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发布时间:2021-02-20 10:58:07

❶ 《温情橄榄球》末尾主题曲是什么

(未知场景) – Unsquare Dance – Dave Brubeck Quartet
(刚开始的场景) – Cello Song – The Books
(在去Mike家的路上) – That Thang – Ashley J. Llorens and Mighty Wyte
(未知场景) – Erik Apologizes (from A Walk to Remember) – Mervyn Warren
(开车去餐馆) – Follow Me – Uncle Kracker
(在餐馆里) - Dry No Olives – Jon Gilutin
(未知场景) - The Way It Was – Daniel May
(未知场景) - Jingle Bells - Daniel Pinnella, Ric Markmann, Chris Wagner, Dean Butterworth, Tracy Waname and Allan Lanning
(未知场景) - Catch Me – Marcella Mortellaro
(未知场景) – Trouble With Me – Lucy Woodward
(和SJ在新车里唱的那段Rap) – Bust A Move – Young MC
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Showing Off – Riverside Community College Marching Band
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Hype the Crowd – Riverside Community College Marching Band
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Charge The Field – Riverside Community College Marching Band
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Football Funk – Ed Hartman
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Cheerleaders – John Stary
(教练在场边手机铃声) –1812 Overture (Finale) Ringtone – Zombie Bank
(第一场橄榄球比赛) – Not So Bad Marching Band – Riverside Community College Marching Band
(重装上阵) – How High the Moon – Les Paul and Mary Ford
(酒吧) - Money Ain’t A Thang – Lawrence Edwards
(未知场景) - Get Crazy – Zombie Bank featuring Red Ride
(NFL 选秀) – Going Up the Country – Canned Heat
(第一谢幕) – Chances - Five for Fighting
(第二谢幕) – Southern Voice – Tim McGraw

❷ NFL官方直播开场音乐(令人很兴奋的)

NFL原创的吧。。。 我也想知道哪里可以下载

❸ 五月天NFL 那首叫什么歌


❹ 前NFL球员音乐专辑介绍

When we think about gospel music, it warms our hearts to know God has sent so much talent to bless us. �Soulful artists Distinguished have joined the diverse group of gospel musicians, to present their worship and praise album, Warriors/Worshippers .With an air of serenity, each ballad resonates with the message of God�s greatness, His power to heal, forgive and forever bless. �With 11 tracks, Distinguished encourages listeners to boldly and selflessly praise and worship with their entire hearts.

Released on MPG Entertainment, Warriors/Worshippers is a result of an anointed effort put forth by former NFL players Gino Mingo and Marcus Price. �This is not the first time the two men have followed their hearts to bring the gospel to the world through music. �Gino, who also works as a senior associate pastor, released his debut solo album entitled The Unfolding. �The project featured renowned gospel artists such as Grammy award winning Israel Houghton and New Breed, recording artists Claude McKnight of Take 6 and Shake Anderson, former bass player for Earth, Wind and Fire.
由MPG Entertainment公司发行的‘Warriors/Worshippers’,是两位前NFL球员Gino Mingo 和Marcus Price的神圣作品。这已不是他俩首次感性地以音乐为世界带来福音。作为高级副牧师的Gino曾推出名为‘The Unfolding’的个人专辑;其中以著名的福音艺人为号召,如格莱美获奖人Israel Houghton 与New Breed、【Take 6】乐队的Claude McKnight、以及【Earth, Wind and Fire】的前贝斯手Shake Anderson。

The two retired NFL players have played professional football for the Jacksonville Jaguars, San Diego Chargers, Buffalo Bills, Dallas Cowboys, New Orleans Saints, B.C. Lions, and Kansas City Chiefs. �This collaborative effort from Gino and Marcus is impressive. �Their desire to lift up the name of God is reflected on the album, which delivers a message of faith, hope and praise to a God that is all-sufficient. �Tracks such as My Everything, speak of the Almighty�s prevailing power in the earth. �The song speaks of the importance of believing God will always be there even when things go awry.
这两位已退休的NFL球员曾经效劳于职业橄榄球队Jacksonville Jaguars、San Diego Chargers、 Buffalo Bills、 Dallas Cowboys、New Orleans Saints、 B.C. Lions及 Kansas City Chiefs。这张Gino 和Marcus携手合作的专辑给人印象深刻;专辑中传递着信仰与希望的信息,赞颂全足的上帝,使他们想要抬举上帝的欲望尽显无遗。例如其中的一首‘My Everything’,高歌全能的上帝在世上的威力。歌中提到相信上帝与你永在的重要性,甚至是出岔子的时候。

The album is filled with an array of uplifting, multi-tempo songs, such as the groovy, Warriors/Worshippers �and the contemporary, Say Something God Can Use. �The latter features strong vocals, following the message of God�s unending power. �The song urges listeners to exercise their faith by speaking and acting out the power of God. �Miracles are something God sends to those who can make it a part of their lives: Speak a miracle/Be acceptable/The words of [His] power/Speaks acceptable/Just say the words!
专辑充满一系列令人振奋的多种节拍歌曲,如绝妙的‘Warriors/Worshippers’及很现代的‘Say Something God Can Use’。后者展现很强劲的嗓音,追随上帝无穷无尽威力的主题思想。为了贯彻信仰,该歌敦促听众以语言与行动来表现上帝的威力。上帝只将奇迹送给那些能够将之作为他们的生活一部分的人:其余的曲子有Speak a miracle/Be acceptable/ The words of [His] power/Speaks acceptable/Just say the words!


❺ NFL主题曲歌词


❻ 五月天给 NFL唱的那个主题曲叫什么名字呀


❼ NFL五月天唱的那首歌叫什么如题 谢谢了

NFL第一集种的五月天在球赛开始前唱的那首歌叫 终结孤单 和学校乐团唱的第一个是 离开地球表面 第二个是 DNA NFL中间经常插播的是DNA 偶尔会播其他的歌

❽ NBA 篮球主题曲 所有的


1、《We Will Rock You》——NBA曾用主题曲,版本非常多,NBA里用的是震撼原版,来自乐队Queen。

2、《I still believe》——NBA一首广告歌曲,来自天后Mariah Carey。

3、《Don't Stop》——NBA2002-03赛季常规赛的主题曲,来自The Rolling Stones。滚石在2002年的精选集《四十年一舔》中收录了这首歌。他们从当年的学生乐队变成了如今白发苍苍的老家伙,但有一点是没有变的,那就是他们的“恶棍”气质。

4、《The Game Of Love》——同样是一首2002-03赛季的主题曲,来自拉丁摇滚第一吉他手Santana和当红的摇滚女声Michelle。歌名很容易让人想起NBA最耳熟能详的那句口号:I LOVE THIS GAME!

5、《Dig In》——NBA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲,来自Lenny Kravitz Lenny的名气也许不大,但他的音乐才华却是无人能够忽视。专集《Lenny》为他带来了如Billboard,Grammy,全美音乐节的最佳摇滚歌手。专集中最惹火的一首歌便是《Dig In》了,而且还被选为了BA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲,可能是歌名代表了每一位球员在面对篮框时的心声:“I Just Wanna Dig In!”

6、《Elevation》——NBA宣传歌曲,来自U2乐队。众多中锋爆发力十足的灌篮和封盖,以及摘抢篮板时的自信配以Bono霸气的演唱与U2狂放的编曲,充分体现了中锋身上那种如歌名一样的气质---“王者风范”,而歌中的几句歌词也正如中锋们在每次起跳时想要说的话:Higher now In the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation~


NBA(National Basketball Association)是美国职业篮球联赛的简称,于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,汇集了世界上最顶级的球员,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。



❾ NFL五月天唱的那首歌叫什么




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