哟哟哟那个是什么名字


⑩ 有一首歌小孩唱的DJ 好像是韩国的




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