『壹』 清远dj7索-全英文ElectroHouse音乐越鼓CocoJambo发烧电音串烧9分16秒的舞曲名字。
『贰』 清远Dj7索 -东莞东方天堂包房House终极Baby 53分钟那首House叫什么名字
『叁』 清远Dj7索 -(东莞东方天堂包房House终极Baby串烧 )中53分钟是什么英文歌曲。
Corona - The Rhythm Of The Night
『肆』 清远Dj7索_(全程30首麦霸最爱粤歌曲夜场包厢必备) 这30首能帮我听出来吗 谢谢
1.郑秀文 - 信者得爱
2.谢霆锋 - 爱后余生
3.陈柏宇 - 你瞒我瞒
4.洪卓专立 - 弥敦道
5.陈诗慧 - 多得你
6.陈奕属迅 - 明年今日
7.吴若希 - 爱要撑下去
8.邓丽欣 - 电灯胆
9.邓颖芝 - 苦情人
——这好像有 Twins - 我很想爱他 的间奏。
10.彭羚 - 你未讲过
11.林峰 - 爱不够
12.谢霆锋 - 游乐场
13.王杰 - 爱不起
14.张柏芝 - 留给最爱的说话
15.林志美 - 因我爱你
16.张智霖 - 祝君好
17.易欣 - 心碎
18.黄凯芹 - 给你留念
19.容祖儿 - 心淡
20.陈慧琳 - 前世
21.古巨基 - 爱与诚
22.古巨基 - 任天堂流泪
23.巫启贤 - 太傻(粤)
24.刘德华 - 心酸的情歌
25.杨千嬅 - 处处吻
26.郑秀文 - 唉声叹气
27.太极乐队 - 留住我吧
28.陈奕迅 - 裙下之臣
29.邓丽欣 - 黑白照
算上那个 我很想爱他 30首吧。
『伍』 清远Dj7索-全中文国粤语Breakbest音乐流行干线暖场泡沫主题串烧~~~最后一首粤语歌说唱是什么歌呀
ManhanD 《慢游世界》
作曲:McBee A.K.A BeeMan
作词:McBee A.K.A BeeMan & Toy玩具
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩哂 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输哂 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通哂 确定冇扭轪 就冇人会怪
试下用心感受呢个世界 原来过程系生活必须要接受既洗礼
有回忆回味系种美丽 life goes on 我地系实验室里面游离浪荡
玩紧实验验紧 right or wrong 发誓誓言究竟weak or strong
有可能系食言唔系食盐食错乱讲 这个实验证实失败 唔需要失眠
因为呢个世界有咁多谜题有问题 解极都系解唔哂all right
摆低所有希望oh my 遗忘自己仲有愿望 但系冇乜所谓
依然可以继续慢游另一个世界 睇你点睇 juz laid back
人一世物一世 冇人会想成世困系自己困扰既生活问题
但系现实有几多对手可以将佢击败 失败 又边个可以重新再嚟
边个唔想发达兼发围 唔想挨又有冇咁多优惠
挨极得个吉 有冇可能冇乜所谓 通常问题究竟系咪人为
有人太过收埋 太过自闭系咪压力太大 念得太坏 有啲弊
又赖社会既问题 问题发生又总有两睇 你又点睇
我系冇米暂时未能环游世界 但系我有音乐让我慢游愉快
唔怕淘汰 唔怕金融海啸难题 净系 怕你猛咁催我叫我快
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩哂 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输哂 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通哂 确定冇扭轪 就冇人会怪
我系出于污泥 但冇念过做堆烂泥 我只不过选择慢游呢个世界
每个人都有选择要企乜野位 一铺惯低 有几多个可以企番上嚟
我冇念过要威 又怕乜衰俾人睇 由得我地自由发挥
机会哪怕行唔出嚟 系快定系慢我念冇乜所谓
我讨厌 想改变 我想知道啲人几时哭完笑完
和平离我几远日后会点 我相信冇人真系识预言
但系对于将来都冇念过想点 唔好教我做人你我唔同观点
唔同世界真系无乜所谓 慢游真系几舒服 盏鬼
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩哂 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输哂 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通哂 确定冇扭轪 就冇人会怪
这个世界有咁大 你又点玩哂 转数唔快 会淘汰 冇人想出界
就一早玩晒 喂当你一铺输哂 再转换心态 已见惯不怪
眼看世界有咁坏 过百样丑态 有怪莫怪 我唔快 爱慢游世界
我一般心态 就算未睇得通哂 确定冇扭轪 就冇人会怪
『陆』 清远dj7索vs清远dj9索-全英文electrohouse音乐 第一分钟的英文歌叫什么名字
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
My friends had you figured out
Yeah they saw what's inside of you
You tried hiding another you
But your evil was coming through
These eyes sitting on the wall
They watch every move I make
Bright light living in the shade
Your cold heart makes my spirit shake
I had to go through hell to prove I'm not insane
Had to meet the devil just to know his name
And that's when my love was burning
Yeah it's still burning
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
Each time that I think you go
I turn around and you're creeping in
And I let you under my skin
'Cos I love living innocent
Oh you never told me
True love was gonna hurt
True pain I don't deserve
Truth is that I never learned
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
Give up the ghost
Give up the ghost
Give up the ghost
Stop the haunting baby
Give up the ghost
Give up the ghost
Give up the ghost
No more haunting baby
I keep going to the river
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
I keep going to the river to pray
'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain
And at most
I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you
It keeps me awake
Ghost - Ella Henderson
『柒』 清远dj7索 东莞东方天堂包房house终极baby串烧.最后的英文歌是什么
fuck fuck fuck
『捌』 超急求:清远 dj7 索 东莞东方天堂包房 house 终极 baby 串烧第三第四首歌的歌名!!!!!!!!!!!
Magnus Carlsson - I Need Your Love
Surisan - Where Have You Gone
『玖』 清远Dj7索 -(东莞东方天堂包房House终极Baby串烧 )中27分钟是什么英文歌曲